Chapter 14

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James opened up the book. He had made it very clear what I could expect from him, but I was sincerely in love with him, so it didn't scare me. I had never thought about having kids. I had never made that a priority in my life. Kids wouldn't be a problem. I could live without them. I was quite sure of that. Love though, love was always a priority for me, and I loved him indeed. I loved him more than I could remember loving someone and I didn't want to give that away by any means.

So, opening up revealed to be a good things for us. Our relationship reached a new level. A level of peace and quietness and we were happy, I can say. Throughout the rest of the American leg of the tour, we shared great moments. We made love. We shared intimate details and confessed our feelings for one another countless times. The rest of the tour went with no further incidents, with no fights. I thought we were reaching the level of being indestructible. The level of finally trusting each other. LA proved me wrong. All the quietness came to an end, and the fights came back. LA, the last city of the tour, went wrong in many ways. In every way possible.

"Are you going out?" He asked me while sat on the couch of the living room of the suite.

Though we were in LA, and I had my apartment in there, James insisted that I should stay with him.

"With some friends." I said coming behind him and resting both my hands on his shoulders. He was a bit tense and I massaged him. "We talked about this." I told him. "You said you were ok."

"I know, have fun ok?" He told me. "Where are you guys going?" James looked back.

I shrugged. "Just to see a band live." I responded.

I felt guilty there. I should tell him the truth, but I was quite sure if I'd tell him that Colton was the lead singer of the covers band I was going to see, he wouldn't let me go. I was lying to him, and that was my first big mistake. I should have known better

"Big band?" He asked rather surprised.

"No, just a covers band. They are from college and play some small clubs around town during the weekends. They're not professional." I explained.

James gaze searched for mine deeply and I gulped. Somehow, that second, I felt like he knew exactly where I was going, but still he got up and kissed my lips.

"Have fun." He said running his thumb on my cheek.

Again his blue gaze locked on mine and I remembered the words he once told me "I would be able to let you go without a fight."

"I'll come back soon. I promise."

James gave me a faded smile and came back to the couch, giving me his back. I stayed there for a couple of seconds watching him and then left. My heart feeling so heavy that moment.

"Hi Lars! Bye Lars!" I exclaimed meeting Lars at the lobby.

"Where are you going?" He yelled as I was running.

"Paradise Garage!" I yelled back.

I met Diana, my best friend, her sister, and Sandy out at the street and then we went straight to the club. Though they wanted to go nearer, I refused to. I stayed on the back. I didn't want Colton to see me. I still didn't want to talk to him. That, or the fact that my guilty conscience was killing me. I could not forgive myself for not telling James the entire truth. I remained on the back and planned to leave once their show was over. Diana would go back and forward to convince me to go near though.

"Come on Cleo, you can go there!" She told me pulling my arm, but I resisted.

"No, Diana." I shook my head. "I don't want to go nearer, really."

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