Chapter 7

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After a while, I felt heavy hands on my shoulders and I rushed a hand to clean my tears. I truly didn't want him to see me cry. What would be my excuse? Colton? We would yell at each other again. Then, to make things even more difficult for me, he turned me around to him and I looked at my feet so he couldn't see my eyes, but a sniff gave me away. There's always something to give you away.

"Are you crying because of him?" He asked quietly.

There it was. He assumed everything was because of Colton. I shook my head though. Seeing he could not see beyond my ex and knowing he had been talking to his wife, my cry didn't subside. Even if I wanted to show him I was not crying, my shoulders shook into more crying.

"Come here." He said pulling me to him in a tight embrace.

His arms wrapped around me and my head buried on his chest. He topped me a few inches and I was engulfed against his body. I felt the smell of his fresh clean shirt and after that his manly scent invaded my nose. I remembered how I loved his smell and how I missed it and I remained quiet against him just feeding my need. My arms wrapped around his waist and he squeezed me even tighter. Could time just stop, please? I didn't want to leave that moment. I wanted that moment to freeze.

"You're gonna have to face him sometime." He continued.

A hand ran over my head in a caress and I kept silent just enjoying the moment. He was so wrong, but I didn't have the courage to correct him or enlighten him. My cry subsided but I held onto him tightly savoring it.

"Wanna go for a walk down there?" James suggested.

"No..." I finally spoke. "I wanna stay here like this." I replied honestly.

His head bent over me like he was protecting me from the world and the evil and it felt even nicer.

"With me?" He whispered against the crown of my head.

"With you..." I confirmed not afraid.

"Were you surprised that he called?" James asked patiently pampering my hair with a hand, not breaking the magic of that embrace.

He was so sure my sadness was because of Colton's phone call.

"I was you know..." I told him the truth again. "He was always so proud... even when we had a fight, I always had to be the one going to him. He never came to me. I remember apologizing even if I was right. So, I was surprised."

I explained how things worked between me and my ex. It didn't mean anything else than just that, but James saw it in some other manner.

"Do you wanna go back to him?" I looked up at him almost in disbelief and rested my chin against his chest.

I didn't know what to tell him. Maybe speak the truth was the best, but he was married. So, I just shrugged at his question. James broke the hug and pulled me with him. He sat on a chair and sat me on his lap, making me rest against his chest and wrapped his arms around me one more time. It seemed like he was rocking his little girl but I didn't mind. I wanted all physical contact I could get with him. I missed him beyond words and he... he was so blind. Or Maybe he just pretended her didn't notice.

"I don't know anything right now." I told him.

Part of what I was saying it was true but we were talking about different things. While James was referring to Colton, I was referring to him.

"You know, Cleo. You need to search inside yourself for what you really want. You have to balance your needs and what he can give you, and your feelings as well..." James sighed and I just waited for the rest. I knew he wasn't done yet. "Only you can decide this. Only you know what you want and what you feel." He added.

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