Chapter 18

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After 40 minutes, I saw James approaching us. Diana stared at him for a second.

"I can't get used to it." She told me making me giggle.

"Act cool Di, he's just a guy." I said.

"Hi." James told me, bending over me to kiss my lips. Then, he greeted Diana who shot him an embarrassed smile. "Let's go?"

"Sure." I said. I got up and kissed Diana goodbye. James held my hand and we walked to the van.

"Had fun?" He asked.

"Yeah..." My answer was a bit absent.

I wanted to know about his encounter but I thought it would be a bit rude if I asked him straight away, but I was so anxious to know about it. He seemed relaxed and even happy to be with me. I found myself studying every gesture of his just trying to figure out if he was alright with me. If he wanted to be with me. I was rotting in pure jealousy.

James ordered the driver to take us to "The Sunset". I knew that restaurant but I had never been there because it was not a place I could afford. So, I was rather curious about it but it revealed to be quite simple. Tough it had an astonishing view to the ocean. Holding my hand on our way in, we were greeted by a guy dressed in black, contrasting with the decoration of the restaurant which was all in white. He took us to a table near the huge windows and brought us the cart straight away.

"What are you going to have?" James asked me looking at the cart he had in his hands.

"I don't know... maybe this shrimp salad. It sounds nice." I said. James raised his eyes off the cart to look at me.

"Hum... I might got with the beef. I feel rather hungry." He told me.

We made our order and then we were left alone. James caught my hand in his and caressed it with his thumb.

"Are you ok?" He asked sweetly. "I am sorry you had to leave so suddenly this morning."

"I wouldn't stay there. Come on..." I said rolling my eyes. "It was so awkward."

"I know babe..."

"How did it go?" I took the chance to ask. He looked at me for a few seconds, then he spoke.

"It was alright. She brought the papers to sign." He said.

Then, he shut up and I felt like that wasn't just it. He was keeping something to himself.

"Just that?" I insisted. I wanted the whole story and all details.

"She signed it already." He told me.

I curled an eyebrow. Was he avoiding telling me more? I felt like he was leaving words lingering in the air with his every answer.

"Just that James? I mean, come on... she didn't come here just to give you the papers, right?"

He looked away contemplating the view and stayed silent. Then, his head turned to me again.

"Look... I want to be honest." I nodded hearing him. "She signed the papers. After all we had agreed with it, but she came here to tell me something before I signed it."

"And that was?" I felt the lump in my throat forming again. Something huge was coming.

"She told me she has been missing me. That these months away since I left the house made her realize that she missed to have me around." He told me.

"So, she wants another chance?" I asked feeling my voice running out on me. James nodded and I gulped. "What did you say?" I whispered. I feared his answer so much.

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