Chapter 27

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"What are you doing here?" James broke the unpleasant silence that was heard in the kitchen all of a sudden.

"You two need to talk." Lars said beginning his way out.

The door slammed shut and James and I remained staring at each other. My heart betrayed me and began to race. I was just confirming how much in love with his I still was, but so hurt at the same time.

"What are you doing here?" He asked again.

"I was just leaving." I said making my way to the door and opening it, just to shut it again right after.

I turned around to look at him, and he was with his back turned at me. James didn'0t have the courage to face me and I figured maybe there were some conflicting feelings within him too. Still, I had a few things to tell him and I had gathered all the courage to do so.

"I know everything. I know the apartment is yours. Didn't know you were such a coward... " I provoked. I let my hurt speak the loudest. "... not even having the courage to look me in the eye that you have to use a friend of yours to do what you wanted."

James turned around to face me that moment. "You forced me to have this kid!" He yelled.

I forced a laughter. "I forced you? I don't think I did... I even set you free to do whatever you wanted to do."

"You didn't force me? So how about calling me to say you were pregnant? How about telling me you would not interrupt the pregnancy? Isn't that to force me to have a kid?" He threw it all in my face.

"I called you moron because I thought you should know! Just because of that and since you told me you wanted me to abort I told you to go free. I would support her alone. I would love her alone. I didn't need you for that. It was your choice to leave. It was you choice not to call. It was your choice not to be at any of her appointments to the doctor. It was your choice to leave me alone in this, and I was already convinced it would be that way. I thought I made it clear that I didn't want your money or anything from you."

"And I thought since you were going through difficulties that I had to help ok?" He shot back. "You even dropped college because you couldn't afford it. What kind of man would I be if I ignored all that? What kind of father would I be if I know I am having a kid and she's going through a hard time when I can provide her a good life? You would never accept my help so I decided to do it this way. We don't talk to each other, so it would be a bit hard to go there and talk to you and tell you I wanted to help. You decided to have the baby, so you forced me to have it. That's the way it is whether you like it or not. You forced me..." He pointed his index finger at me in the end and I boiled inside.

"You are unbelievable..." I said shaking my head.

"If I am going to be a father, then I have to give my kid what she deserves and that's what I did. Deal with that." He added.

"What about love? Don't you think that's what she needs the most? Can you give her that?" I asked him with tears rolling down my face. "Can you give her love, James? You were never there. I am almost finishing my time and you never cared... you can't love a baby that you were never there for. Just because you decided to do this, it doesn't mean you love her and that's what matters the most to me! I was always alone in the doctor while other fathers were there for their kids. I wished many times that you were there, not for me because we're history, but for her... you had to be there for her."

"So, I was not that free to go after all, was I?" He defied me. I looked down at my feet.

"Why did you ignore her?" I asked him.

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