Chapter 29

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My parents left on Sunday afternoon and the next day it was work day for me. As I walked inside the office, I trembled a bit thinking if Frank would notice that I had been sneaking on his computer. I felt a bit guilty. I can't deny that. I felt like I did something wrong but at the same time that was the only way for me to find out the truth and after all... I was right. Everything I wanted to know was there as I had suspected but still I worked that day as if I knew nothing and Frank acted normal with me the whole time.

It also helped the fact that I had spent part of the afternoon out of the office delivering some papers to some clients, but when I came back I received the immediate note to go to his office. I felt afraid and before I went there I stopped by the bathroom and looked for a nice explanation to give him, just in case. Pacing around the white marbled floor I rehearsed every single word and when I felt I was ready I went there. I knocked first and I didn't ventured to open the door until I heard his voice telling me to go in. He sounded normal and calm, so I opened the door slowly.

Frank was not alone in there and when the door cracked fully open, and even if he was sat with his back turned to the door, I recognized James. All my insides shook and I was certain my fear had just came true.

"Sit down Cleo." Frank ordered and I took the seat next to James. We looked at each other and greeted ourselves in silence, just with a nod. "I have some papers here that you need to sign." Frank told me after.

"For me?" I asked surprised.

"It's because of the house." James said. I turned my head to look at him surprised.

"The house?" I asked him. Frank put some papers in front of me and I looked down at them, beginning to read.

"It's about the apartment you're living in. James wants to put it in your name." Frank said. I stopped reading immediately.

"No." I said firmly dragging the papers back to Frank. "I don't want it."

"Cleo..." James said my name almost as an order.

"I don't want it!" I exclaimed looking at him.

"I bought the apartment for you, so I want to make it legal." James said.

"And I am saying that I don't want it." I stated. Frank got up from his chair and I looked at him.

"I think you two should talk about this. I am going for a coffee and I'll be right back." He said.

I knew there Frank knew the whole time what my role with James was, but never once did he bring the subject up with me.

"James, what are you doing?" I asked turning the chair to him. He shrugged before he answered.

"The obvious. I initially bought that house for you. Since now you know the truth now, I can pass it on to you. That's all."

"I'll stay there but it remains your property. I don't want it. And as soon as I have enough money to support myself alone, I'll leave it. Then you can sell it, keep it, do whatever you want with it, but I won't accept this. There's no way you will make me accept this."

"Stop being so stubborn. I want to give you something for you to have something on your own." He insisted.

"But it's not on my own! Can't you see that?"

"Look... I don't wanna fight with you. I am done with fighting with you. The papers will stay here ready to be signed when you get over that damn stubbornness of yours, you just have to tell Frank and sign the damn thing."

"Fine, because I need to leave." I said getting up. "But I won't change my mind, bare that in your mind. Now I have to go because I have to go to the doctor."

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