Chapter 36

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The next morning, I was yanked off my sleep by Willow's desperate cry. She yelled at the top of her lungs making me open my eyes abruptly. I barely had time to stretch and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, for I had to go to her immediately.

"Calm down." I whispered sweetly while I rocked her in my arms.

I was sure she was going to wake up everyone in the house and even more James who was sleeping in the room right next to ours. I grabbed her pacifier and put it in her mouth hoping it would shut her enough time to let me slid inside some clothes, and it worked. I knew Willow was hungry, so I just put on the first shorts and top I found and took her down to the kitchen. In there, I prepared a bottle of her formula while rocking her in my arms at the same time. I had my tricks and I was already used to her rush. Between whimpers and my soft kisses on her forehead, I managed to keep her quiet until I finally was able to feed her. I sat on a stool and watched my daughter sucking her bottle franticly.

"Easy young lady." I said running a hand over her tiny head. "You're going to choke."

But Willow wasn't able to understand any of my commands and just sucked until she was tired. Then, it was the usual fight for her to finish it. It took some time but eventually she did. Knowing she wouldn't sleep right away and as it was still so early, I decided to take her down for a walk at the beach. I walked along the shore holding my sweetest treasure in my arms and enjoying the soft morning sun. I talked and sang to her. For a while, I sat on the sand and played with her, sucking every smile and every stare from her blue eyes. She wanted to blurt sounds when we talked to her already but she couldn't do so, she'd just open her mouth as if she was going to do it, but it delighted me same way.

Then, when I felt the sun rays were becoming too strong, I made my way back to the house. Everything was still quiet, like no one was around, but I saw a person near the pool, so I went there. I found James lied on the grass already dressed. I assumed Willow had awaken him when she cried earlier. His eyes opened as he felt my presence and he sat.

"Everyone's still sleeping?" I asked him.

"Yeah... they came home really late at night and they were kind of happy, so it might take a while until they get out of bed."

"I'm sorry she cried so early, but she was hungry. She has her own schedules." I explained.

"It's ok... she cries loud." He commented laughing a bit. I sat by his side and put Willow on my legs. "She's not sleeping..." James stated.

"No..." I said looking down at her. "I took her to the beach for a walk, but she's fully awake."

"I saw you from the balcony." He told me.

"I was expecting her to sleep, but..." Willow stared at James and then she smiled.

I looked at him and he was making a face at her, then we stared at each other silently.

"You told me a while ago that you were in love with me." James broke the silence. My heart jumped in panic at his comment. "But then you didn't do anything to win me back..."

"Oh James..." I said making a painful face. I disliked that subject tremendously.

"I was expecting you to do something, but then you didn't do anything. Why telling me you love me if then you not act like it?" He insisted.

"I didn't tell you that to win you back. I told you that so you could understand some of my reactions. It was never my intention to win you back." I explained. "I just didn't know how to be around you and we were fighting all the time, so I thought I had to let you know why I acted the way I did."

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