Chapter 3

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The next day I came back to the hotel That day and for as long as he stayed in LA. Our encounters were always intense. The same frenzy. The same lust. The same fire. Maybe even more ignited. Then, the biggest surprise came... he offered me a job... to go on tour with Metallica the whole summer. At the beginning, there was this doubt in my mind. Maybe it was not a good idea to spend so much time around him. However, the money was worth it. He offered me more than what I would earn if I stayed in LA, and I had lost my job. I accepted his offer, even if I thought it could be risky. On the other hand, it could also be fun. Lars put me as James's PA and I found myself around him almost 24 hours a day. At first it was good but, all of a sudden, it became weird. Truly weird.

I expected his wife to be there but she was nowhere to be found or seen. Our game continued. We continued having sex. Sometimes in between meetings, when I had to tell him what he had scheduled for the day. Other times he'd look for me in my bedroom. I never denied him. I wanted it as much as he did. Then, suddenly, it all changed. It changed from day to night. He stopped looking for me and I never had the courage to ask him why. He didn't owe me any explanation. I just assumed he got tired of me and that he was trying to find a new toy, even if I never felt like one in his hands. James always respected me and he was always a friend. He was never rude and he was always very discreet. I was quite sure others knew we had some sort of an affair, but never, any of them brought the subject up. According to Lars, who had become a close friend of mine meanwhile, one could notice some sort of intimacy between us. I never said a word about it. It was our secret.

I never understood why James backed away, but one day, while we were discussing some things about some interviews he had, I made my move on him. I kissed him and noticed he didn't kiss me back. He remained still, like frozen on his seat and didn't react. Just when my hands tugged on the waist of his jeans to unbuttoned it, his hands caught mine and he pulled them away gently. His blue gaze locked on mine and I looked at him inquisitively and he whispered a "No.", and that was it. I moved back and he never looked for me on that manner, though he still talked to me in a friendly tone as if nothing else had happened between us. I can't deny my pride was hurt, but I assumed he had his own reasons to do so and I tried to respect his boundaries. We never talked about it and I simply moved on.

Life on tour continued...

I passed by him feeling his blue gaze burning on my back. I was tired, exhausted even. Touring was nothing as I expected. It was much more and then a little. I closed the door of a small room on the backstage behind me and threw myself on the couch. I wanted silence and quietness and to be alone.

"God..." I whispered closing my eyes and letting my body relax a bit.

City after city. Country after country. Party after party. It was all leaving me beyond tired. I pulled my black hair up and tied it on a ponytail. My back sweating because of my long hair. The day was too hot in Madrid and I just wanted that day to end. Then, there was a knock on the door and it opened softly right after. I sat on the couch and looked back to find him already in his stage clothes, coming in.

"Tired?" He asked sitting in front of me. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Touring is killing me." I confessed. "You're free for the rest of the day." I said, letting him know he didn't need me anymore.

"Are you coming to the party tonight?" James asked me, looking in the deep blue of my eyes.

"No... not tonight." I shook me head. "I am going straight to the hotel and rest. I really need to rest my sleepless and restless body." I giggled nervously as he was still staring at me.

His staring eyes began to bother me a while ago. He became different to me a while ago, to be honest. James moved me. Then, he looked away, much to my relief.

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