Chapter 24

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The next two weeks were occupied packing all my stuff and planning to move up North. My mother stayed with me during that time. After all, packing with a huge belly wasn't easy at all. Diana also gave her contribution and sooner than I thought I was saying goodbye to my friends and inside a plane to the city of San Francisco.

I shed some tears while LA disappeared from my sight though. I couldn't ignore the years I had spent in that town. I had been happy in there despite all and I carried excellent memories in my heart. My mother grabbed my hand in support.

"It's going to be alright sweetie." She whispered in my ear, but I was scared.

I knew how it was to adapt to a new place and to a new town, and I had never been to San Francisco before, everything was unknown to me.

"I am so scared." I let out.

"You have friends in there. You'll see it's going to be alright. I'll stay with you just another week. Your father has been complaining on the phone. I also need to take care of him." She said and made me laugh.

"I can imagine him alone in the house." I commented, knowing my father was the most disorganized person I have ever met.

After an hour, we landed in San Francisco. My mother carried the stroller with our bags while I tried to see Lars and Connie, as they were the ones waiting for us. Finally, I saw a hand waving and saw Connie smiling at us.

"Welcome." She said, kissing my cheeks.

I greeted them both and so did my mother. Lars offered to carry the stroller while we walked to his car.

"Did you received my stuff last week?" I asked him.

"Yeah, well I wasn't there. A friend of mine was, as we couldn't be there at that time but he said there was 29 boxes." Lars confirmed.

"So you didn't check if everything was alright?"

"No, but it must be. That company I told you is very careful, don't worry." Lars said while driving.

I began to watch out the streets. No doubt, San Francisco was very different from LA, but at the same time I liked what I was seeing.

"Where is the apartment?" I said when I acknowledged we were crossing the bridge.

"San Rafael." He said.

"Lars!" I blurted.

"Don't worry." He reassured me. "Look, it's the best place around here. Nice schools and shit... you're gonna love it."

"But James lives there." I argued.

"It's not like it's a small village or anything. Don't worry about it, Cleo. Just enjoy your life." He said.

I looked out at the street again. I was worried. Living near him was not what I had in mind. I was sure, sooner or later, I would bump into him somewhere. Soon, Lars parked in front of a luxurious building.

"Is it here?" I asked with my mouth open.

"Yeah..." He said.

I watched the structures of the building and it all seemed recent, even new.

"Didn't you say it was an old apartment of yours?" Lars and Connie exchanged a look between them. I looked at my mother and she shrugged. "This looks like new." I added.

"It's not that new." Lars said. "There's a garage..." He said. "...when you get your own car you have your place in it. Here is the remote control to open the gate, ok?"

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