Chapter 1

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Caroline lives with her friends at the Boarding house, because after her mom died it was to painful to live in the house without her mother. Caroline was getting ready for the day when her phone rings, Caroline didn't recognize the caller id, and answered it curiosity getting the best of her. 

"Hello, who is this?" Caroline questioned as she put on her shoes. "It's Hayley, Hayley Marshall," Hayley said. "Give me one good reason I shouldn't hang up on you?" 

"I know you hate me after everything that happened and I hate you too but I have ran out of options and need your help with something," Hayley explained. "Why would I possibly even consider to help you, you snapped my neck and kinda dated Tyler," Caroline exclaimed. 

Hayley knew this wasn't gonna be easy and she hates Caroline, Hayley has always thought she was spoiled and gets everything/anything she wants. "Look...I know you and Klaus cared about each other deeply and if might not be that way anymore but he is in trouble."

This catches Caroline's attention, Caroline could deny it all she wanted but deep down she still cared for Klaus. "You should of just started with that, What kind of trouble is he in?" Caroline paced back and forth in her room. 

Hayley was cleaning up Hope's toys in the living room. "There was a fight and Klaus sacrificed himself for his siblings because they were dying and Freya, his older sister put a spell that linked Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, and herself to Klaus and then put a sleeping spell on all of them except Klaus. Klaus was stabbed with this blade that makes someone have horrible main and hallucinations." 

Caroline walked into her bathroom "How long have they been asleep and how long has Klaus been stabbed?" Caroline put her on speaker well she started to do her hair. 

Hayley pauses and takes a deep breath "Four years."

Caroline yelled, "Four freaking years since Klaus has been in horrible pain with hallucinations and the Mikaelson siblings been asleep for four years you decide to call me now! You are so lucky I'm not there in person at the moment because I would snap your neck in a heartbeat. I'll be in New Orleans soon," Caroline finished her hair and grabbed a Jacket.

"About that, Klaus is in New Orleans and his siblings are in Chicago with me." 

Caroline stopped in the living room where her friends were talking. "Fine I'll meet you in Chicago and you can tell me how to help." She hung up her phone. 

"So who wants to go to Chicago with me?" Caroline asked. "I'll go!" Elena said. "Count me in." Stefan said as he took a drink from his glass. 

The three looked at Damon, Bonnie, and Enzo. "Sure I could use an adventure?" Bonnie asked. "I was hoping you would say that." Caroline said. "What about you Enzo?" Bonnie stood up.

"Love, you know I would go anywhere you would," He put his arm around her making her slightly blush. "It's been dull around here and I need a adventure so why are we going to Chicago?" Damon asked as he set his bourbon down. 

"Trust me, you don't want to know," Caroline didn't have to time for Damon and his questions.

"Now I'm intrigued, Now you have to tell me," Damon said as they all walked out of the house. 

"Fine someone took down the Mikaelsons and I'm going to bring them back." She whispered, Caroline was determined to get the Mikaelson family together again. Damon laughs "Who took them down?"

"I don't know but don't tell any of the others cause you know when they find out they won't want to come," Caroline said. "Deal, but I'm driving." Damon got in the car. "Fine."

"So Care why the sudden interest in going to Chicago?" Bonnie asked as they started driving. "I have to pick up a few things there and I thought why not ask my friends to go with me," Caroline said not completely lying. 

The drive was pretty quiet the rest of the way to Chicago. Damon pulled up to the Warehouse that Hayley stored the Originals at. "Not to be noisy, but what are we doing at a warehouse?" Elena asked as they all got out of the car. "Hold on." Caroline was looking around. 

Hayley walked out of the shadows. "Finally took you long enough and you brought everyone."

"Caroline what are we doing in Chicago really?" Stefan asked. "They Mikaelsons are in trouble and weather we like it or not all of us are connected to them in one way or another, So let's help them." Caroline said. 

Hayley opened the storage locker to reveal four coffins. "I have to get back home to Hope but you know what you have to find to cure them. Right?" Hayley asked Caroline "Yup, bye." Caroline walked in and opened a coffin to reveal Kol. Hayley left.

"Bonnie, Damon, and Enzo can you find these cures, while we go inside their minds?" Caroline asked well handing them a piece of paper. "Yeah." Bonnie , Damon, and Enzo left to retrieve the cures they needed. "Okay, Everyone open a coffin, we are going inside their minds," Caroline said. 

Caroline was going into Kol's Mind, Stefan into Rebekah's mind, and Elena into Elijah's mind. 

They all end up in a beautiful garden with White house, they all look around "This place is beautiful." Caroline said. Stefan looks around the beautiful landscape they've landed in "How are the Mikaelsons thinking the same thing?" 

"Does it Matter, lets find them." Elena said.

A blonde woman heard voices and went out to the deck. "Who are you people and how did you get in here?" 

Everyone looks at her "Who are you?"

The woman looks at the newcomers "I'm Freya Mikaelson, Now who are you and how did you get in here?" The oldest Mikaelson asked.

"Oh my god, you're the older sister. I'm Caroline, this is Elena and Stefan we entered Kol, Rebekah, and Elijah minds" Caroline explained.

To be Continued...

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