Chapter 22

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Hope was running down the street when she bumped into someone. The person looked down and grabbed her shoulders. She held in a breath and looked up, she realized the breath when she saw who it was. 

"Caroline I'm glad I found you." Hope wrapped her arms around Caroline waist. Caroline hugged her back. 

"What happened? Where are Josh, Davina, and Marcel?" Caroline questioned. Hope told Caroline everything that happened. 

"Okay, Let's hurry before she finds us." Caroline picked up Hope and vamp sped towards the Salvatore house.


Everyone was already at the Salvatore house except Esther and them, when Caroline got there with Hope. "Why isn't she with Davina and them?" Klaus asked when they entered the house. 

"Caroline explained what had happened like hope did. "I'm glad you're okay." Hayley hugged Hope. 

They all started talking about how things went with where they were. "So the vampires, witches, werewolves, and Thana made themselves known except for Mikael." Damon poured some bourbon. 

"Yeah. That usually means he is coming up with a plan to attack." Finn said. The front door opened and Davina, Marcel, and Josh walked in. Davina had a cut on her head, Marcel and Josh were rubbing their necks. 

"What happened to you three?" Freya asked. "Thana. She is more powerful than we thought. Im glad Hope snuck away while she was dealing with us." Davina sat on the sofa. 

"What did she do to you?" Bonnie asked. Davina explained how she found them when she had a protection spell on Hope and then how she got through the magical barrier. 

"Not a lot of witches could do that. I know our Mother and Dahlia can." Freya said and then she was in thought when the front door opened. 

Bonnie, Enzo, Vicki, Matt, Esther, Dahlia, and Henrik walked in. The Mikaelson siblings saw their little brother for the first time in a thousand years. 

"Henrik." Klaus whispered with tears threatening to spill. Henrik looked at each of his siblings and then his eyes landed on Freya. 

He didn't know who she was cause he had never meet her. Rebekah was the first to hug her little brother. Then Kol, Elijah, Finn, and then Klaus. "Im so sorry Henrik." Klaus hugged his brother. "It wasn't your fault. I shouldn't have begged you to take me." Henrik looked at Klaus. 

Klaus just nodded, he was happy to see Henrik. "Hello, Im Freya" Freya introduced herself. "Your my other big sister." Henrik smiled and hugged her and she hugged back. 

Esther smiled at the reunion between her children. "Okay do you know where your father is?" Dahlia asked. They looked to Freya "Yes, It moves every time he does." Freya picked up the map. 

She showed them and the blood started to move towards the Salvatore House. "He is almost." She stated. 

"You all need to go hide somewhere. This is between us and him." Rebekah said and Klaus, Kol, Elijah, and Finn nodded. 

Everyone who wasn't a Mikaelson went into the Library. Hope went with them and Davina and Bonnie did a spell so to hide the sound of their breathing and to make it look like they weren't there if someone was to walk in. 


Mikael had reached the Salvatore House, he slammed the door open to see his children, wife, and sister-in-law. Henrik was waiting in another room waiting for them to call him. 

"Well isn't this the family reunion." Mikael walked in. "Hello Mikael." Esther said. "Well as much as I would like to chat I came here for the child." Mikael said. 

"Well she isn't here we don't know where she is." Dahlia said. "That's a pity, cause I'm gonna have to kill you all now." Mikael pulled the white oak stake out of his jacket. 

"I think I'll start with Niklaus." He smirked and walked towards Klaus. "You will not hurt him." Esther got in front of the oak stake. "

"I'll kill you if I have to Esther." Mikael pushed the stake towards her heart. "If you do that you'll never see Henrik again." Esther said. 

"Henrik is dead. What mind games are you trying to play?" Mikael got closer to her. "Freya dear, will you go get your brother?" Esther asked. Freya walked into the room Henrik was in and told him to come. 

They walked back into the living room. Mikael turned around and saw his youngest. "Thats not possible he died over a thousand years ago." Mikael said. 

"You thought the same with Freya and you of all people should know anyone can come back from the dead." Finn said. "You brought him back?" Mikael look at Esther and Dahlia. 

They both nodded. "If you think that I'm not gonna kill them just cause you brought back Henrik then you are mistaken." Mikael flashed in front of Klaus and held the white oak stake to his heart. 

"Well then get on with it." Klaus said. "You're not gonna run boy?" Mikael questioned. "Why so you can chase me for another millennium? Im done running from you Mikael." Klaus said his name with venom. 

"I'll finally rid this world of you, of this Monster you became." Mikael pressed the stake harder. "I'm this monster because of you. I wasn't always like this and you know that. How did you think I would turn out Happy, no care in the world? You beat me until I was bleeding out! I was always the victim of your anger!" Klaus yelled.

"I beat you cause you were weak, a coward." Mikael said. "I was not weak. I just wanted your approval and love like Elijah and Finn got." Klaus said. "I wanted to be loved by the man that raised me, So I did everything but it was never enough. When Freya came back all those years ago you accepted her with open arms that was one reason I killed you. You also made me feel less than I am." Klaus had tears in his eyes as did his siblings and mother. 

"So kill me, cause you are the real monster. I just followed in your foot steps father." Klaus said. Mikael backed away and had tears in his eyes. "I suppose your right. I brung this upon you because of what I did to you."

"I'm sorry my children. I should've been a better father." Mikael looked at all of his kids. "I'll help you kill Thana. I know it will never fix all the wrong I did but It's a start to make amends. After we kill her I want one of you to kill me." Mikael handed Finn the white oak stake. 


Thana was mad that Hope had escaped. She went to her hideout with the vampire, werewolves, and witches that were still alive. 

"If I can't kill her by my hand. We're gonna burn Mystic Falls to the ground." Thana evilly smirked. "You can't be serious." One of the witches said. "But I am and we will do it tomorrow night." Thana said. 

To Be Continued...

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now