Chapter 8

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Elena walked in the kitchen shortly after Caroline walked upstairs. Elena turned on the faucet and grabbed a glass. She took a sip of her water and let out a deep breath as she leaned against the counter looking at her shoes.

"Penny for your thoughts" Elijah leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed. He startled her. 

"You scared me 'Lijah." Elena looked at him. He walked over to her, so he was just inches from her. 

"What has you so consumed in your thoughts?" He moved a piece of hair back as she looked at him through her eyelashes. 

"Nothing important

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"Nothing important." She breathed out. They were so close together that she couldn't keep her thoughts straight. 

"You have gotten more beautiful over the years Elena." Elijah moved closer. 

She felt his breath on her face and she tried to think straight but having him so close was intoxicating. 

He pulled her into a kiss. 

They both pulled away to catch their breath

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They both pulled away to catch their breath. She looked at him and smiled but soon felt guilt she didn't like Hayley but that's who Elijah was with. 

"I'm sorry 'Lijah. Your with Hayley and I shouldn't have kissed you back." Elena said. 

"Elena, I ended things with Hayley earlier today." Elijah held her hand. 

"Why" I thought you were in love with her?" Elena questioned. 

"I did love her but while we were separated I realized how wrong we were for each other." Elijah caressed her hand with his thumb. 

"I don't want to be your rebound Elijah." She took her hand away from his. 

"You aren't a rebound Elena, If I being honest I also ended things with Hayley because I am still in love with you and seeing you made me realize that." He grabbed both her hands. 

"I am still in love with you too." She smiled. He pulled her in and kissed her again. 


Kol and Bonnie were left alone in the living room. "I sorry Darling." Kol said. 

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have got mad or jealous, We not even together anymore and I have a boyfriend." Bonnie looked down. 

"Darling its okay for you to get mad, If it makes you feel any better I got mad and jealous when I found out you had a boyfriend." Kol sat next to her. 

"Really?" Kol nodded. "I thought Kol Mikaelson never got jealous?" Bonnie teased. "I always will get jealous when it come to you darling. Haven't you learned that by now." Kol gave her a sad smile. 

"Why did you get mad Darling?" Kol asked as he held her hand. 

"Because before you left you said you would be back for me but 3 years had past and not a word from you but I guess it was because you were with some other witch." She said sadly. 

"I did come back for you." Kol said. Bonnie looked up at him confused as to why she never saw him if he did come back. 

"When? I never saw you." She asked. 

"Four years ago. I had just got to Mystic falls and I stopped at the grill to get some food. I walked in and I saw you with that Enzo guy and you looked really happy, I didn't want to go up to and ruin that, So I walked out of the grill and made my way back to New Orleans." Kol explained.

"So you wanted me?" Bonnie was shocked at Kol's confession. 

"Of course I wanted you Darling, I've always wanted you and I still do." Kol kissed her cheek and walked out of the living room. 

Bonnie was left sitting there thinking about how much she missed Kol and if she should break up with Enzo.


It was later in the evening and both Klaus and Caroline were getting ready for their date. 

Caroline borrowed a royal blue dress that stops mid-thigh from Rebekah. She curled her hair and did a natural make up look. She put on black heels. Klaus was in a black tuxedo.

Klaus knocked on Caroline's door. She opened it and smiled when she saw Klaus his his suit. 

"You looking Beautiful love." Klaus said. "Thank you. You don't look to bad yourself." She smiled. 

"Shall we go?" Klaus offered his arm. "We shall." She took it and they walked downstairs and outside to the black SUV. Klaus opened the door for her. 

They started driving. Klaus had told Caroline that he would plan their date, so she had no idea where they were going. 

"Can you please tell me where we are going?" Caroline begged for the second time. 

"Not a chance Love." He smiled. "Can you give me a hint?" She asked. 

"We are almost there." Klaus said. "Fine." She crossed her arms and pouted. 

They soon arrived by a lake. "Your not gonna like drown me in the lake. Right?" Caroline asked as he stopped the car. 

"No love. I'm not gonna drown you." He got out of the car and opened the door for her helping her out. 

They held hands as he walked he to a spot that was behind some trees. 

"Oh my god! It's beautiful." Caroline covered her mouth with her hands. 

There was lights hanging off of trees and candles that made a path to a table with plates. Klaus led her down the path and pulled out her chair. 

"You did all this?" She asked as he sat across from her. 

"Yeah, I had some help from Kol." Klaus admired. 

"Kol helped you plan this?" Caroline was shocked. 

"Yeah even if he don't like to admitted he can be a romantic sometimes." Klaus smiled showing his dimples. 

For the rest of the night they talked about everything and anything. They laughed about many things. Reminisce about times when they were alone in Mystic Falls. 

The night ended and they were back at the house. Klaus walked Caroline to her room. 

"I had a really great time tonight." Caroline smiled. 

"So did I love." Klaus pulled her closer and they shared a passionate kiss. 

To Be Continued

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To Be Continued...

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now