Chapter 21: Part 2

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Freya was standing in the middle of the library chanting a protection spell on everyone that was fighting. She was almost done when people started jumping through the widows making the glass shatter. 

Damon and Stefan started to kill some of them and they quickly identified them as vampires. It was already dark so that meant the werewolves were turning. 

Freya was almost done when a vampire tried to attack her. She chanted a word and broke all of the vampires necks. "You couldn't do that from the beginning?" Damon asked dramatically. 

Stefan shook his head at his brother and walked into the living room. He was sitting on the couch when he heard someone approaching the door. He quickly hid using his vampire hearing to see what the person was saying. 

"Quickly. We have to get the little girl before they realize we are here looking for her." The girl whispered to someone. "Fine Derek you'll come with me upstairs to search while Lily and Paige look down here." Another girl said. She grabbed Dereks wrist and pulled him. "Be careful Jasmine." Paige said. 

The two went upstairs and the two girls started looking downstairs. When they split up Stefan followed Lily. She had walked into the kitchen which was empty. 

She turned and was about to scream but Stefan covered her mouth. "I don't want to hurt you but if you and your friends don't leave now I will kill you." Stefan said. 

She bit his hand and his quickly pulled it away from her mouth "As if I would ever listen to you. Now where is the child." She glared at him. 

"You should have left when you have the chance." Stefan said as the veins under his eyes appeared and his fangs showed. 

She turned around to run but before she could leave the kitchen he was infront of her. He attacked her neck, he stopped when her heart beat was faint. He then when in search of the others and did the same. 


Enzo, Vicki, Matt, and Bonnie were standing near Esther and Dahlia. They were starting the spell, they could hear howls of the wolves. 

Soon the wind could be heard banging against the windows and door. There was a circle of salt and the two sisters were chanting around it. 

"Is this gonna work?" Vicki whispered to Bonnie. "Yeah it should." Bonnie replied. 

Enzo's hands were behind his back and he turned to walk away. He went where all the books were about supernatural beings. 'Might as well read, while we wait' He thought to himself. 

Soon the candles blew out and the was a gasp for air. Enzo, Bonnie, Vicki, and Matt went closer to the circle. 

They saw a young boy, no older than 13. He was were some clothes from the Medieval times and had brown shoulder length hair. He looked around frantically "Where am I?" He asked quietly. 

"Your alive again." Esther said. He looked up at her and stood up right away "What do you mean...again?" He asked. Dahlia and Esther shared a look "What is the last thing you remember Henrik?" Dahlia asked.

He thought about it for a moment "I remember...I remember everything its like it just came back. I went to the woods with Nik and we watched the wolves and then I was attacked. He was screaming for someone to help and then I was out of my body like I see you all but you couldn't see me." He explained.

"You were on the other side?" Bonnie asked. "Yes, but when it collapsed everyone there including me vanished but then we all woke up and it was back again." He said. 

"It must of been the doing of the witches they need the other side for the supernatural until they find peace." Dahlia said. "So why am I back, Mother?" Henrik asked. 

"We need your help." Esther then started to explain everything. 


Davina, Josh, and Hope are at Caroline's moms house...which is now hers. Hope was sitting at the counter and drawing. "What do you want to eat Hope?" Davina asked as she looked through the fridge. 

"What do you have?" Hope asked looking up from her picture. "We have some sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, and some pizzas." Davina said. 

"Can we have pizza and Mac and cheese?" Hope asked with a smile. "Of course." Davina smiled back. 

"Josh do you want to draw with me?" Hope looked over at Josh. "Sure." He got up from the couch and sat next to her. 

She handed him a piece of paper and some colors. Davina put the pizza in the oven and started making the Mac and cheese. 

Marcel was outside of the house walking from the front to the back to make sure nobody got passed him. His neck got snapped from behind and he fell to the floor. 

Thana watched his body fall and walked towards the front door. She went to open it but couldn't get past the protection spell. "I know you're in there!" She yelled. 

Hope dropped her crayon and Davina turned off the oven and grabbed Hope. "Stay here okay" Davina said as she hid her in Carolines old closet. Hop nodded and shut the door. 

Thana got through the protection spell and walked towards Josh and Davina. "I must say that protection spell was quite good." She smiled evilly. 

"What do you want Thana?" Davina questioned. "Well I see my reputation proceeds me. I want the child of course." Thana walked around the two of them. 

"Well you're not getting her." Josh said. "We'll see about that won't we?" She smirked and with the flick of her wrist snapped his neck. 

Thana looked at Davina. Davina used all she had and threw Thana across the room. Thana laughed "That won't do anything to me sweetheart." Thana got up and threw Davina against a wall and then dropped her. Making he pass out, Thana walked towards the rooms and looked in them. 

She had finally reached Caroline's room and walked in. She didn't find anything so she looked in the was empty. 

She looked around frantically and saw the window was opened. She ran out of the house and towards the way she thought she would find Hope. 

The young tribrid was running like her life depended on it, because it did after she heard Thana get thrown across the room she left through the window. 

To Be Continued...

So I just published a new story and I would really like if you all could go check it out. It's about Klaus and Elena. 

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