Chapter 5

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Bonnie, Kol, and Damon were walking on the side walk when they seen Josh walk into a alley that was behind Rousseau's. They followed him and he was alone Bonnie started to give him aneurysm and him fell to the ground. Kol and Damon grabbed him and went into Rousseau's since it was closed. 

Bonnie spelled the place so Josh wouldn't try and escape. Josh soon woke up and freaked out "What the hell?! Kol!" Josh was surprised to see Kol because he thought there wasn't a cure for Marcel's bit. 

"Hello Josh." Kol said in a sinister voice. "Who the hell are these people?" Josh pointed at Bonnie and Damon. 

"While this Damon we were enemies and now we are civil to each other...This is Bonnie my ex-lover." Kol pointed at the two. 

"Technically I'm his ex-fiancé." Bonnie said. "Wait you two were engaged?" Damon was shocked. Nobody knew they were engaged except Elena and Caroline. But before they told anyone they broke up because he was moving to New Orleans and didn't want to leave Mystic Falls. 

They both nodded. "How come nobody told me." Damon was mad cause his best friend didn't tell him such news. "We only told Elena and Caroline, then we were gonna tell everyone but things ended." Kol said sadly. 

"Does Enzo know you were engaged before?" Damon asked cause he knew Bonnie didn't tell Enzo who her ex was. "No and its gonna stay that way." Bonnie said.

"Well I never thought Kol would be one to settle down." Josh was sitting at a table. "I'm not gonna settle down for a while." Kol grabbed some bourbon and poured Josh, Damon, and Himself some. 

Bonnie just looked at Kol and started to think what it would have been like if she had moved with him to New Orleans. "So what did you want?" Josh asked.

Nobody answered him. "You are gonna try and get Klaus aren't you" Josh stated. "Yup now tell me what do people do for fun around here?" Damon asked as he poured himself some more bourbon. 


Freya, Rebekah, Enzo, and Stefan walked into the Mikaelson's old home. "Marcel! Marcel! Marcel! Marcel! Marce-" Rebekah got cut off. 

"What!?" Marcel walked out of a room and jumped off of the railing. He landed in-front of the four. 

"Bekah. Freya, it's so good to see you are alright." Marcel said. "Who are these guys?" Marcel pointed towards Stefan and Enzo. 

"I'm Stefan, Rebekah's Boyfriend, and this is Enzo a friend." Stefan introduced himself. 

"Your the guy from the penthouse, you were with that girl." Marcel recognized Enzo. "Guilty." Enzo smirked. 

"So where is she?" 

"She is with Kol, Damon, and Josh." Rebekah said. "If they hurt him..." 

"Relax, he'll be fine." Freya said. "So I am assuming you are here for Klaus." Marcel said. 

"You assumed right. I thought we could try asking first," Freya said. "So can you give us Klaus back?" Freya asked. 

"No. He is mine!" Marcel said. "Fine then." Freya said. She started chanting a spell and Marcel started to cough up blood. Someone grabbed her from behind and covered her mouth. Marcel got up and started laughing. 

They all started fighting. 


Caroline, Elena, Lily, and Elijah got to the underground tunnels and seen salt in a circle. "He is in there." Lily said. She started chanting a spell her eyes rolled to the back of her head. 

The circle of salt opened up and Caroline grabbed Klaus. Lily stoped chanting. "The blade is still in him." Elena said. "Im so sorry Klaus." Caroline stuck her hand inside of his chest and grabbed the blade out. 

He sat up breathing heavily. "Caroline." He managed to saw before he passed out in her arms. She bit her wrist and put it next to his mouth. He smelled the blood and started to suck the blood. He pulled away from her wrist and she hugged him. 

"Thank you Love." He held her. "I hate to interrupt this beautiful moment but we must go." Elijah said. "Okay." Elijah helped Klaus up and they started to walk towards the exit of the tunnels. 

While they were walking out, Bonnie, Damon, and Kol had left an unconscious Josh at Rousseau's while they made there way back to the car. 

Marcel realized that this was a distraction. "No." He ran to where he had Klaus. Freya, Rebekah, Stefan, and Enzo took that as a chance and left to get back to the car. 


Everyone met where they had parked the two cars. "Hurry lets go." Kol said as he got into the driver seat of one the cars. 

They all got in the cars and started to drive away. Marcel seen them drive out of New Orleans. Klaus was happy he would finally see his daughter. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now