Chapter 9

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It was the next day and Freya was in the barn about to do the unlinking spell.

Damon walked in and saw her. He couldn't help but feel slightly attracted to her. He gorgeous slender body and green eyes as she carried herself with grace and tact could lear any man in.

"What can I do for you Damon?" Freya asked not even looking up.

Damon smirked and walked towards the blonde beauty. "I'm just admiring from afar."

"Well since you are here you can help me." Freya looked up at him and couldn't help but get lot in his piercing blue eyes.

"What do you need?" Damon asked bringing her out of her trance.

"Can you collect my siblings blood?" She asked as she looked anywhere but his eyes.

"Yeah Ill be back in a few." He walked out of the barn and towards the house. She let out a deep breath and thought to herself 'why am I suddenly attracted to this blue eyed man?'


Bonnie sat in bed while Enzo was still sleeping. He looks so peaceful-she thought to herself.

Her mind kept going back to the events in the living room with Kol. She thought back to other time they were happy together. They had been dating for two months at the time.


Kol was outside of Bonnie's house, he was waiting for her so he could take her to school. He was leaning against his car when the dark skinned beauty walked out of her house.

She had a wide smile as she stopped in-front of her boyfriend. "Hello Darling." He kissed her cheek. "Hi Kol." She smiled more.

He opened the door for her and waited for her to get in. He got in the driver's seat and drove towards the school.

"Did you get a good night's rest?" He turned the corner.

"Yeah It was the best sleep I've had in days." She smiled.

They soon arrived at school, he got out of the car and opened her door. He grabbed her hand and helped her out and she just shook her head smiling.

"I'll see you after school." She hugged him.

"Bye Darling I love you." He smiled. She turned around and looked at him he couldn't have possibly said those three words could he? she thought.

"What did you say?" She walked closer to him.

"I said Bye darling." He smirked.

"After that." She was now face to face to him.

"I love you." He smiled.

"I love you too!" She squealed as he pulled her into a kiss.

End of FlashBack

Bonnie smiled at the memory, She was so happy when he had finally said those three words.

Enzo shifted in the bed and Bonnie snapped her head towards him. "Good morning love." His voice deep from just waking up. "Good morning." She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes.

He pulled her down closer to him and he stoke her hair as she laid on his chest.

"Enzo can we go out tonight?" Bonnie asked.

"Of course love. I plan it." He kissed her head.

Bonnie sighed, she was gonna do. She was gonna end things with Enzo so she could figure out her feeling for Kol.


Caroline rolled off of her bed and hit the floor. She groaned and stood up. She got ready for the day and couldn't help but smile thinking about her date with Klaus yesterday.

Caroline was dressed in a floral green dress with a dark green cardigan and black heels. She walked downstairs and went to the kitchen. 

She saw Stefan and Rebekah cooking breakfast. "Hey Care!" Stefan smiled as he prepared a plate. 

"Hey." She smiled seeing her best friend happy. 

"Go sit in the dining room, Bekah and I will serve you all." Stefan said as Rebekah made eggs. 

"Okay." Caroline walked into the dining room and saw everybody siting at the table. 

Elena was between Elijah and Bonnie, Bonnie was next to Enzo, Freya was at the end of the table by two empty seats and on her other side was Damon, Hayley was next to Damon and Kol. On Kol's other side was Hope and then Klaus sat at the end and there was a seat empty next to him. 

Caroline sat next to Klaus as the chatter around the dining room got louder. "Love you look ravishing as always." Klaus smirked and she slightly blushed. 

"You know I'm to smart to be seduced by your charming words." Caroline raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms with a small smiled on her lips. 

"That's one of the many reason I fancy you." He whispered in her ear. A shiver went down her spine and he pulled away smirking. 

"Let's go on a walk after breakfast?" Klaus asked and she nodded. 

Soon after everyone ate Caroline and Klaus disappeared from the dining room and slipped out the back door. 

"So why did you want to go on a walk with me?" Caroline asked. 

"I wanted to ask you something." Klaus said. 

They both unconsciously held hands. "Well ask away." 

He stopped walking which made her stop "Caroline Elizabeth Forbes, Will you be my girlfriend?" Klaus was now facing her.

She smiled brightly "Yes!" 

She pulled his shirt and kissed him. He pulled away slowing smiling at each other and then flashed her against a tree that was nearby and attacked her lips.

 He pulled away slowing smiling at each other and then flashed her against a tree that was nearby and attacked her lips

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Stefan and Rebekah went upstairs to the room they were sharing. 

"Stefan what's gonna happen to us when you leave?" Rebekah finally voiced the question that has bee lingering in her mind since they have arrived here. 

"I was hoping you would come back with my to Mystic Falls." He shyly said. 

"I'll have to talk to my brothers about leaving but I believe that could be arranged." She smiled. 

She didn't want to lose Stefan again, I mean sure she had a thing with Marcel before he tried to kill her brothers but it was nothing compared to what she had with Stefan. 

Rebekah would talk with her brothers before dinner so they could decide if they were gonna go back to Mystic falls with her but also with their love interest. 

Stefan brought Rebekah out of her thoughts when he kissed her neck, she let out a soft moan. 

To Be Continued...

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