Chapter 13

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A/N: Just made this video as a intro I hope you like it.


There they were as the had just past the 'Welcome to Mystic Falls' sign. It was only a matter of minutes till they reached the Salvatore Boarding House. 

They had left Texas right after they packed up the whole house in less than a day. It was already past midnight and Hope was sleeping. 

The Mikaelson family would be staying in the Salvatore Boarding house until they get their house rebuilt because some kids burned it down. 

They reached the house and parked the cars in the driveway. Hayley carried Hope inside with her little wolf. 

Stefan showed each Mikaelson their room. Freya's room was next to Damons, Stefan and Rebekah shared a room, Caroline and Klaus shared a room, Elijah and Elena shared room, Kol's room was next to Bonnie's, Hayley's room was next to Enzo's, and Hope's room was near Hayley's room. 

They had all felt exhausted and soon fell asleep. 


It was the next morning and everyone was in the kitchen waiting for Damon to finish cooking breakfast.

"So what are everybody's plans for today?" Elena asked. 

"I'm take Hope and show her around." Hayley said. "Nik and I are going to talk to the contractors about rebuilding the house." Caroline said. 

"I am gonna just stay here." Bonnie said and Kol, Freya, and Damon agreed. "I haven't decided yet." Enzo said. "Stefan and I are going shopping!" Rebekah exclaimed. "Elena and I are  staying here." Elijah said. 

Damon gave everyone their food and they all ate. A little later in the day Hayley left with Hope, Klaus and Caroline left, Enzo went to the grill, Rebekah and Stefan went to the store and Elena and Elijah left.


Bonnie was sitting in her room thinking about everything that has happened in the last few days. She let her thoughts drift to the man who has her heart. She loves him and she was finally going to tell him. 

She walked out of her room and knocked on the door next to hers. "Come in!" She heard him yell. 

She walked in but he wasn't there, then she heard the shower running. "I'll be right out!" He said. 

The water soon turned off and Kol had grabbed a towel and walked out of the bathroom steam following him out. 

Bonnie looked at him and bit her bottom lip. She couldn't look away from his sculpted and defined abs. "Darling, you enjoying the show?" Kol teased her. 

She looked down blushing and rolled her eyes. He walked over to her and lifted her chin so she would look at him. 

"I like it when you blush." Kol said. 

Bonnie smiled "I wanted to talk to you about something." 

"What about?" He asked. 

She stood up and now their faces are only inches apart. He kept looking down at her lips and she did the same. 

He still had the towel around his hips. Her hands ran up and down on his visible chest, he pulled her closer. His warm breath on the side of her face, sent shivers down her spine. His hands had a firm grasp on her butt. 

Their eyes never left each others. She moved her hands up, one on his cheek and the other on his neck. She pulled his face towards hers and their lips touched. 

Soon they were franticly kissing each other like their lives depended on it. Kol pushed her on the bed and was on top of her. He lips left hers and trailed kisses down her neck to her collarbone. 

He ripped her shirt open sending some buttons flying. His lips traveled further down her body, Bonnie moaned every time he sucked on a spot of her skin. 

His towel was long gone, he took her shirt off all they and unhooked her bra in one move. He sucked and played with her boobs, then moved back down. 

He unzipped her shorts and took them off with her panties. She shuddered when she felt his hot breath down there. He kissed her inner thighs and got to her core. 

He licked, sucked, and bit. "Kol...I"She said between moans. He went back up and kissed her. They kissed and their hands roamed each others bodies. Bonnie flipped them over so she was on top. 

She kissed him and moved to his neck finding his sweet spot and sucked. He let out a low groan. She positioned herself and soon he was inside of her. 


"God they're loud." Damon groaned as he sat on the sofa. "Stop being a crybaby. Just put on some music, so you can't hear them." Freya was reading a book. 

Damon turned on the radio and it drowned out Bonnie and Kol. He started dancing to the music while drinking his bourbon. 

Freya looked up and smiled when she saw him dancing. He sat next to her "So what are you reading?" He asked. 

"It's called Things fall apart, it's one of my favorite stories." She said. "That's a good book." Damon said. 

"You've read it?" She asked. 

"Yeah I didn't think I would like it but its really good." He stood up and grabbed the bottle of bourbon. 

"Want some?" He pointed the bottle towards her. "Sure." She drank it from the bottle like her did. 

Soon they were both pretty drunk, dancing to the music and laughing at something the other one said. 

Freya faced Damon as he drank the last bottle of bourbon they had. He looked at her and they stared into each others eyes. She was captivated by his baby blues. As he was with her green eyes. 

The moved close to each other, Damon pulled her by the waist and kissed her. She kissed back immediately. 

He pushed her against the wall and kissed her neck and collarbone, while his hands explored her body. 

The front door slammed shut and they both pulled away from each other. 


Klaus and Caroline had just pulled up to the boarding house. Their meeting with the contractors went well they start building tomorrow. 

"I can't wait until they finish the house!" Caroline excitedly said. "I know, love."

Hayley and Hope arrived when they did and they all walked in the house together to be greeted by an unexpected scene. 

Freya and Damon making out against the wall. Klaus slammed the door and they pulled away from each other and looked down.

To Be Continued...

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