Chapter 24

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Aurora had her task and she was gonna see it through. She didn't care what she had to do...she wanted revenge on those damn Mikaelsons. 

Who are they too think they could put her under a spell for 5 years and not face her wrath. I mean sure she deserved it but really 5 freakin years. 

Aurora arrived at the Salvatore boarding house with a Blonde in her arms with a snapped neck. She used her vamp hearing to listen into the house. She could her music, laughing, talking, and what sounded like someone pouring a drink. 

They were all in the living room and she pushed open the door. All eyes went to her and then she dropped the blonde on the ground. "Hello." She smirked and shut the door behind her. 


Everyone was in the living room enjoying the time they had together before they went to end Thana. Hope was in her room sleeping so she had enough energy. Freya put on some music, it was loud but not loud enough that they would have to yell when talking to each other. 

Damon poured Enzo, Tyler, Klaus, Elijah, Stefan, Mason, Kol, Finn, Matt, Marcel, Josh, and himself a drink. The girls already had their drinks. They were all talking and then laughing about how stupid they all were a few years ago when they didn't like each other that much. 

The front door opened and Aurora walked in, bring them to stop laughing and turn off the music.  She dropped the blonde on the floor "Hello" She smirked and shut the door behind her. 

"How are you here?" Freya asked. "Well dear Freya, almost a thousand years ago I was turned." Aurora smirked. "Hello Nik, I hope you like the present I brought you." She gestured towards the blonde.

Klaus flashed in front of her and held her by the neck "How did you get up, Aurora?" He said her name with venom. "Nikky, that's no way to treat an old love. Now is it?" She pouted as she pulled his hands off her neck. 

He growled. "Now one of you pick up the blonde." She pointed at one of the guys. "Who is that?" Davina asked. "Oh, don't tell me you forgot about dear Camille." Aurora smirked. 

Klaus tensed at the name of the girl who he once loved. "Aurora is it?...I think you should leave." Esther said. "I don't know who you think you are but you don't tell me what to do sweetheart." Aurora glared at Esther. 

"Listen, Sweetheart...I don't appreciate when sluts like yourself try to hurt my family." Esther smiled sweetly with clenched teeth. 

"Ahh...So you're the original witch. I got to say you're not really one to talk, because didn't you sleep around and have a child out of an affair." Aurora shot back. Esther rolled her eyes and Aurora fall to her knees hold her head screaming. 

"Now I'm not gonna tell you again." Esther said as she stopped. Aurora's head snapped to the side and her body fell to the ground. Everyone looked up and saw Rebekah "What? She was being annoying." Rebekah shrugged her shoulders.

Klaus, Josh, Davina, Hayley, and Marcel walked over to Cami's body. "Who is she?" Caroline asked. Klaus looked at her and sighed "She was a friend of mine." 

Caroline nodded not really believing it because of the looks Elijah, Rebekah, and Kol gave him. She decided to question him when they were in private. Cami's upper body shot up and she was breathing heavily. 

She looked around and saw all eyes on her. "Where am I?" She asked as she looked around. She looked down at her body. "How am I alive?" She asked again. 

"Cami, Calm down and we'll explain." Marcel said and she nodded. She sat right on the couch and Stefan handed her a blood bag. "Thanks." She quietly said. 

She drank some blood and her skin returning to its normal color. "So Cami what do you last remember?" Davina asked. Cami took a deep breath "I remember being bitten by Lucien and then I was dying with Klaus by my side." Cami explained. 

"Cami it's been five years since that happened." Josh said. "So how am I alive?" She asked. "We don't know. Aurora brought you here." Freya said. Cami nodded and looked around "So who are all of you?" Cami asked.

"Love, this is Stefan, Damon, Elena, Bonnie, Sage, Caroline, Lexi, Enzo, Tyler, Mason, Matt, and Vicki." Klaus said. Caroline felt a pang of jealousy and a flash of hurt crossed her face when she heard Klaus call Cami love. 

The Mikaelson siblings were the only ones to see the hurt to flash across Caroline's face. Everyone waved or said hi to Cami. Rebekah feeling bad about her new blonde friend she did something.

"Well, You can catch up later with Camille. But we must leave now Nik," Rebekah looked at her brother. Klaus looked at her and then saw her slightly gesture to Caroline who was looking down with her arms crossed over her chest. 

"Rebekah is right we should get going. Caroline can you go get Hope?" Klaus looked at her and she barely spared him a glance as she walked out of the living room. 

Everyone noticed except Cami because she didn't even know he was seeing anyone. He tried to brush it off "Um...You all know what to do I'll see you all after." Klaus said as each of them walked out the door and Cami with them. 


Caroline was upset, she felt like how she use to when she was in high school. She saw the way Klaus was looking at Cami. It was almost the same way he would look at her. She had walked away without looking at him cause she felt if she did she would break down in tears. 

She walked into Hope's room and saw her putting her shoes on. "Hey Hope. Are you ready?" Caroline asked. Hope stood up and smiled. "Hey Care...Yeah Im ready." 

Caroline smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes and Hope noticed. "What wrong Care?" Hope said concerned for her new friend. Caroline shook her head "It's silly." 

"It's not silly if it's making you upset." Hope crossed her arms and looked at Caroline. Caroline walked over and sat on the bed and Hope sat next to her. 

"What's wrong? I won't tell anyone." 

Caroline sighed "It's just I got Jealous and sad." 

"Why? What happened?" Hope looked up at Caroline with her big green blue eyes. "Its just this guy I'm completely in love with might still have feelings for his ex" Caroline said with tears. "How do you know?" Hope asked. 

"Its the way he looked at her, he doesn't look at me that least not anymore. He always used to look at me like that and he called her love. I mean I know he does that but It just hurt and then he lied to me about who she was but it was obvious." Caroline's voice was shaky. 

"While my daddy is stupid if he doesn't love you or still has feelings for that other girl." Hope slightly smiled. "How did you know it was your daddy?" Caroline asked teasingly. Hope smiled brighter "Because...the way you look at him, its pretty obvious you love him. I'm seven not blind."

Caroline shook her head smiling. Klaus was on the other side of the door and heard everything. He didn't mean to make Caroline feel like that, it was just over welming to see Camille after five years but he doesn't have feelings for her. 

Sure he will always care for her but not the way he care's for Caroline. He called Cami love because it's what he calls all girls. But Caroline isn't another girl, she is the one he want's to spend all of eternity with. That's why he is gonna call her something else...something that will means she is his. She was right about one thing though he doesn't look at her the same way he does with Cami because he looks at her as if she is the only girl in the world. If only she could she that.

To Be Continued...

Sorry for not updating the last few days. I have been busy with School but that won't stop me from updating. I'm already working on the next chapter and it should be up tomorrow night. Thank you all for reading this story it means a lot to me.

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