Chapter 7

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Klaus was walking outside with Hope. They were gonna pick some flowers for Klaus can make homemade paint like he use to. 

"Hope what do you love to do?" Klaus asked as they came across some flowers.

"I like to paint, read, and do magic." She started to pick some flowers. 

"I like to paint too. When we get back to the house can you show me your favorite painting?" He asked. 

"Yeah." She finished picking flowers and than she saw a butterfly. 

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Klaus lean down next to her. 

"Yeah, but it's hurt." She took off her bracelet and handed it to Klaus. She put her hand over the butterfly and then the butterfly flew away.

Klaus put her bracelet back on and she smiled "Shhh." She put her finger to her lips. 


Elijah knocked on Hayley's door, she opened it. "Hey 'Lijah." She smiled. 

"Hello Hayley. I was wondering if we could talk?" Elijah asked. 

"Yeah, Come in." She moved so he could come in and then she shut the door. 

"What did you want to talk about?" She sat on the edge of her bed. 

"I wanted to talk about us." He hesitantly said. 

"What about us?" She hoped he didn't ended things with her.

"I think we should end things." Elijah let out a breath he didn't now he was holding. 

"Why Elijah? Is it because I lied? We can fix this." Hayley was now standing.

"Its not because you lied and we can't fix this. I had a lot of time to think and our relationship was never going to work. I'm sorry." He said. 

"Okay. I'm sorry too." She said. 

Elijah walked out of her room with a smile on his face. He was happy he ended things with her now he had to fix things with Elena. 


Stefan, Rebekah, and Lily were sitting in the backyard on the deck. "So Mom, I wanted to say Thank you for saving Rebekah." Stefan said.

"Of course it was the least I could do." Lily looked down feeling ashamed for what she did to Valerie. 

"I'm sorry my boy." She said. Stefan looked at her "It's okay Mom I forgive you." Stefan said. Lily hugged Stefan. 

Rebekah smiled at the moment between her boyfriend and his mother. 

"Well you two are very lucky to have each other." Lily said as she looked at Rebekah and Stefan. 

"Yes we are." Rebekah couldn't hep but smile more. 

"I should be going now." Lily said as she stood up.

"Where are you going Mom?" Stefan stood up as well. 

"I have to get back to New York, I have a shop out there." She said. 

"I'll miss you." He hugged her. 

They were hugging "I'll miss you too. Now I have to say bye to Damon." She let go of he youngest son and kissed his cheek.


Enzo and Bonnie were sitting on the couch along with Elena, Damon, Caroline, and Elijah. 

Lily had came in and asked to speak to Damon and he went with her to the Kitchen. 

"Ms. Bennett How have you been these last few years?" Elijah asked. 

"Elijah call me Bonnie and I have been good." Bonnie said. "Sorry Bonnie. Anything new?" He asked. 

"I'm dating Enzo, it'll be our two month anniversary in a week." Bonnie said. Elijah nodded. 

Bonnie couldn't help but think back to 7 years ago, she had just graduated high school. 


Bonnie walked into the Mikaelson Mansion she was there to see Kol. She walked upstairs to his room and smiled when she opened the door. 

Kol's room had rose petals leading to the bed and then a table in the middle of his room with candles and food. 

Kol was dressed up in a tux. "Hello Darling." He kissed her on the cheek. 

"Hello." She was dressed up in a black tight dress that stopped mid thigh. 

"Follow me." Kol grabbed her hand and lead her to the table. 

They sat down and ate. They talked and laughed the whole night. Bonnie was happy she had never felt like this. She knew he was the one and he new she was the one. 

They got to dessert and it was sundae's. She was eating it when she left something in her mouth. She grabbed it and saw a beautiful diamond ring. 

Kol got in front of her and grabbed the ring. "Bonnie Bennett will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" He asked. 

Bonnie was shocked she had just graduated high school but she knew that she would want to be with Kol forever  even though they had been dating for a year. 

She had tears in her eyes "Yes! I'll marry you." She said. He slid the ring onto her finger and kissed her. 

The kiss started out gentle and passionate then they deepened the kiss and soon they were both naked on the bed. 

End of FlashBack

Bonnie was brought out of her thoughts when the front door slammed shut. They all looked that way and seen Kol walk in. "Hello." He smiled and sat down next to Elijah. 

"What has you in a good mood?" Caroline asked. 

He smirked "I ran into an old friend." 

"Was it the Witch?" Elijah asked. 

Kol snapped his head to him. "How did you know?" 

"Brother you don't have old friends, you have old hook ups." Elijah said

"What witch?" Elena asked. 

"Just some girl I hooked up with before I was put in a coffin." Kol said. 

To say Bonnie was upset is an understatement. She tried to calm down her anger but that didn't work so well. Light bulbs all around the house started to shatter and the doors started to slam open and shut. 

Kol looked at Bonnie and knew she was upset. She looked at him and everything stopped. It was like they had a conversation with their eyes. Elijah, Caroline, and Elena saw this. They were glad Enzo had went outside to make a call. 


Caroline walked upstairs to leave Elena and Elijah alone, while Bonnie and Kol just gave each other secret glances.

She stopped in-front of Klaus's door before she could knock "Come in, Love." Klaus said from the other side of the door. 

She opened the door and seen Klaus painting. "What can I do for you love?" Klaus looked at her. 

She took a deep breath "I was wondering if you would like to hang out tonight?" She asked nervously. 

He smiled showing his dimples "Are you asking me out Caroline?" He walked closer to her. 

"Yeah." She shivered as his hand touched the side of her face to move her curl back. "I'd love too." 

She smiled "Okay." She walked out of the room and squealed. She was finally ready to go out with Klaus after him chasing her for so long. She was ready to see where their relationship would go. 

To Be Continued...

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