Chapter 2

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Kol heard his name so he walked out onto the deck. "Well if it isn't Nik's girl, Elijah's old lover, and Rebekah's old fling," Kol smirked. "To what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"Hayley called me and told me she ran out of options and called me to help." Caroline explained.

"They are here because that werewolf couldn't do it, like I told you," Kol looked over to his older sister.

"And I told you she could because she loves Elijah," Freya argued. Kol raised his eyebrows and gestures to Caroline "Then sister explain this to me, If Hayley is so in love with Elijah and willing to do anything to cure him then why did she call Caroline? Why hasn't she found a cure yet? Why is his ex here and not Hayley? What I know is that Caroline here probably found a cure of five already."

Caroline looks at two of the five Mikaelsons "Thank you Kol for believing in me, As a matter of fact I'm working on finding cures for all of you."

Freya looks as Caroline with confusion, but is also intrigued by her "How can you help and what did Kol mean by you being Nik's girl?"

"Klaus and I have a very complicated relationship, We are close friends who once had and I quote 'Hot hybrid sex' in the woods, he loves me and I care very deeply for him. So I'm going to reunite you all."

Freya isn't all that surprised that Nik is in love because she knows deep down her brother can be caring and loving. "Okay, I'm trusting you because if Klaus can than I can because trusting someone isn't easy for him."

"Where is Rebekah?" Stefan wondered how his ex was doing. Freya pointed towards the garden "She spends most of her time in the garden picking flowers." Stefan walked into the garden to find Rebekah.

"Look I have three people looking for the cures and we already have Klaus's location. We can go get him after you all are cured." Caroline was determined to get Klaus back.

"Who did you send to get the cure?" Kol asked.

Caroline and Elena walked up onto the deck "Damon, Bonnie, and her boyfriend Enzo."

"Her boyfriend." Kol growled.


Stefan finds Rebekah sitting on a bench in a light pink dress reading a book "Rebekah."

Rebekah turns around and is shocked "Stefan. How are you here?" She asked.

Stefan walked over to her and sat next to her "Caroline got a call to come help save you guys and when I heard you were in danger help I knew I had to help." Stefan picked up the book she set down.

"Why would you help me?" She asked truly confused. "The tale of two cities, great book." Stefan purposely avoided the question. "Stefan please tell why would you help me." Rebekah calmly said. "Bex even though we aren't together anymore doesn't mean I stopped loving you and If you are in danger I want to help you. No matter what."

Rebekah is in shock by Stefan's confession "You still love me?"

"Of course I do. I was just afraid to tell you that because what if you didn't feel the same way."

Rebekah hugged him "I still love you too." Rebekah finally admitted.  They connect their fingers and Rebekah looks down sadly. "What's wrong Bex?"

Rebekah takes a deep breath and looks at her arm "I'm hexed and when I get mad I start to kill people." 

"It's okay, I love you no matter what and as we speak Bonnie, Damon, and Enzo are looking for cures for you and your siblings." Stefan rubbed her back.

"Thank you so much." She hugged him "It means a lot to me that you are helping my siblings and I."

She was happy cause not only was she gonna be cured but her family was going to be reunited. 


Bonnie did a locater spell and made her way to New Orleans with Enzo. They needed up at a abandoned penthouse. Bonnie walked in and Enzo followed her. "Go look in the rooms and I'll look here in the living room." Enzo walked into the room and started to look high and low for anything that could be a cure. 

Bonnie moved pillows, couches, furniture, and then she started looking on the shelves. She moved everything and then thats when she noticed one picture on a wall. She moved the picture and found a safe. 

"Enzo! I think I found it." Bonnie yelled. Enzo walked into the living room and went next to Bonnie. Bonnie started to use her magic to unlock the safe when there was a knock at the door. 

She stopped her spell and took off her Jacket and shirt so she was just in her bra and messed up her hair. While Enzo took off his shirt and messed up his hair. He opened the door to reveal Marcel and Josh.

"What can I do for you mate?" Enzo questioned. Bonnie grabbed a pillow to cover her chest. "We heard noise coming from this apartment and nobody lives here anymore." Marcel said. 

"Sorry 'bout that My lady and I are just having some fun, while we wait for ours friends." Enzo opened the door to show Bonnie. 

"Oh! We're sorry, Will let you get back to it." Josh said. "I appreciate it mate." Enzo closed the door. He put back on his shirt and Bonnie did the same. 

Enzo started to bang the bed against the wall, while bonnie moaned. She was using her magic to unlock the same. They made noise because they knew Marcel and Josh were vampires and didn't want them to come back. 

Bonnie got the safe opened and found three cures, one for poison and the other two for a bite from marcel. She closed the safe and put the picture back. 

She put the cures in the inside of her jacket. They walked out of the penthouse and went to the car. "That was close." Enzo started driving. "I know, Now all we have to do is go pick up Damon from New York." Bonnie said. 

To be continued...

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