Chapter 14

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Damon and Freya were sitting on separate ends of the couch. They were looking down like two teenagers who got caught and are being punished. 

There was a loud crash from upstairs. "What was that?" Caroline looked at the two. 

"Kol and Bonnie." Freya said. Caroline smiled. 

Klaus made Hope sit in between Damon and Freya so they wouldn't try anything. He paced back and forth. Hayley an Caroline rolled their eyes as he did so. 

Stefan, Rebekah, Enzo, Elijah, and Elena all walked through the door laughing. They stopped when they seen the scene in front of them. 

"What's going on?" Elijah walked over to Klaus as the others sat in the opposite couch from where Damon, Hope, and Freya were. 

"You would not believe what I walked in on." Klaus said. 

"What was it?" Rebekah asked. Before Klaus could answer they heard a door slam and giggling. 

Kol and Bonnie walked downstairs and stopped when they seen everyone. Bonnie was in Kol's shirt with some really short shorts and Kol was in jeans, shirtless.

"I'm glad you could join us." Caroline smirked knowingly. 

Bonnie blushed and Kol put his arm around her. "So what's with the family meeting?" Kol sat on the edge arm of the chair and pulled Bonnie close to him. 

"Yes, Niklaus care to explain why you have Damon and Freya separated by Hope?" Elijah questioned. 

"I walk in and I see them all over each other like their lives depended on it." Klaus exclaimed. 

"What a scandal." Kol smirked.

Freya grabbed her shoe and threw it at him, he dodged it

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Freya grabbed her shoe and threw it at him, he dodged it. 

"Nik, don't you think you're being a bit dramatic?" Rebekah asked with a smiled. 

"Nonsense I'm just trying to look out for our sister." Klaus said. 

"Well as fun as this has been, I'm gonna go." Freya walked upstairs.


Elena and Elijah walked into the kitchen. Elijah sat down sat the table while Elena got them something to drink. 

"Elena I got you a gift." Elijah said as he took a sip of the blood in his cup. 

"You didn't have to do 'Lijah." Elena said. 

"Nonsense, I'll be right back." He flashed to their room and grabbed a box and then flashed back to the kitchen. 

"Here you go," He handed her the rectangular blue velvet box and she opened it. 

There was a bracelet, ring, and necklace. The bracelet had charms of places Elena wanted to go or has been to. The ring was engraved and said 'No matter what, I will always love and keep you happy'. The necklace was a locket and inside was a picture of them and the other side was engraved 'You are the only one you holds my heart, Always and Forever'

Elena looked up and smiled with watery eyes. She put on the three pieces of jewelry with the help of Elijah. 

"I love you so much." She hugged him. 

"I love you too." 

She pulled away to get  see his face. Her one hand stroked his cheek, their bodies touching. 

He kissed her and she kissed back. He trailed kisses down her neck and found her sweet spot and sucked. She moaned, his hands on her butt and squeezed it. He picked her up and sat her on the table. 

She took on his jacket as he did with hers. He trailed kisses down to her cleavage and ripped her shirt open, and she had no bra. He sucked on each of her breast, and she moaned loud as she ran her hands through his hair. 

He pushed her back on the table and started to trail kisses down her stomach. 

"Elena!" Caroline called from the living room. 

Elena pushed Elijah off of her and sat up, breathing heavily. 

"We will continue this later." She zipped her jacket up since her shirt up ripped. 

Elijah smiled "Okay." 

She walked out of the kitchen with smile on her face. 


After Caroline talked with Elena about the upcoming party, she walked upstairs to her room. 

Klaus was sitting on their bed with a sketch book and pencil. He was thinking of something to draw when Caroline walked in. 

"Hey." She took off her shoes and jacket. 

"Hello love." He smiled at her as she flopped onto the bed. "Tired?" He asked. 

"Exhausted." She sighed and turned to look at him. "What are you drawing?" She jointed the sketch book. 

"I can't decide what to draw yet." He sat the book on the nightstand and laid down. 

Caroline snuggled into his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. 

There was a knock at the door "Come in." Klaus said. 

Hope peaked her head into the room and walked in. "Hi daddy, Hi Caroline." She said. 

"Hi." Caroline sat up as did Klaus. 

"What can we do for you, princesse?" Klaus asked. 

Hope jumped in between them and laid down. "Nothing, I just wanted to bother you two." She smiled. 

Caroline and Klaus looked at each other and then at Hope. They started tickling her and she was laughing so hard her stomach hurt. 

She tried to escape but they caught her. They were all laughing. Soon they stopped and hope sat up. 

"Can we watch a movie together?" She looked at Caroline and then at her dad. 

"Sure!" Caroline said excitingly. "What movie, Hope?" Klaus asked. 

"Can we watch Beauty and the Beast? That's my favorite move." Hope asked. 

Caroline squealed "It mine too!" 

She went through her stack of movies and grabbed it. 

They all snuggled together and watched the movie. During the movie the girls fell asleep and Klaus grabbed his sketch book capturing the moment. 

Hope was snuggled into Caroline, she had her arms around her. 


It was night time, everyone in the Salvatore house was sleeping or doing something else. Stefan and Rebekah were watching tv. Elena and Elijah were finishing what they started in the kitchen. Hayley and Enzo were in the library taking about their adventures. 

Freya and Damon were laying restless in their own beds thinking about the make out session they shared. Kol and Bonnie were sleeping in each others arms naked. 

Caroline and Klaus were sleeping and Hope was sleeping in between them. 

It was a stormy night, thunder, lightning. Hope jolted up "She's here." and then fell back asleep.

In the woods by the cemetery they was a lot of noise. A hand stuck out of the dirt by a tree, the person started to climbed and dig their way out of the dirt. A girl emerged she had beautiful hazel eyes and was about 5'5. She was wearing a nightgown which was covered in blood and dirt. 

She walked towards the town, looking around "I'm back." He voice was sinister. 

 To Be Continued...

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