Chapter 18

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It was the next day and the party Caroline has been planning for is today. She woke up early in the morning and got ready. 

She went to the kitchen and cooked breakfast. Soon everyone was up and they went to the kitchen. "So I need you all you ready by seven cause the ball starts at eight and you all need to be there early." Caroline sat down after she gave everyone food. 

"Where are you having it?" Rebekah asked. "Its going to be at the old Mikaelson Mansion. Like it is every year" Caroline said. 

"You have a ball every year?" Klaus asked. "Yep on the same day you guys did, it became tradition." Elena said. 

"So who doesn't have a dress so we can go shopping?" Bonnie asked. Lexi, Vicki, Hayley, Freya, Davina, Sage, and Hope didn't have dresses. 

"Okay so we can go after breakfast." Caroline said. All the girls nodded. 


After breakfast was over all the girls went to a shop that had dresses in the town square. 

"Hello, Welcome to Nancy's Boutique." The saleswomen greeted. "Hello, Can you help my friends here, they are looking for dresses for the ball later?" Elena asked pointing at the older girls. 

"Of course follow me, and the young girls dresses are over there." She said after seeing Hope. 

"Thank you." Rebekah said. Rebekah, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, and Hope walked over to where the little girls dresses were. 

"What kind of dress do you want Hope?" Caroline asked as she looked at the young tribrid. Hope put a finger on her chin and thought about it. 

"I want a blue dress." Hope smiled. "Okay lets look for blue dresses and then you can try them on." Bonnie said. The four girls nod and went to look for blue dresses in Hope's size. 

On the other side of the store the Freya, Davina, Hayley, Vicki, and Lexi were looking for dresses. Hayley found a dress that  was dark purple above the waist and then want to lighter colors of purple below the waist, it was off the shoulders. 

Freya found a dress that was magenta and strapless with a sweet heart neckline. Lexi found a red dress that fades into a lighter shade of red that was a deep v-neck. Vicki found a dress that was black and strapless. Davina found a dress that was white with sparkles with a deep v-neck and backless. Sage found a strapless brown dress with little jewels on the top half.

Back to Hope she had picked out a blue dress that had a beading in the front and the back flared out a little and it was off the shoulders. 


After the dress shopping the girls wen back the the house and Caroline had to go to the old MIkaelson mansion so she could make she everything was set up. 

Hope was happy because this was the first party she was going to and she was going to meet Jo and Alaric's twin daughters. 

Klaus had bought Caroline a beautiful necklace and brought Hope a diamond bracelet. He was going to give them the jewelry before they left for the ball. 

Elena and Elijah were in their room. "Okay so its been a while since I have danced." Elena said. "Well we can practice." Elijah suggested. 

"Okay, let me start the music." Elena started the music and Elijah guided her through the steps. She didn't go to the last two ball's cause she was out of town. 

While they were dancing Rebekah was getting to know Lexi. "So how did you and Stefan meet?" 

"He was in his ripper stage and I helped him turn it back on and get under control again." Lexi explained. "How did you two meet?" She asked. 

"It was in the twenties and his humanity was off and then my brother compelled him to forget about us cause our father was casing us." Rebekah explained. 

"Wow. Well I'm glad he is happy with you." Lexi said. "Thank you and I'm glad that he has his best friend back." Rebekah smiled. They were gonna become great friends they felt it. 


It was almost time to leave for the ball and everyone was finishing getting ready. Caroline had her hair curled and was in a dark blue off the shoulder dress. Klaus walked in the room when she was putting on her earrings. 

"You look beautiful love." Klaus smiled and kissed her cheek. "You don't look to bad yourself Mikaelson." Caroline smiled. 

"Here I wanted to give this to you." Klaus opened a velvet rectangular box to reveal a necklace similar to the bracelet her gave her all those years ago. 

"Its beautiful. Will you?" She asked. "Of course." She turned around and he put the necklace on her, he kissed the her shoulder. 

"I love you." She turned to face him again. "I love you too." He smiled and they kissed. 

Bonnie had her hair half up and was in loose curls. Her dress was green off the shoulder long sleeve with little designs on the front of it. Kol saw her as she walked out of the bathroom, she took his breath away. 

"You look beautiful darling." Kol said. "Thank you, you look handsome." She kissed his cheek. 

Elena had her pinned hair to the side in curls. She was wearing a black deep v-neck dress with a beaded belt that is around her waist. She was wearing the jewelry Elijah had given her. 

She walked out their room and saw him "You look dashing." She smiled. "You look amazing Elena as always." He kissed her forehead. 

Soon they were at the ball and everyone from town was showing up. 

"Hello Everyone, I'm glad you could make it out. We will start the evening with a tradition waltz. 

Elijah and Elena, Stefan and Rebekah, Klaus and Caroline, Kol and Bonnie, Finn and Sage, Freya and Damon, Tyler and Vicki, Hayley and Enzo, Matt and Lexi, Davina and Marcel, and other people paired up. 

After the waltz was over people either danced to the music playing, eating, or talking. The doors opened and a girl with brown medium length hair and hazel eyes walked in. All eyes went to her, she looked around and spotted someone and smirked. 

To Be Continued...

Sage and Davina's Dresses

Sage and Davina's Dresses

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