Chapter 26

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Bonnie, Kol, and Shelia were at the armory any moment now it would be time. Time for them to end Thana and stop hell fire.  

The final bell rang, fire shooting up out of it. The fire then shot back down traveling through the tunnels. Freya finished the spell for the fire to make its way to Bonnie. 

The fire traveled faster and faster as it reached the door that separated it from Bonnie and Shelia. They started chanting, holding the fire back as it burst through the doors. 

Kol stood by the entrance as he watched. Bonnie chanted louder. "I can't do it." She said. "Yes you can darling. You two aren't alone." After Kol said that hands locked with Bonnie's and Shelia's.

Their ancestors giving them the power to get rid of hell fire. They chanted louder and louder as the pushed the fire back. They were practically screaming. After the final chant the fire disappeared. 

Bonnie turned to look at her grams and Kol. "We did it." She smiled slightly and fell on the floor. Kol was quick to get by her side. He tried to listen for a heartbeat but it wasn't there. 

"She's gone." Kol whispered. Shelia shook her head, No. It wasn't supposed to happen this way, it was supposed to be her. She made a deal with the witches that instead of Bonnie dying it would be her. 

Kol had tears falling from his eyes as he held her body in his arms. "You can't leave me Bonnie....I need you." His voice was shaky. 

Moments flashed before his eyes. The good and the bad.

When they first met. "I'm Bonnie," She smiled brightly. "Kol." He smiled. Their first date. He took her to the grill and they talked. "How could you not like gummy bears?!" She looked at him like he was crazy.

He shrugged "Never found them appealing." When she found out he was an original "You lied for months! Did you ever love me?" She had tears in her eyes. "Yes I'm crazy about you. I never told you because I thought you would imedietley judge me because of my family and what I am." He rushed out. 

When she was in an accident and he thought he was gonna lose her. He paced back and forth in the hospital. His siblings and her friends were there.  He felt like he could breath again when the doctors said she was fine. 

When they ended things "I want you to come with me to New Orleans." He looked at her hopefully. She looked at him "I'm not ready to leave Mystic Falls yet...I'm sorry." She took off her engagement ring and handed it to him. 

When he saw her again for the first time in five years. He felt whole again and he was jealous to see her with someone else but in the end she choose him because he was her other half and life was dull and boring without him for her as it was for him. 

They had been through so much together how could he go on knowing that this time he's never gonna see her again, hear her laugh, her smile, her big green eyes. He was gonna miss their arguments over the stupidest things ever. 

It didn't even get the chance to say good bye to her. He cried as he held her body tightly. 

He wanted to hear her say that she loved him and would never leave him that she wasn't really gone. 


Klaus, Caroline, and Hope reached the others and waited till they knew the hell fire was on its way towards Bonnie. 

Caroline's phone rang and so did Klaus's. "Hello...Okay...Yeah...Be careful." Carolines conversation was with Elena. 

"Freya...It did...okay see you soon." Klaus hung up. 

"It's time." Esther stated. 

They placed Hope in a circle of salt, waiting for Thana to show up. She was supposed to meet one of her followers but the made sure that he was knocked out and hidden somewhere safe. 

They heard footsteps approaching and Thana saw Hope. "Well, Well, Hope Mikaelson." Thana smirked.

"Hello Thana." Hope smirked as well taking off her bracelet behind her back. "I was expecting Jacob but seems you did something to him." Thana walked into the salt of circle. 

Hope shrugged wanting to get this over with. "Well then looks like I finally get to kill you and nobody is here to stop me." Thana smiled evilly. 

"Come on then." Hope said urging her to make the first move. Fire lit up around them trapping Thana in the circle with Hope. 

Thana blasted something at Hope making her fall on the ground. Hope stood up dusting herself off as if the impact had no effect on her. 

Hope started to chant the spell focusing all her attention on Thana. Thana fell to her knees in pain holding her head. She was screaming so loud that if the towns people were here that would surely hear. 

Thana's body soon laid lifeless on the dirt ground, the fire around them going out confirming she was actually dead. Hope ran to her Dad and hugged him. He hugged her back. 

Marcel and Josh were gonna burned Thana's body and then buried the rest of her. Davina put a spell where she was buried to make sure she couldn't be resurrected ever again. 

They went towards the Salvatore house to meet up with the others. Caroline opened the door to see everyone except Bonnie, Kol, and Shelia. 

"Where are they?" Caroline asked Elena. "I don't know but they should've been here already." Elena paced back and forth worrying about her best friend. Caroline hugged Klaus tightly as he caressed her back to try and calm her down. 

The front door opens and Kol walks in with a teared stain face and Bonnie in his arms and Shelia follows behind. Kol fell to his knees again with Bonnie's body still in his arms and he cried. Caroline and Elena were quickly next to Bonnie's body. 

Elena and Caroline cried. Stefan, Damon, and Enzo had tears in their eyes. Rebekah, Hayley, and Freya were crying as well, they had grown so close to Bonnie.

Tyler, Vicki, and Matt were crying as well.  Shelia was standing next to Marcel when she almost fell. Marcel quickly caught her. "Are you alright?" He asked. Everyone turned towards her. 

"It's time." She quietly says. "Time for what?" Dahlia asked. "Just when you see her tell her I lover her." Shelia sadly smiled and sat down on the couch. 

She closed her eyes taking one final breath. Her heart stops beating every vampire stops hearing her heartbeat. Davina checked her pulse, it was gone. "She's...She's dead." 

Bonnie's fingers move slightly nobody not even Kol noticed. Her body shoots up and she's breathing heavily startling everyone. 

Bonnie looked around and saw he grams body. Bonnie quickly went next to her grams body. Holding her hand. "I love you too." She quietly says as tears fill her eyes. Her eyes shoot over to Kol who was still in shock as well as everybody else. 

She walked back over to him and got on her knee so she could see his face. She gently places her hands on his face and lifts it so he is looking at her. She smiles "I'll never leave you. I love you Kol Mikaelson." She whispers. 

"I love you too." He pulls her in for a kiss. Elena and Caroline share a look before ruining the moment. 

"Hey! We want to see our best friend to, you know?" Caroline crossed her arms and playfully glared at Kol as he pulled away from Bonnie.

Bonnie smiled and stood up and hugged her two best friends as well as everyone else in the room. Except Mikael, Esther, Dahlia, Marcel, Josh, Davina, and Cami considering she either didn't know them or like them. 

To Be Continued...

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