Chapter 23

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It was the next day in the afternoon and everyone was at the Salvatore house. "So how do we plan on stopping someone from burning down Mystic Falls?" Elena asked. 

Everyone shrugged. Last night after Mikael agreed to help them he had went back to the hideout and told Thana that the girl wasn't at the Salvatore house. She then told him her plan to burn Mystic Falls to the ground. Mikael told them this morning about her plan.

"I think I have a way." Shelia walked into the house. "Grams where have you been the last few days?" Bonnie asked. 

"I'll explain that later but right now we have to get working. The bell tower, if she gets someone to ring the bell every fifteen minutes until ten then a fire will explode from the bell tower." Shelia explained. 

"How does this help us?" Esther asked. "Because the fire will only go for Mystic Falls. Now if we could make the fire go under the tunnels and lead it to the armory we can stop it." Shelia said. 

"You would need a lot of power to do that." Freya said. "I can do it. This is what is supposed to happen." Bonnie said. "Bonnie I will be there the whole time." Shelia said and Bonnie nodded. 

"So what do we do well Bonnie is stoping hell fire?" Klaus asked. "You all will be getting ready to go against Thana. She will be angry her plan didn't work so until then the witches need to teacher Hope this spell. This spell is what will end Thana." Shelia handed Esther a piece of paper.


Hope was in the library with Freya, Esther, Dahlia, and Davina. They were teacher her the spell that will end Thana. 

"Okay so when you do this spell, you did to focus on your target." Freya explained. "Okay. So I just have to have a clear mind." Hope confirms and Freya nodded.

"Okay repeat these words after me." Dahlia said and hope nodded. Dahlia starts chanting words in latin while focusing on a vase. Hope does the same focusing on another vase. 

Both vases shattered into pieces. "She's gonna break into small pieces?" Hope asked. "No. Her mind will until there is nothing left." Freya said. 

"Ohh." Hope said. "Are you ready to try it on something else?" Davina asked and Hope nodded. They started with little things and worked their way up. 

They did it until Hope had the whole spell memorized.

Hope was nervous because she didn't want to hurt anyone but she would if it came to protecting her and her family.  

After Hope was finished with learning the spell and all that she went to her room. She was drawing letting her hand led her. When she was finished drawing she looked at it and it was a skull and snakes around it. 

She didn't think anything of it. 


Klaus was sitting waiting for it to be time for them to leave. Caroline had her arms wrapped around his waist and her head leaning on his chest. His arms were wrapped around her. 

Caroline sighed. "Love, What's wrong?" Klaus asked. 

"I-I'm just worried about Bonnie...I know she made a deal with the witches so she could come back but she's one of my best friends." Caroline had tears in her eyes. 

"Caroline, Look at me-" He pulled away so he could she her face, "No matter what happens tonight or tomorrow I will be by your side." 

"Thank you." He wiped her tears away and moved some of her curls behind her ear. His hand rested on her cheek and he looked into her eyes as she did him. They leaned into each other, their lips finally touching. The kiss was sweet, gentle, passionate, and a promise. 

A promise that he will always be there. 


Enzo and Hayley were sitting in the front of the house on the steps. "So, How do you think tonight will go?" Hayley sipped some of her bourbon. 

"I honestly have no idea." Enzo was holding his glass. Enzo was in deep thought about something. He kept thinking about his feelings for Hayley and how he wants to act on them. He likes her a lot but he has a tendency to get caught in the middle of dangerous fights. 

"Hayley..." Hayley looked up at Enzo, "I like you a lot and if I don't make it through tonight, I don't want to die with regrets." Enzo said. 

"Don't talk like that, Okay? We are gonna get through this...and......I like you too." Hayley said the last part shyly and her shoes became interesting. Enzo smirked at her shyness and lifted her chin so he could look into her beautiful hazel eyes. 

Their foreheads pressed against each other, lips lightly brushing each other. His hand finds its way to her cheek and the other on her waist. Her hands grip his shirt pulling him closer. Their lips touching sends an electric shock through both of them. The kiss was gentle at first and they slowly pulled away. They could see the lust in each other's eyes, Enzo holds Hayley's head in his hands and pulls her into a fiery and passionate kiss. Her hands work their way around his body, feeling each crevasse, each line along his perfect physique.


Bonnie had finished talking to her grams about the spell they were to perform later tonight. She walked into her room to find kol sitting in the middle of her bed with a book in his hands. "When did you learn to read?" She asked as she sat next to him with a smirk.

"Darling, I'm hurt by these words." Kol smiled. "While, if you're so hurt, what are you gonna do about it?" She turned and whispered in his ear. He turned to look at her his thumb caressing her cheek. 

"Well, first I would kiss every single inch of you...Then when you least expect it, I'll enter you. At first it will be slow and hard, making you want me to go faster and harder. Soon I will and you'll scream so loud that the neighbors will know my name. And after you find release, I'll keep doing it over and over again." He whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek. 

Bonnie visibly gulped now slightly turned on, she bit on her lower lip. Kol smirked, his fingers lightly caressing her cheek, neck, arms, hands, stomach, thighs, everything. She shuttered at his light touch. 

"I love you." Kol looked at her. "I love you too." She smiled. 


A red haired girl woke up on a table in the middle of a room. She looked around and saw Thana. "Who are you and Where am I?" The red haired girl asked. 

"I'm Thana and you're in Mystic Falls." Thana smirked. The girl got off the table and almost fell. "I-I need blood." The girl said. 

"Yes, one of my followers will get you some blood." Thana said. "How long have I been out?" The girl asked. "I say five years give or take. We have a lot to catch up on...Aurora." Thana sat down. 

To Be Continued...

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now