Chapter 15

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It was the next morning and the storm had gotten worse. Hope was still sleeping in Klaus and Caroline's bed. Everyone else was in the living room  waiting for Enzo and Hayley to get back with their food. 

Stefan and Rebekah were cuddling together on the couch and started talking. 

"So was your night?" Rebekah asked still tired. "It was good. Want to go out tonight?" Stefan asked. 

"Yeah, where are we going?" Rebekah looked up at him. "Just wearing something nice." He said. 

"Fine." Rebekah pouted and Stefan just smiled at her. 

Freya and Damon have been avoiding each other since yesterday and they keep looking at each other when the other looks away. 

"Nik why did you get all big brother on Freya yesterday?" Caroline whispered in his ear as she looked at Damon and Freya. . She was sitting on his lap. 

"Cause she's my sister and I know she's my big sister but I don't want her to get hurt, she's already been through so much." He whispered back as he pushed some hair back.

"She's a strong girl, and Damon would never hurt her. I mean sure he can be an ass but he has a some-what good heart." Caroline said. 

Klaus smirked "Always seeing good in people, love." He kissed her neck and she giggled. 

Elijah and Elena were sitting on the other end of the couch Stefan and Rebekah were on. 

"What book is that?" Elena bent down to look at the cover. 

"It's The Great Gatsby. Have you read it?" He looked at her. 

"No is it a good book?" Her big brown doe eyes looked into his.

He set the book down "It's good, but it's not the best book." 

"Then what is?" She asked as she laid her head on his shoulder. 

"It's..." He was cut off by Freya yelling. 

"Thats ridiculous!" 

"It's easy for you to say!" Damon yelled back.

The MIkaelson siblings and their significant others looked at scene that played out in-front of the fireplace. 

Well Damon and Freya yelled at each other about literally nothing, Kol was quietly laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" Bonnie glared at him. 

He tried to stop "Sorry darling, its just causing I can feel the sexual tension from here."

"So your saying that the fight is about nothing and they are just horny for each other?" Bonnie questioned. 

"Yes thats exactly what I am saying." He smirked and she shook her head. 

"God just sleep together already!" Caroline yelled. Damon and Freya shut up and everyone else looked amused by her outburst. 

"What?" Freya quietly asked. She wanted to make sure she heard her right. 

"Sleep together already, you're literally suffocating the room with all of this sexual tension!" She exclaimed. 

"We are not going to sleep together." Damon said 

"Yeah, just because you guys are uncomfortable with us arguing you blame it on sexual tension." Freya said and Damon nodded agreeing with her. 

"Unbelievable." Caroline whispered. 

"I think what Caroline is trying to say is that all this built up anger you have towards each other is really your way of not having a repeat of yesterday." Kol said. 

"Whatever." Damon grumpily said. "We are going outside to argue in peace." Freya pulled Damon's arm and dragged him outside. 

"They are totally going to hook up." Caroline said. 

"They sure are." Kol agreed. 


"God can you believe them?" Freya scoffed as they walked outside. 

"I know saying we are arguing because of what happened yesterday." Damon said. 

They were both angry just not with each other. 

"You don't think they were right, do you?" Freya asked. 

"No" Damon sighed. Of course he thought they were right, he needed her right now and right there. 

"Okay." Freya looked down. She wanted him to say something else, she wanted to feel his hands on her body again and his lips on hers. 

"Screw it!" She whispered, she pulled Damon's hand and so he was facing her. 

He looked down at her and licked his lips, they were only a few centimeters apart. 

She pulled him closer to her and kissed him, he kissed back almost immediately. 

Their hands roamed each others bodies and his lips found their way to her neck. He flashed them on the side of the house and she was against the wall once again. 

She took off his black shirt and her hands ran through his hair and then went to his chest filling his six pack. He ripped her shirt open and threw it on the ground, then unhooked her bra and pulled it off. 

His lips traveled down kisses and sucking every inch of exposed skin. She pulled him back to her lips as she unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. He pulled them off as he kissed her neck which earned more moans. She took off her pants leaving her in her panties and him in his boxers.

He got on his knees and kissed her thighs and pulled down her panties. He reached her core and licked and sucked, she moaned loud and pulled on his hair. 

"I" She said between moans. He stood up and pulled off his boxers, he picked her up so her legs were around him and entered him. He went slow at first letting her get use to his size, then he rammed into her and she moaned each and every time. 


Hope was finally up and ready as she walked downstairs. Everyone was still in the living room talking and eating since Hayley and Enzo got back. 

"Here Hope." Hayley grabbed Hopes food and gave it to her. 

Hope sat next to Caroline and her dad since that was the only seat left. 

The front door opened and Freya and Damon walked in. Freya was in Damon shirt because he ripped her shirt, and he was shirtless. They hair was messy and freya had a hickey on her neck. 

Everyone had a knowing look. "Your food is right there." Enzo said. 

"Okay I'll be back." Damon went upstairs to get a shirt. 

Freya was sitting on the floor next to the fireplace eating and Damon sat next to her. 


She walked down the streets of New Orleans with her new clothes. She reached the place where night walkers stay and walked in. 

"Who the hell are you?" A vampire walked up towards her. 

"I'm thana, I'm here to change your life." She said. 

"How are you gonna change my life?" He asked.

"Well before I tell you that, I need you to tell me where I can find Hope Mikaelson." She demanded. 

He shallowed and shook his head "I can't do that." 

"Well then your no use for me." She pulled his heart out. Every vampire looked at her "Now you have 24 hrs to tell me where to find Hope Mikaelson or your all dead." She walked out. 

All the vampires looked at Josh who walked out of the bathroom. He saw the dead vampire and called Someone. "Marcel someone is hear looking for Hope." 

To Be Continued...

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now