Chapter 30

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A/N: This is the last chapter please read the Author's note at the end of the chapter.

The Newley weds got back from their honeymoons a week ago. Caroline, Elena, Bonnie, and Stefan moved into the Mikaelson mansion. 

Finn and Sage went to travel the world. Lexi and Marcel got an apartment together and are roommates. Damon and Enzo bought a house next to the Mikaelson Mansion. 

Right now everyone was at the Salvatore boarding house. "This is exciting!" Caroline squealed. "Calm down Blondie." Damon said as he put the last boxes in the moving truck. 

Alaric opened a box that was leaning against his car. 'Salvatore Boarding Schoo For The Young & Gifted'

 'Salvatore Boarding Schoo For The Young & Gifted'

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"The rooms are so empty." Elena said coming down the stairs. "I know." Bonnie agreed. Klaus wrote a check for the school. 

Jeremy and Dorian were in the library fixing the books and setting things up in there. The construction workers had finished remodeling and adding on to the school, they had been working on it for the last 2 months. 

Caroline and Elena went to the furniture store and bought beds, chairs, couches, tables, etc. Bonnie and Freya were unpacking the new kitchen ware. Klaus was painting Hope's room since she was gonna have her own room at the school. He then was gonna paint Lizzie and Josie's room. 

Enzo, Stefan, Hayley, and Lexi were setting up the class rooms. Henrik was cleaning the empty rooms for when they put the beds in there. 


Caroline and Elena soon went back to the Salvatore Boarding school in a moving truck full of beds, couches, chairs, tables, etc. They pulled up to the gate that Freya and Bonnie spelled and punched in the code. 

The gates opened and Caroline drove in. Kol, Elijah, Marcel, and Rebekah helped moved all the furniture in the School. 

Tyler and Vicki started to set up the couches where the old living room was, so it would be like a study space. Rebekah, Lexi, Caroline, and Elena set up the beds in all of the rooms. 

Damon was cleaning the pool out. 

Hayley, Bonnie, and Freya helped Hope, Lizzie, and Josie decorate their rooms after Klaus was done painting them. 

The rest of the day was them unpacking school supplies and setting up the cafeteria. Hayley and Klaus fixed the cells in the basement to hold werewolves when they are in transition. 

Stefan and Rebekah filled a huge fridge with blood supply for vampires. Freya and Bonnie got grimoires and put them in the classrooms that are for witches. 


By the next day they finished setting up the school. "So how are we gonna find students?" Rebekah asked. 

"We can help with that." Bonnie rolled in a huge glob with Freya. "Where did this come from?" Damon asked. 

"It was in one of the empty rooms." Freya said. "How is this gonna help us find students?" Caroline asked. 

"I'll perform a spell that tracks the witches, vampires, werewolves that are new to the supernatural world." Freya said. 

They nodded. She chanted a spell and the glob was glowing. glowing dots showed up all around the world.

"Looks like we got some work to do." Hayley said and everybody nodded. 

Alaric, Stefan, Rebekah, Enzo, Lexi, Marcel, and Hayley all left to get recruits for the school. They went to the places with the most glowing dots. 

While they were gone the others had to look for teachers. Klaus, Caroline, and Freya went to look for Math. History, English, and Science teachers for all grades. 

Elijah, Elena, and Kol went to look for gym, art, and music teachers. Bonnie, Damon, and Henrik went to look for vampire, witches, and werewolf teachers. 


It has been two months and the school was thriving, kids in all grades from all around the world started were going to the Salvatore Boarding School. 

The kids were learning how to control or use their abilities while also learning normal school things. 

Hope, Lizzie, and Josie were making new friends. Every Friday night they have a movie night and eat snacks. 

Henrik started to go to the Salvatore Boarding School since he started doing magic. Finn and Sage are still traveling the world. Freya and Damon have been dating for almost two months. Hayley moved in with Enzo and Damon. 

Caroline and Klaus went on a trip to Europe. Elijah is helping out at the school and Elena opened a clinic in town square. 

Bonnie and Freya are teaching magic at the school. Kol, Jeremy, Stefan, and Rebekah are looking for new students. Marcel is visiting New Orleans and Lexi went with him. Alaric is the headmaster and Dorian is one of the history teachers. Damon is training the vampires. 

Things were really looking up for all of them. They are all happy, living their best lives. 

10 Year Later

Two pairs of shoes could be heard walking down the concrete hall of the building. She leads the man towards the room. "A monster came out of it yesterday." The girl said. 

"How do you know?" The man asked. "The motion sensors went off in there last night and there was black goo all over." She explained. 

"Did you tell anyone else about this?" He asks. "No you're the first. Why?" She asks. "Because then I would have to do to them what I'm about to do to you." He walked closer towards her. 

"W-What are you going to do to me." She gulped as her back hit the railing. "This..." He pushed over the railing and she fell in the black pit of goo. 

He quickly walked out and went to the security room. He erased the footage from a few minutes ago and yesterday. He walked to the filing room and grabbed all files of her and burned them. 

He knew where the monster was going. He got in his car and drove. He knew he was almost there after he past the town sign 'Welcome to Mystic Falls, Virginia'.

To Be Continued...

Guys! This is the last chapter of The Woken Mikaelsons. I want to thank you all for reading this story. You guys inspired me to finish this story with the comments and the votes. 

Anyways there will be a squeal, the first chapter is already up. It's a new adventure and it not just the Mikaelsons anymore it's Hope and her friends from school. 

It's called The Next Generation. 

Here is the intro for The Next Generation.

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