Chapter 16

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Marcel's phone rang and the caller Id was Josh.  He pulled away from the girl and answered "What's up Josh?" 

"Marcel, someone is here looking for Hope." Josh said. Marcel quickly got dressed and apologized to the girl. 

"Hope Mikaelson?" Marcel walked out of the apartment. 

"Yeah, some girl probably about eighteen came in and asked Tony if he could help her find Hope Mikaelson. He said no and then she ripped his heart out and told the others if the don't want to end up like him they have 24 hours to tell her." Josh explained. 

"We need to warn Klaus." Marcel walked into his penthouse. 

"I thought you haven't talked to him since he escaped." Josh walked towards Marcels penthouse. 

"I haven't but I'm not gonna let him lose his daughter. So. I'll talk to Davina and ask if she can do a locater spell and then a spell to hide all the vampires well us three go find Klaus." Marcel said. 

"Okay I'm almost to the penthouse." Josh hung up. 

Soon Marcel, Davina, and Josh were all in his penthouse and along with all the vampires. Davina put a protection spell on the penthouse so nobody could enter or leave unless she aloud it. 

"Do you have a item of his or hope's?" Davina asked as she laid a map down. 

"Yeah." Marcel gave her Hope's hair brush. 

She lit the candles and then started chanting. The pieces of hair moved along the map, and stopped at Mystic Falls. 

"Found them." Davina said. 

The three looked down at the map. "Looks like we're going to Mystic Falls." Josh said. 


It was later in the afternoon when everybody was still siting in the living room. Hanging out talking about random stuff. When there was a knock at the door, everyone got quiet. 

Damon walked towards the door and opened it. Davina, Josh and Marcel were on the other side. 

"Hello, How can I help you?" Damon asked as he looked at the three of them. "Your that Josh guy." 

"Yeah we need to talk to the Mikaelsons." Josh said. Everyone could hear this and they were all wondering the same thing why were they here. 

"Damon let them in." Klaus said. 

"Come on in." Damon moved so they could come in. 

"What do we owe the pleasure of this visit Marcel?" Elijah asked. Marcel, Josh, and Davina stood in front of the first place. 

"Someone came looking for Hope earlier today." Davina said. 

Everyone looked at each other thinking of them same person, Thana. "Do you know this persons name?" Rebekah asked. 

Marcel and Davina looked at Josh cause he was there "She said her name was Thana." Josh said. 

Everybody's body froze at the name, she was here. 

"Are you sure she said her name was Thana?" Bonnie asked as she stood up and paced back and forth. 

"Yeah, why?" Josh asked. 

They all looked at Bonnie and she stopped and looked at them. She fainted and before she could hit the ground Kol picked her up. 

Klaus, Caroline, and Hope moved from the couch and Kol laid her on their. "Bonnie wake up, this can't be happening again. The front door flew open and a lady walked in. 

"Shelia?" Caroline questioned. "Hello children." She walked over to bonnie. "Oh child you need wake up its not time yet." Shelia said quietly. 

Bonnies eyes fluttered open "Grams?" She sat up. "Grams!" Bonnie hugged her but them pulled away. "No, I'm not ready." Bonnie got off the couch and backed away. 

"What are you talking about Darling?" Kol asked. "I'm not ready! I'm not, I can't do it grams." Bonnie's voice was weak and full of heartbreak. 

"You made a deal with them Bonnie, I can't do anything to stop them." Shelia said. "Bonnie what is going on?" Elena asked as her and Caroline walked closer to Bonnie. 

"I didn't want to tell you the way." Bonnie looked at them and then Kol with tears in her eyes. 

"In order to kill Thana, I have to die when Hope performs the spell." Her voice was shaky. 

"What?" Kol felt his heart break. "Kol, I'm sorry, its all my fault." She hugged him and her hugged her back. 

"What do you mean?" He asked. She pulled away from his embrace and sat down. "Everyone it down, I'll explain." 

Everyone sat down and looked at her. "After the Mikaelsons left the veil was brought down by Silas. I was able to put back up but I had to die and I did. I made Jeremy make up lies about where I was, I watched over you all everyday. I made a deal with my ancestors, the day my grams and every other dead person that we killed or that is dead because of us will come back. I will have to die." Bonnie explained. 

"Why Bonnie? Why do you have to die?" Caroline asked. "Because its my fault Thana was even able to escape." Bonnie said. "What do you mean?" Rebekah asked. 

"I was trying different ways to come back alive before summer was over, I came across a tomb and opened it not thinking much of it at the time. I walked in and saw a girl laying down sleeping. I touched her and she started taking my magic, I was weak so finally I went to the ancestors and asked if the could send me back, They said yes but when thana was to escape I would die with her while putting the veil back up." 

"Did you know who thana was before your grams told you?" Hayley asked. 

"No, I just thought they were talking about someone else. I didn't think they were talking about the girl that was in the tomb." 

"Why didn't you tell me?"  Kol asked. 

"What did you want me to say Kol I'm gonna die when some powerful being escapes and brings the veil down with her."  Bonnie said. "Its better than just finding out now that Im gonna lose you again." Kol had tears in his eyes. 

"I'm sorry Kol. Im sorry I didn't leave with you all those years ago, that I broke off our engagement. After I died I made Jeremy promise not to tell you I was dead because you were already heartbroken that I didn't go with you, and I didn't want you to be more heartbroken. I'm sorry that I'll never be able to walk down the aisle and marry you and I'm so, so sorry for breaking your heart once again." Bonnie broke out into tears. 

Kol pulled her into a hug "I'll always love you Bonnie Bennett." He whispered in her ear. "I'll always love you too Kol Mikaelson." Bonnie whispered. 

Everyone had tears in their eyes, even Marcel, Josh, and Davina did. 

To Be Continued...

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