Chapter 27

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It was the afternoon, they all gotten back from burying Shelia. Everyone was in the living hanging out. Freya put Aurora under the sleeping spell again and they also buried her body.

Caroline was sitting next to Rebekah and Lexi, they were talking. "You really knocked him out because his humanity was off?" Rebekah asks as she looked at Lexi. 

"Yes. When he always turned off his humanity I would basically torture him until he turned it back on. But I died so Caroline took over, she's his sober sponsor." Lexi said. "Wow I'm glad Stefan has you two." Rebekah smiled as did Lexi and Caroline. 

Cami looked at Caroline as she laughed at something Lexi said. She looked at Klaus and saw the way he looked at Caroline like she was the only one for him. 

They front door opens and Alaric walks in with Josie and Lizzie. "Hey mommy!" Lizzie and Jose ran into Caroline's arms. "Hey girls." Caroline hugged them. "Wheres Hope?" Lizzie asks. "She's in her room, it's the room next to yours." Caroline said as they ran towards the stairs. 

Caroline stood up and walked over to Alaric. "Thanks for taking them a few days early." Alaric said. "Yeah, what did you find?" Caroline asks. "I was looking through some of Jo's old research about it and there was something about a relative in Oregon that knows about it and how to get out of it." Alaric says. "Okay well be safe and I'll see you when you get back." Caroline smiles. 

He leaves and Caroline sits back down next to Rebekah. "What did he find?" Bonnie asks. "They have a living relative in Oregon who knows how to get out of the merge." Caroline sighs. "Shouldn't you be excited then?" Elena asks. 

"I don't want to get my hopes up if it's just another dead end." Caroline says. "What are you guys talking about and when did you have kids?" Kol asks. Everyone who didn't know Caroline's situation was confused. 

"Nik never told you?" Caroline asks as she looks at the Mikaelsons and then Klaus. "No." Rebekah said.

"Oh. Well basically six years ago Alaric was getting married to Jo and she was pregnant. He crazy twin brother Kai crashed the wedding and killed Jo, Right before she died he family siphoned the babies into me and I found out when Stefan's ex Valerie came to town who was once part of the Gemini coven." Caroline said. 

"The Gemini Coven?" Davina asks never hearing the name before. "It's a coven of siphoning twin witches. When the twins are twenty two they have to merge. The stronger one killing the weaker one and taking over the coven." Kol answered. 

"How do you know so much about this Kol?" Elijah asks. "While you know that period of time I disappeared in the seventeen hundreds?...I was hanging with some witches who were part of the Gemini coven." Kol said.

"They openly told you this?" Esther asks. "Yeah turns out when you get the right amount of liquor in them, their talkers. Anyways there was a curse placed not the coven in the fourteen hundreds by another coven of witches who they were at war with." Kol says. 

"Is there a way to break the curse?" Klaus asked. "Yes. You need a descendant of the head witch, the spell book, and the blood of the next twins that are supposed to merge." Kol says. 

"Do you think if Alaric doesn't find anything, that you could help find the descendant of the head witch?" Caroline asks. "Sure I'll help." Kol says. "Thank you." Caroline smiles. 

Cami was sitting there taking all this information in. Caroline was a mother, so why would Klaus pick her out of any other girl? She thought. 

"So, you're not technically their mother." Cami stated. Caroline visibly tensed as did her friends. "Camille don't-" Klaus was cut off by Caroline. "No let her finish." Caroline sat up. 

"I'm just saying you only gave birth to them, you didn't sleep with their father..Unless you did. I mean motherhood doesn't seem like it would suite you." Cami said. 

"Okay Camille, You don't know me so don't for a second think that you do and your right I'm not their biological mother but I carried them for nine months and almost died giving birth to them and I have been raising them ever since. I never slept with Alaric and I honestly don't care if you think motherhood doesn't suite me. So if you have anything else you would like to say about my life choices than you could leave this house and Mystic Falls." Caroline was standing up now. 

"Looks like I'm leaving then." Cami stood up and walked out of the house. 

Davina and Josh were quiet and just kept sharing looks with each other. Klaus noticed this "You two could follow Camille if you also have something to say." Klaus glared at them.

Davina and Josh shared a look and both stood up walking out the house and following Cami. Marcel just sat there, he knew Cami crossed a line saying that the twins weren't Caroline's. He got she was jealous but to go that far is just messed up. 


Caroline was snuggled into Klaus. "Are you okay, love?" He asked as he played with the ends of her hair. "Yeah I'm fine. Just tired." She quietly said. 

"Well you should get some rest then...because I'm taking you out tomorrow." Klaus looked down at her. 

"Really?!" She exclaimed as she looked up at him and he nodded his head. 

Rebekah was in her room with Stefan. "Bex I've been thinking." Stefan said as Rebekah walked out of the bathroom. 

"About what?" She took off her jewelry and put it on the night stand as she got into the bed. "We should start a school." He said. 

"A school? What kind of school?" Rebekah asked. "A school for the supernatural." He said. She thought about it for a moment. "I like the idea. What made you think of this?" She cuddled into him. 

He wrapped his arms around her. "Well Damon and I talked about it a few days ago. We were thinking about the twins and Hope. So that they have a place where they could be who they are and learn to use their magic and other abilities." Stefan said. 

"Where would we have the school?" She asked. "Here. Damon and I were thinking of turning this place into a the boarding school. The place is big enough and we could always build extra buildings to have others rooms or we could add on to the house." Stefan said. 

"We should tell the others." Rebekah smiled. 

To Be Continued...

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now