Chapter 28

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Bonnie woke up with the sun sneaking through the curtains. Bonnie felt a strong arm wrapped around her waist. She turned to face the man the arm belonged to. 

Kol was sleeping peacefully. He felt movement under his arm and started to wake up. "Good Morning, Darling." His morning voice raspy and deeper than usual. He tightened his hold on her. "Good morning." She smiled when she saw his eyes open. 

"Darling, I need you to be ready by six p.m." Kol said as he looked into her big green eyes. "Why?" She asked. "Because I want to take you on a date." He smiled. 

"Okay. Where are we going?" Bonnie asked. "I'm not telling you. Just wear something casual yet formal." Kol said as he rolled out of bed. 

"Okay." Bonnie sat up and pulled the covers off her. 


Matt, Mason, Tyler, and Vicki finally moved back to the Lockwood mansion. It was later in the evening the couples left for date night. Freya, Damon, Lexi, and Marcel were watching the kids. 

"Aunt Freya!" Hope yelled as she walked downstairs with Lizzie and Josie. 

Freya walked out of the library. "Yes?" She asked. "Can you make us some snacks?" Lizzie asked. "Sure follow me." Freya walked towards the kitchen and the kids followed. 

Damon was cooking. "Hey." He said as he put some food on a plate. "What are you making uncle Damon?" Josie asked as she stood on her tippy toes.

"I'm making fried chicken and Mac and cheese for us." He stirred the noodles. The girls sat at the table and Freya sat with them. 

"So what are you girls doing tonight?" Freya asked. "We're gonna watch some movies." Hope played with her bracelet.

"Nice." Freya said. Freya helped Damon give the girls their food. "Lexi! Marcel!" Damon called for them. They came in and sat at the table. 

"Thanks Damon." Marcel said. "Yes, Thank you Damon." Lexi said as she drank some blood from the glass Damon gave her. 

"Your Welcome." He sat down next to Freya.


Klaus took Caroline to a fancy restaurant outside of Mystic Falls. They were sitting on the deck outside.

Caroline ordered the steak with a backed potato. Klaus ordered the same thing but with a salad. 

They talked getting to know each other better than they already did. He told her a story about when he was in London and met a queen in the thirteen hundreds. 

"Would you guys like dessert?" The waiter came and asked them. "Yes. What do you want, love?" Klaus looked at Caroline. 

"Can we get...the Lava cake?" Caroline asked. "Okay, I'll be back with it shortly." The waiter walked back inside. 

"Caroline..." Klaus said. She looked up at him and smiled. "I know we haven't been dating for a long time but I can see a future with you." Klaus said. 

"I can see a future with you too." She smiled. Klaus got on one knee in front of her "Caroline Elizabeth Forbes, Will you Marry me?" Klaus pulled out a velvet box with a diamond ring in it.

Her hands covered her mouth and she had tears in her eyes and nodded. "Yes! I'll marry you." She smiled as he slid the ring on her finger. She took his face in her hands and kissed him. 


Kol took the whole day to plan the perfect date. Bonnie and Kol arrived at the place where the date was going to take place. 

They had dinner together and now they were going on a walk near the lake that was by the restaurant. 

They walked hand in hand enjoying the quiet. "So what made you want to take me out tonight?" Bonnie asked. 

"I just wanted to have alone time with my girlfriend." Kol said as he wrapped his arm around her. She smiled. 

He stopped walking which also made her stop. "Why did you stop?" She asked. "Bonnie Bennett,  You changed me into a better man and I don't know what I would do if I ever lost you." Kol said now standing in front of Bonnie holding her hand in his. 

"I don't know what I would do if I lost you either." Bonnie said squeezing his hands. 

Kol got on one knee and she smiled. "Will you marry me?" He had a blue velvet box with a diamond ring. 

She smiled a single tear rolling down her cheek. "Yes., Kol Mikaelson I'll Marry you." She said. 

He put the ring on her finger and stood up. He kissed her and she kissed back. He picked her up and she giggled. 


Elena and Elijah were at her family cabin. He cooked for her and now they were sitting by the fire drinking some wine. 

"You know 'Lijah when we first met I thought you were really attractive." Elena said. "I was shocked when I met you." Elijah said. 

"I know." Elena smiled. Elijah looked at her admiring her beauty not just the beauty on the outside but her beauty on the inside. She was different from all the other doppelgängers that why he fell for her. 

"Elena?" Elijah said. "Yes 'Lijah?" She looked up at him through her eyelashes. He kneeled in front on her and quickly grabbed a velvet box that was similar to the one her gave her a few weeks ago. 

He opened it to reveal a diamond ring. She knew what was coming, her eyes watered. "Elena Marie Gilbert, I love you with every fiber in my body and want to spend the rest of eternity with you by my side. Will you marry me?" Elijah asked. 

She smiled a full teeth smile and nodded as a few stray tears rolled down her cheeks. "Yes 'Lijah." He slid the beautiful ring on her finger and kissed her. 


"What are you planning Stefan?" Rebekah looked at Stefan suspiciously as they left the restaurant. "Cant I just take my beautiful girl out on a date after everything that happened the last two months?" Stefan asked. 

"I guess." She smiled as she got in the car.

Stefan drove towards the falls. When they reached the falls he opened the door for Rebekah. He held her hand as the walked near the waterfall. 

He stopped when they got there. He stood infront of her and pushed some of her hair behind her ear. 

"Rebekah Mikaelson, You have been by my side through everything and I can't thank you enough. You helped me move on with my life and I love you for that." Stefan said as he pulled a box out of his pocket. 

He got on one knee "Will you marry me?" He looked up at her. She smiled. "Yes Stefan. I'll marry you." He got up and kissed her and she wrapped her arms around his neck. 

When he pulled away he put the ring on her finger. 

To Be Continued...

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now