Chapter 6

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They soon arrived in Texas, which was where Hayley was living with Hope. They all got out of the cars and walked up to the house. Hayley ran out and hugged Elijah. 

He hugged her back but kept his eyes on Elena. "I missed you so much!" Hayley exclaimed. "I missed you too." Elijah said. 

Everybody else gave her a dirty look. "Klaus do you want to see her?" Hayley asked. "Yeah." He followed her into the house and she led him to Hope's room. 

He saw his little girl sleeping. "I can wake her." Hayley said. "No. let her sleep. I can see her in the morning." Klaus said. 

They walked into the living room and everybody was either sitting or standing. "Thank you for helping me get Hope's family back." Hayley smiled. 

After Hayley said that Rebekah snapped "What do you mean? Caroline and her friends were the ones who did everything in less than a week while it took you four bloody years." Rebekah tried to be quiet so she wouldn't wake Hope up. 

"I-I..." Before Hayley could finish they heard footsteps. Hope walked into the living room and looked at everyone "Hi." She quietly said. 

They all looked at her and smiled. "Mom. Who are all these people?" Hope asked. "Some are your family and the others are friends." Hayley said. 

"Who is he?" Hope pointed at Klaus. Klaus was gonna say something but Hayley started to talk "He is part of your family now go lay back down." 

"Who is he to me Mom?" Hope insisted to get the answer. "He's your Dad." Hayley said. "But, you told me my dad was dead. You lied to me!" Hope yelled. 

For a seven year old she sure had a temper. "Why did you lie?!" Hope was upset cause she had grieved someone who wasn't even dead. "I'm sorry." Hayley said. 

Hope walked past her and stood in-front of Klaus. He bent down so he could be her height. "Hi, I'm Hope." She smiled. "Hi Hope. I'm your Dad." She pulled him into a hug. 

Caroline smiled at the two of them. "Why don't we go to your room so you can go back to bed and we can hangout the whole day tomorrow?" Klaus asked. She smiled and nodded. She grabbed his hand and they walked to her room. 

"Goodnight sweetheart." He tucked her in and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight Dad." She smiled and closed her eyes. 

Klaus walked back into the living room and was mad at Hayley for telling their daughter that he was dead. "Why would you tell her I was dead?" Klaus asked calmly but you could hear the anger in his voice. 

"It was better telling her that than the truth." Hayley said and crossed her arms. 

Klaus flashed in-front of her and grabbed her by the neck "You're lucky your her mother or else I would kill you." Klaus said as he dropped her. 

"Any other lies you told, we should know about?" Freya asked. 

"No." Hayley said as she held her neck. "If I find out your lying, you won't have to worry about Nik killing you, you'll have to worry about me and I should tell you I have our Father's temper." Rebekah said venomously. 

Hayley nodded. "Is it what its usually like with them?" Enzo asked loud enough so Damon could only hear him. Damon nodded "Pretty much." 

"There's extra rooms for you all to stay in." Hayley walked out of the living room. 

"I told you all that she didn't care about us." Kol said as he looked at Elena and Caroline who were there when he told Freya that. 

"Yes Kol, I remember you saying that." Freya crossed her arms. "Are you okay Klaus?" Caroline walked over to him. 

He looked at her with a pained expression "How could she tell my own daughter I was dead?" Klaus was hurt. "I don't know." She looked at him and then hugged him. Klaus hugged her back and felt himself relax in her arms. 

To Be Continued... 

This was a shorter chapter, the next chapter will be longer and include more of the couples and Klaus getting to know hope. 

I hope you enjoy.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now