Chapter 19

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Everyone looked away after the girl walked over to some people, except Caroline. She didn't know who this girl was and never seen her around before. 

Caroline kept her eye on the newcomer, she had a feeling this girl was trouble. Hope was talking to Lizzie and Josie. They talked about everything and what if feels like to be witches. 

Hope felt a presence that was familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. "Hey I'll be back, I have to ask my dad something." Hope said. "Okay see you soon." The twins said at the same time and giggled as did hope. 

She walked towards where her dad and Caroline were standing. Hope saw Caroline secretly glancing at a brown haired woman. 

"Daddy." Hope went up to him. "Hey princess...Whats wrong" He crouched down. "I think she is here." Hope said in a small voice. Klaus and Caroline shared a look "Okay lets go up stairs and Caroline and the others will meet us, okay?" Klaus said. 

Hope nodded and Klaus grabbed her hand as the walked upstairs to his old study. Caroline walked through the crowd of people to where Elena, Elijah, Hayley, Enzo, Freya, and Damon were standing. 

"Guys! She is here." Caroline whispered yelled at the them. "Where is Hope?" Hayley asked. "Klaus wants us all to meet him upstairs so they are in his study." Caroline said. 

"Okay, You guys go and Caroline and I will get the others." Freya said as her and Caroline walked away and the others quickly walked upstairs. Freya went to where Tyler, Mason, Vicki, Matt, Lexi, and Shelia were and told them. 

Caroline walked to where Finn, Sage, Stefan, Rebekah, Kol, and Bonnie were and told them, then she walked towards Josh, Marcel, and Davina and told them. 

Soon all of them were in Klaus study. 


The brown haired girl felt the blonde vampires eyes on her, watching her every move. When she knew Caroline wasn't looking she disappeared down a hallway and started walking towards a room. 

She opened the door and vampires, werewolves, and witches were in there, along with Mikael. They were all talking but when she walked in they stopped. 

"Took you long enough to get here." One of the vampires said. "Who said you could speak to me like that." She was in front of him before he could even blink. 

"I could rip you heart out right here, right now." She Glared at him. "Thana...Control yourself." Mikael intervened giving her a warning glance. 

She stepped back from the vampire and took a deep breath. "Now we gonna make ourselves known tonight." Thana said. 

"Are you sure, you want to expose ourselves tonight?" A witch asked. "Yes no get out of my face all of you." Thana looked at everyone in the room and they left. Mikael stood behind and looked at Thana "Do you think this is a smart plan?" 

"Yes Mikael. Now lets go." She smiled and grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room. 


"Are you sure that girl is Thana?" Mason asked. "Yes, Hope didn't feel how she did before that girl walked through the door." Caroline said.

"We need to be a hundred percent sure, we can't just attack a girl and it end up being the wrong person." Elijah said. "God Lijah, you're no fun." Kol groaned. 

"Cause I won't let you attack a girl." Elijah looked at his younger brother and Kol crossed his arms. 

"Children listen to Caroline." A voice said from the door. They looked and Esther was standing there with Dahlia. "What are you doing here?" Freya asked as she walked towards them. 

"We came to help of course." Dahlia said in a 'duh' tone. "Your both supposed to be dead." Freya crossed her arms. 

"Sweet Freya you should know, no mikaelson is ever really dead." Esther said. Freya rolled her eyes. 

"How can you and aunt Dahlia possibly help, Mother?" Kol asked. "I'm glad you asked. I'm sure your all away that your father is back." Esther looked at her children. 

They all mumbled something about their father. "Well he is working with Thana and I'm gonna kill him." Esther said. "How do you plan on doing that?" Elijah asked. 

"Dahlia is gonna link his life to mine so if I die or get killed he will die along with me." Esther said.  "What do you get out of this?" Klaus asked. "I know there isn't much Dahlia and I can do to get your forgiveness after everything we out you through but we can get rid of Mikael so you have one less problem." Esther sincerely said.

"Say we do help, how are you gonna get him away from Thana?" Finn asked. "By distracting him." Dahlia said. "How are you gonna distract him?" Rebekah asked. 

"With your brother of course." Esther said. "Which brother? I have more than one." Rebekah said. "The youngest." Dahlia said. 

"He is dead." Elijah said. "We are gonna bring him back tomorrow night, when its the full moon." Esther said. Oh the irony, bring him back the day he died a thousand years ago. 

"Okay then Mother. We'll see you and Dahlia tomorrow." Freya said. Esther and Dahlia left the study and soon disappeared so nobody saw them. 

"Okay well they will be taking care of Mikael tomorrow, we need to scatter around Mystic Falls. Thana could have followers and we need to be prepared for anything." Marcel said. 

"Yes I agree, so we can split up areas." Klaus pulled out a map of Mystic Falls and a marker. 

"Do you just have that on hand?" Caroline asked. "You always have to be prepared love." Klaus smirked and she shook her head. 

"Okay Hayley, Mason, and Tyler can go to the woods." Freya said and Klaus marked the woods for them. "Finn, Sage, Elijah, Elena, and Lexi can do some of the street patrol." Caroline said and Klaus marked the main roads that lead in and out of town for them. 

"Enzo, Matt, Vicki and Bonnie can go to the armory to make sure things go smooth for when Mother and Dahlia bring Henrik back." Rebekah said and Klaus marked the armory. "Damon and Stefan can by me some time as I do a protection spell on all of us." Freya said and Klaus marked the Salvatore boarding house. 

"Caroline, Kol, Rebekah, and I will be in town square making sure there are no threats on their way towards where you all are." Klaus said and marked town square. 

"Davina can you and Josh take Hope to my mom's house and keep an eye on her?" Caroline asked looking at the witch and vampire. "Yeah but I'll need to be invited in." Josh said. 

"I'll take care of that." Caroline said. "Marcel can you keep watch around the house?" Klaus asked. "Of course." Marcel's arms were crossed. 

"Okay, lets leave now that we have a plan." Elijah said. 

They soon all left waiting for tomorrow to come anxiously. 

To Be Continued...

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐌𝐢𝐤𝐚𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐬Where stories live. Discover now