Chapter 4

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Bonnie, Enzo, Damon, and Lily had just reached the warehouse. Caroline, Freya, Kol, Rebekah, and Stefan were in deep conversation about what has happened the last four years. 

While Elena and Elijah just kept giving each other longing looks. They didn't want to admit it but they missed each other. 

Caroline heard her name being called. So she go out of Kol's mind to see her 3 friends and Lily. "That didn't take as long as I expected it to." Caroline said. 

They ignored her "Okay how are we doing this?" Bonnie asked. Caroline called for Stefan and Elena. They got out of Rebekah and Elijah's mind. 

"Okay so first we need to give Freya the cure since she is the one who put them to sleep." Caroline said. "Who's Freya?" Damon asked. 

"Their older sister." Elena said. "There's more of them." Damon exclaimed. 

"Okay give me the cure for the poison." Bonnie handed the vile to Caroline. 

Caroline opened the coffin Freya was in and put the needle in her arm. A few seconds had passed. Freya shot up and took a deep breath. "Thank you Caroline." Freya got out of the coffin and grabbed the cures for the bite. 

"Wait. Before I cure Elijah and Kol can Stefan's mom remove the hex that's on Rebekah?" Freya asked. "Of course. Do you have something I can transfer the hex to?" Lily asked as she pulled her spell book out. 

They looked around and Freya grabbed a mouse that was on the floor and handed it to Lily. "Thanks." Lily held the mouse and started chanting soon the hex on Rebekah was gone and now on the mouse. She dropped the mouse and moved away from the coffin. 

Rebekah shot up like Freya did. "Bloody hell." Stefan helped Rebekah out of the coffin. "Okay Elena can you do it to Elijah and I'll do it to Kol?" Freya asked. Elena nodded and grabbed the needle with the cure. 

She put the needle in Elijah the same time Freya did to Kol. A few seconds later they both shot up. "Bloody hell, I have had enough time in a coffin to last an eternity." Kol jumped out of his coffin and stretched. Elijah got out and Elena couldn't help but hug him. 

He hugged her back to, they felt same with each other...they felt at home. Kol looked at Bonnie and smirked. "Darling, couldn't but save me?" 

"I didn't really have much choice darling," She mocked him. 

He just smiled. Enzo couldn't help but glare at him. 

"Okay enough chatting lets go get Klaus!" Caroline snapped. They looked at her as she walked out of the storage unit. "You heard Nik's girl lets go." Kol followed Caroline out and soon everybody else did to. 


They were just outside of New Orleans when they stopped so Kol, Elijah, and Rebekah could eat. They ate a bus full of prisoners. Kol was chasing one for the fun of it, The guy started screaming. 

They others looked at Elijah "Kol!" Elijah yelled and Kol quickly finished the guy off. 

Kol walked back to them with blood all down his chin and neck then going on to his shirt. 

"Come on Kol." Rebekah said. "I'm not going with you guys." Kol looked at them. "What do you mean?" Freya asked. "I'm mean that I love Nik, but I'm not going because I can't be around you people anymore." Kol was getting upset but was trying to control himself. 

"Kol you don't mean that. Your anger is getting the best of you." Elijah remained his calm self. "No it not okay. I can't do this anymore, I can't pretend that I am okay. I had to leave the girl I loved to move to New Orleans and looked where that got me stuck in a coffin for four bloody years!" Kol yelled.

 I had to leave the girl I loved to move to New Orleans and looked where that got me stuck in a coffin for four bloody years!" Kol yelled

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"Kol." Rebekah walked over to her big brother with tears in both their eyes. "I can't do it Bex." Kol let a few tears fall and Rebekah hugged him. "It's okay" She rubbed his back. 

Bonnie had tears in her eyes. She hated to see kol upset he had still loved her even after he left. Everybody knew Kol was in love with Bonnie but they didn't know how much. Enzo of course thought her was talking about someone else because Bonnie never told Enzo that the guy she loved was Kol. 

"I know how it feels Kol, you weren't the only one who left someone behind, we all did, and who knows maybe one day you'll get her back, Like I got Stefan back." Rebekah kissed her brothers cheek after he had calmed down. 

"Yeah your right. Let's go get Nik so he can meet Hope." Kol said. They walked to their two cars and drove to the tunnels that led underground to where Klaus was. 

"We need someone to distract Marcel and Josh." Freya said. "Okay so Bonnie, Kol and Damon can keep Josh distracted. Rebekah, Stefan, and Enzo can distract Marcel, While Lily, Elena, Caroline and I go get Niklaus." Elijah said. Everyone nodded and went off to do their assignments. 

To Be Continued...

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