Chapter 20: Part 1

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The Mikaelson Family was in the living room of the Salvatore house along with the others. Currently the Mikaelson brothers were arguing about something and Esther was trying to defuse the situation but now she was also arguing with them. 

Rebekah was beginning to grow irritated with them so she picked up a glass vase and threw it on the wall, dropping a picture as it scattered. "God, you all are bloody annoying!" She yelled as her family finally stopped arguing. 

"Now we already have a plan lets execute it." Rebekah crossed her arms. "Rebekah is right now boys stop being childish." Freya looked at her younger brothers. 

"Come on Caroline, Kol, and Rebekah." Klaus walked out of the front door his love and siblings following him. "Hayley, Mason, Tyler you all should get going." Elijah said and soon the werewolf and two hybrids were on their way to the woods behind the house. 

"We are gonna get going Josh is already at the house waiting for Hope and I." Davina said as she grabbed Hope's hand. "Bye be safe." Bonnie said and Davina nodded. Marcel followed them out since he was keeping watch of the house. 

Enzo, Matt, Bonnie, and Vicki took Esther and Dahlia to the armory. Elijah, Elena, Finn, Sage, and Lexi left to go to the main roads. 

They had all left something of theirs so Freya could do the protection spell.


It was three hours till the full moon and Kol was walking around with a bat behind his neck, as he walked around the park. He saw someone flash by him and he followed the person. 

He ended up on the side of the grill to be greeted by 3 witches, 2 vampires, and 1 werewolf that was waiting for the full moon. 

"This is gonna be fun." Kol smirked and grabbed the bat and swung it. He it the werewolves head and it rolled as his body dropped. 

He did the same to two of the witches and one of the vampires. The other witch and vampire ran off. "I always love a good chase." He started to run chase after them. 

While he was doing that Caroline was walking by the bell tower when witches tried to attack her. A witch was giving her an aneurysm and the others were making her through up blood.

She fell on the ground and when they thought she was knocked out they turned away. Caroline got up from the ground and flashed around them making whooshing sounds. 

The groups of witches stopped and turned around to see she was gone. One was about to say something but before she could Caroline bit her and snapped her neck. 

They turned background and saw Caroline with blood dripping down her chin. "You should of snapped my neck." Caroline said and then attacked the witches. 

Rebekah was sitting on a bench when a vampire, witch, and hybrid came up to her. "Well took you long enough to get here." She looked up at them. The vampire had red hair and Rebekah recognized her as Aurora. 

The hybrid was someone Klaus had turned and the witch was Agnes. Before they could even do anything Rebekah ripped Aurora's heart out. She then ripped out the hybrids heart and dropped it on the ground.

Rebekah flashed infant of Agnes and exposed her veins and dark eyes. "Looks like its just you." She then started to drain her, only enough to make her weak. 

Klaus was on the side of a nightclub just watching the area around him. He turned to walk away but when he turned there was a vampire there. He tried to fight Klaus but he wasn't strong enough. Klaus ripped his heart out and turned to the others that were gonna try the same thing.

Klaus bit into the heart "Come on...Don't be shy." He dropped the heart on the cement and then start to bit and rip the hearts out of the others. 


Hayley was in the middle of the woods walking. Tyler and Mason were infront of her talking about werewolves and how Tyler was helping some before he was killed. 

"Do you hear that?" Hayley asked and they stopped talking. They listened and shook their heads "I don't hear anything." Mason said. 

Hayley just shrugged her shoulders and they we about to walk but Hayley stopped once again. She turned around and caught the arrows that were heading there way. 

The three started to go towards the place the arrows were being stop from. They each caught them or missed them. Soon they were surrounded by werewolves. 

They all started fighting Hayley broke a few neck and ripped out a few hearts as did Tyler and Mason. 

"We need to move fast and kill the remaining wolves before the full moon." Mason said. Tyler and Hayley agreed and they all separated.


It was getting darker out and just outside of the woods and on the main roads Elijah stood in front of a black car. 

The car flipped over and landed on it's side. After a few minutes the vampires crawled out of it. 

"Well this seems rather unfortunate." Finn looked down at one of the vampires. "Who are you?" The vampire stood up as did the others. 

"I'm Finn Mikaelson." He then ripped his heart out. The other vampires were cracking their necks and backs so they could attack Finn. 

Two were about to go for him but Elijah walked in between them and staked them. He then fixed his trench coat. "Lets go find the girls." Elijah said. 

On the other set of main roads Elena laid down on the road. Sage was waiting  behind a tree. 

A car stopped infront of Elena and a woman got out as did a man. Sage and Elena knew immediately that they were witches. 

"Excuse me Ms. are you okay?" The lady asked. Elena looked up and groaned making it look like she was hurt. "I don't know, Can you please help me." Elena made her voice raspy. 

The man walked to the trunk of the car and opened it. That gave sage enough time to cover the lady's mouth and drag her to where she was hiding. Sage snapped the lady's neck

Elena flashed behind the man. He turned around "You scared me." He chuckled. Elena showed her veins and attacked him. 

He started to chant something in latin. She backed away screaming holding her head. She was now on her knees with tears in her eyes. 

Sage flashed behind the guy and pulled his heart out from behind. His body falling to the ground. "Thank you sage." Elena said and she nodded. The put the bodies in the trunk and drove the car off the main road. 

To Be Continued...

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