Chapter 12

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"We're waiting." Damon said.

"Give them a minute Damon." Kol growled. 

Everybody was in the living room. Damon, Freya, Kol, Hayley, and Enzo were on one couch. Elena, Caroline, Stefan, Rebekah, and Elijah were on the other couch, while Klaus stood next to where Caroline was siting. 

In the middle of the room Bonnie and Hope sat, getting ready to explain what happened. 

"Okay so where do you want me to start from?" Bonnie asked. 

"What happened when you blacked out?" Kol asked.

"Okay so I woke up in this place called the empty, basically it's where witches contact their living decedent to warn them about things." Bonnie explained. 

"Anyways my grams was there and she was saying something about how it was almost time and she was coming soon..." 

Everyone took in this information and then asked some more questions. 

"What happened to hope when she touched you?" Klaus asked. 

Bonnie looked at hope and nodded her head. 

"After I touched Bonnie I felt like I was being pulled towards wherever she was. I woke up in the empty as well and Shelia new who I was." Hope said. 

"Hope had mentioned something my grams being there to warn me about the evil. Grams had asked her how she had known and she said she can sense the girl getting stronger everyday." 

"Why can Hope sense her?" Caroline asked. 

"Grams said that Hope could sense her because Hope is the one who will end her for good."

"Who is she?" Freya asked. 

Bonnie and Hope didn't say anything for a couple a minutes.

"Her name is Thana...Her story begins over 5 thousand years ago..." 


Thana was to be one of the most powerful witches to ever be born. So everyday while her mother was pregnant the villagers, which consisted of witches, werewolf, and humans would bless and pray to the gods to give the child power. 

One day after at least 7 hours of labor their was a beautiful baby girl that was born. The villagers would say how she was one of the most beautiful babies in all of the land. 

The people had gathered around to bless the baby. It was after nightfall and everyone was their adults and kids were gathered because they believed this baby would be their savior...little do they know she would only bring death to them. 

There was a area set up, where the baby laid as they all blessed her. "We pray to the gods and our ancestors to bless this baby girl and give her power to save all of us!" One of the witches chanted. 

The villagers we praying and the wolfs in there wolf form. All of a sudden there was strong gust of winds. The child was glowing, she was getting powerful and everyone knew what that meant when a child who is a witch would glow. 

It meant that child would not be the savior but would be the destruction of everyone and everything around her. That's how she got her name Thana. 

As years past she only grew stronger, she was only ten when she first killed. She smiled as she ripped a teenage girl's heart out. 

She killed for the fun of it, she got a laugh out of it. After she reached the age of 18, that's when everyone realized she had to be killed. 

The witches had gathered and the werewolf's had helped. The witches believed she was to be defeated by a young powerful witch who was really the savior, her name was Eva.  

So once the young powerful witch had reach the age of 7 she had casted a spell to trap Thana away, as long as she never had a decedent that was as powerful as her. 

So thana was trapped.

End of FlashBack

"Wait how is she breaking free now then?" Enzo asked what everyone was thinking. 

"Because she is coming to kill the decedent of the witch who trapped her." Hope said. 

"Who is her decedent?" Hayley asked. 

"1 thousand years ago, Eva had a decedent who made her children vampires, but one of her children was part werewolf. After he broke the curse that repressed his werewolf gene he was able to reproduce. He had a child who was all three Witch, Vampire, and Werewolf. She was the first child born in  5 thousand years to be even more powerful than her ancestor Eva." Bonnie explained. 

Everyone was quiet for a long time taking in the new information. 

"That's why Hope is the one who will end her." Elijah said breaking the silence.

"Because she is more powerful than her ancestor, who trapped Thana." Caroline said. 

"But why does Thana want to kill my daughter?" Klaus asked trying to not get angry. 

"Because Hope is the age Eva was when she trapped Thana. Nobody ever worried about Thana escaping after you turned into vampires and freya was put to sleep for every hundred years because she would need 7 years to escape and cause none of you had children when you were still human except freya but she lost the baby..." Bonnie explained

"But what about our mother and aunt dahlia?" Kol asked.

"They didn't learn about their magic until they were past the age of 10. The decedent needed to learn or start practicing magic when they could talk. Hope knew she had powers her whole life, so after she was born that's when Thana started to get more powerful cause every year before Hope's birthday she would get stronger and the witches said that it's only a matter of time before she breaks out cause she is powerful enough." Bonnie finished. 

"Where will Thana appear at?" Damon asked. 

"The place where she was born." Hope said. 

"Where was she born?" Stefan asked. 

Bonnie thought for a moment  "She was born in Mystic falls, after Eva trapped her Eva and her family moved to the old world and none ever thought to go back, until Ester she knew that was where her family had originated from so her and Mikael moved there with Finn and unborn Elijah and then you all know the rest." 

"It looks like we're going back home earlier than expected." Klaus said. 

To Be Continued...

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