Chapter 3

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Damon was dropped off in New York by Bonnie and Enzo. She had told him there should be a witch who could siphon the hex that's on Rebekah. 

Damon went to the one place where he new a witch would be. He walked into the building with the name VooDoo, Where Cures Live. 

"Damon, I've been expecting you." The lady who was siting down said. "Yeah that's not creepy." Damon sat in front of her. 

"So Damon, What can I do for you?" The lady asked. "Well I need you to siphon a hex." Damon said. 

"Who was this hex placed on?" She asked. "You and I both know who...Mom." Damon said. 

"I can't help you Damon." Lily got up from her chair and walked to a shelf. 

"Mom come on. This could be a way for you to make up for all the things you did." Damon negotiate. 

"Son, If I do this you and your brother will forgive me, right?" She wanted to make sure Damon wasn't lying to her because she wanted to fix the mistakes she made when she was in mystic falls all those years ago. 

"Yes, Stefan and I will forgive you." Damon was being truthful. He already had forgiven his mother a long time ago. 

"Then I will do it, When do we leave?" She asked as she grabbed the spell book she needed.

"My friends our on their way from New Orleans to pick us up." Damon said. 

"Thank you my son," She hugged Damon and he hugged her back. 


Freya was trying to Calm down an angry Kol. "Who is this girl?" Freya asked. "She isn't a girl. She is a strong, beautiful, brave, smart, and kind witch who don't let people walk all over her and she isn't afraid to tell someone how she feels about them." Kol stood up and explained. 

"She sounds great, Now why are you mad that she has a boyfriend?" Freya didn't know what had Kol so upset. 

"Because I love her and I never stopped loving her!" Kol yelled. Elena and Caroline looked at each other and smiled. They have always like Kol and Bonnie together.

They balanced each other perfectly, Bonnie was the responsible and caring one, well Kol was the childish and playful one. Together they made each other challenge themselves and do things they never thought of doing before. But they broke up when Kol had asked her to move to New Orleans with her and she said no. 

"Kol why did you never tell her that?" Elena was truly curious as to why the man her best friend was still had feelings for never told her. 

"I was four years ago. I had just arrived to mystic falls and I stopped at the grill to get some food. When I walked into the grill I saw bonnie and she looked happy, she laughing and smiling like crazy. She was with some guy and If she was happy then I wasn't gonna ruin it for her. So I left and went back to New Orleans. Then all that stuff happened and now I am in this place." Kol explained.

"Did the guy have black hair, a beard and sound British?" Caroline asked. "Yeah, Why?" 

"Because that's Enzo and they didn't even start dating until a month ago." Caroline said.

"So he had a thing for her, for four bloody years?" Kol was getting mad again because he could have told Bonnie four years ago but he thought she had moved on.

"Yeah, she always turned him down but then she finally said she would go out with him last month and now they are dating." Elena explained. 

Kol just sat there upset thinking about how much he missed his little witch. 

Elijah walked into the living room shocked to see Elena. "Hello." 

"Hey Elijah." Caroline said happily. "Elijah they are getting us cures, so then we can go get Klaus back." Freya explained. 

But Elijah barely even heard her because he was focus on Elena and she was doing the same. The moment their eyes met it felt like they were the only two people in the world.

Caroline bumped her shoulder into Elena. Elena slowly looked away from Elijah "What were you saying?" Elena asked. 

"I didn't say anything." Caroline smirked and Elena just looked down. 

"So how are you gonna get the cure Ms. Forbes?" Elijah went back to normal. If there was one women in the world to make Elijah lose focus it was Elena Gilbert.

Their relationship was full of love and new experiences. They were both similar in ways and not so similar in other ways. Elijah was ambitious and driven, Elena was compassionate and caring one. Together they tried new things for each other and always protected each other, even if the one protecting was hurt. They also broke up Elijah was to move with his family and wanted Elena to come with him but she wasn't ready so the ended things. He then met Hayley and tried to move on with her. 

"Elijah, Call me Caroline. So Bonnie, Damon, and Enzo have travelled to go get the cures and witch needed." Caroline said. 

"Wait why do we need a witch?" Freya asked.

"She isn't just any kind of witch she can siphon something out and put it into something else and we need her to do that to the hex thats on Rebekah." Elena said. 

"Oh she is a heretic. Who is she?" Kol asked. 

Caroline and Elena looked at each other because once they said who it was they knew Stefan would hear them and be upset. 

"She is Stefan and Damon's Mother." Elena said. 

Stefan heard this while walking towards the house with Rebekah. She notice the look on his face "What's wrong?" 

"It sounded like Elena said the heretic that was coming was my mother." Stefan didn't want to believe because he would have to see her after what she did. 

"Well you could ask them once we get in the house." Rebekah grabbed his hand as they walked on to the deck. 

"Why do I feel like that's not a good thing?" Freya asked. 

"Because it isn't." Stefan and Rebekah walked in. 

"And why might that be?" Elijah asked. 

"Because she turned the women that was carrying my child and then she killed her again when I saw her again four years ago." Stefan said. 

"Why would she do that?" Rebekah asked. She hated seeing Stefan heartbroken. 

"The girl that was pregnant, Valerie wanted to stay with me but my mom didn't want so she killed her and she became a vampire and then four years ago Valerie who I thought was dead showed up in mystic falls and after she told be what happened my mom came from behind and killed her." 

"I'm sorry Stefan." Freya knew what it was like to lose an unborn child and the father of the unborn child. 

"Thank you and I'm better now. I have forgiven her now I have the chance to tell her." Stefan squeezed Rebekah's hand.

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