Chapter 25

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A witch, vampire, and werewolf walk into the bell tower. Reaching the top where the bell hangs from a chain with a lever next to it.

The witch Elise chants a spell to open the gates of hell. The vampire, Julie, pulls the lever for the first time making the bell ring.

The werewolf, Luke, stands out by the edge waiting for their enemies to show up.

They were ready to unleash hell fire. But they weren't ready for the consequences that doing so would unleash.

They didn't know by unleashing hell fire it would kill everyone in Mystic Falls including them.


Hayley, Enzo, Tyler, and Vicki were with Matt. He had to evacuate everyone out of town.

In case things didn't go there way, they wanted to make sure none of the townies got caught in the cross fire.

Mart told one of his deputies to tell everyone there was a gas leak and they needed to get out of town right away.

Hayley, Enzo, Tyler, and Vicki set up the routes for people to leave out of.

While they were helping people leave Lexi, Stefan, Rebekah, Damon, and Freya were walking the woods to the tunnels.

"So you and Freya?" Stefan raised his brows at Damon. "I don't know Stefan, she's different than any girl I've been with. Or had feelings for" Damon smiled, a real genuine smile.

Stefan looked at his older brother, a huge smile on his lips. He was glad Damon was finally opening up to someone. Stefan wasn't sure how much Damon told Freya about him but he did know that Damon never looked at anyone the way he looked at Freya.

In the short amount of time the had gotten to know each other, Damon feels himself falling for the Mikaelson witch more and more everyday.

His piecing blue eyes light up every time someone mentions her. He feels his heart squeeze every time she smiles or laughs. He finds himself thinking about her at the most random times of the day.

As does she. She feels and does the same things as Damon. The connect so we'll because they are similar yet different in ways nobody not even themselves can explain.

They were on their way to the tunnels because Freya had to make sure the fire would lead to the armory.

Elena, Elijah, Finn, Sage, and Henrik were walking towards the bell tower. They had to make sure the witch and vampire and werewolf went through with their plan.

Elijah and Elena walked hand in hand. She was afraid of what would happen to Bonnie. She couldn't lose one of her best friends.

Elijah knew how hard it was for her. She had lost so many people in her life already and she couldn't bare the fact of losing another.

So, Kol, Elijah, and Klaus has been looking for ways around her dying, but they all ended with her becoming a vampire or a living relative sacrificing their life for hers.

They had finally reached the bell tower. Elijah and Finn look up and see the werewolf standing on the edge looking out.

They all walked in and up the stairs. They reach the top to see the three supernatural creatures.

"Luke! You were supposed to be looking out!" The young witch Elise scowled him as she looked at the five who had just entered.

Luke rolls his eye. The vampire Julie looks to the other vampires and young boy. "Your not gonna stop us." She said as she ringed the bell again.

"We know. We are here to make sure your plan goes through." Elijah says calmly. "Were not gonna try to stop us?" Luke asks.

"No." Sage says. Elise, Julie, and Like share a look and shrug their shoulders continuing with their plan.

Marcel, Davina, Josh, Cami, Dahlia, Mikael, and Esther walked to the place where they were meeting Klaus, Caroline, and Hope.

Marcel spent their time walking catching up Cami on everything that has been happening. Including Klaus relationship with Caroline.

"Wait! He's dating that blonde." Cami's voice was filled with jealousy and hatred. Mikael, Esther, and Dahlia rolled their eyes.

Of course Klaus had moved on...more like moved backwards. But still regardless he had never stop loving Caroline even if he looked Cami. The love her felt for Caroline was much stronger.

"What did you expect? You died." Dahlia said. "I know I just thought that he would've moved on with someone more sophisticated." Cami said.

"To be fair, he fancied Caroline way before you came into the picture. She was the first girl in a thousand years to make my son so his humanity again." Esther said.

"Really!?" Cami is shocked. "Yes. I've never seen someone look at someone they love, the way he looks at her..." Mikael says softly. Everyone one looks at him shocked.

"What!?" He exclaims as he feels their eyes on him. "Nothing. It's just that's the nicest thing you have ever said about Niklaus." Esther says.

Mikael shakes his head "Well...Don't get use to it." His voice going back to its regular dark and low and creepy sounding voice.

Caroline had Hope's hand in hers as they walked with Klaus to where they were meeting Esther and them.

Caroline didn't try to start a conversation with Klaus as they walked. She was still in her thoughts about earlier. Klaus was quiet and thinking how to go about what he wanted to say. Should he just say it or make a long speech. 

He was nervous his body was shaking and he kept wiping the sweat off his palms. He took a deep breath and stopped walking. Caroline soon noticed and turned around. Klaus was a few feet behind her and Hope. 

They walked back to Klaus and stood in front of him. "Why did you stop?" Caroline asks. "I have to tell you something Caroline." Klaus said as he grabbed her free hand. 

"Caroline Elizabeth Forbes, I have never met someone like you. Every time we are together I feel like I'm whole again. I've loved other women but I've never been in love with any of them. Caroline Elizabeth Forbes, I love you." Klaus says.

Caroline smiled with tears in her eyes. "I love you too." She put her free hand on the Side of his face as the kissed. 

"Not that I'm not enjoying that you two finally admitted your feelings, we got to go." Hope hand released Caroline's hand and crossed her arms. 

Klaus smiled at his little girl as did Caroline. "She's right, lets go." Caroline said as she grabbed Klaus hand and Hope's hand. 

To Be Continued...

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