Chapter 17

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After everything Bonnie told them, they were all quiet while her and Kol hugged. There was a knock at the door. 

Kol and Bonnie pulled away and looked at the others. This time Stefan opened the door and he was speechless when he was who it was "While aren't you gonna give your best friend a hug." She smirked. 

"Lexi!" He smiled and hugged her. "Come in." She walked in and saw everybody. "Well if t isn't Lexi." Damon sarcastically said. 

"Shut up Damon, you're glad I don't stake you." She smiled sweetly and he rolled his eyes. "Wait! if you're back does that mean..." Damon didn't finish what he was going to say when he got knocked down to the ground. 

Everyone looked around and then Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie saw her Vicki Donavan. "Hey Damon." She smirked. 

Damon stood up and dusted himself off "Why are you attacking me. I didn't kill you." Damon exclaimed.  "I know but Stefan was just protecting Jermey and Elena from me, you on the other hand I just simply don't like you." She poured herself some bourbon. 

"So where is my baby bro?" Vicki asked Bonnie. "I don't know but we can call him." Bonnie said and Vicki nodded.

"Hello Damon." A voice said and Damon groaned "This really isn't my day." He turned around and smiled. 

"Mason so good to see you somewhat alive and well." 

"Whatever so whats going on here?" Mason asked as he sat down. "Nothing just plotting a plan to kill someone." Damon said. 

"So where is Tyler?" Caroline visibly tensed hearing her dead ex boyfriends name. Everyone notice how Stefan, Elena, Caroline, and Bonnie looked at Damon. 

Mason looked at Damon "What did you do Damon?" Mason growled. "I didn't mean to, It just happened." Damon tried to explain. "Did you kill him the same way you killed me?" Mason's hadn't was on Damons neck.

"I did ripped his heart out but I didn't torture him before." Damon said. "How did Carol take the news?" Mason slightly let go of Damons neck. 

"She's dead." Damon whispered. "Did you kill her." Masons head tightened on his neck again. everybody looked at Klaus except Mason. Klaus stood up "I killed her." Klaus said. 

"You killed my sister in law." Mason walked over to Klaus. Mason was about to attack him "He isn't worth it." A voice said from the doorway. They looked towards the doorway to see the one and only Tyler Lockwood. 

"Tyler." Mason walked over to him "Uncle Mason." They hugged. Matt walked into the house and saw his dead best friend and sister. 

"Vicki." Matt said. "Matty." She hugged her bother. "I missed you." He said. "I missed you too." She smiled. Tyler and Matt said their hellos and then Tyler and Vicki were happy to see each other. 

Looks like today was the day of reunions. A red haired girl flashed in the house and grabbed Elena by the neck. "Remember me." Sage smiled. Elijah snapped the girls neck and her body fell to the ground. 

Soon Finn flashed in the house and saw Sages body on the ground. "Sorry I couldn't stop her before she came, she still mad about you killing me and then her dying." Finn looked at Elena and Matt. 

"Finn!" Freya hugged her brother. "Freya." Finn hugged her back. "We thought we lost you." Elijah looked at his older brother. 

"Come on us Mikaelsons don't give up that easily." Finn smiled. Rebekah hugged her eldest brother, as did Klaus, Kol, and Elijah. 

Sage gasped for air as she sat up. She about to attack Matt and Elena again but Finn stoped her "Calm down, it okay." Finn held her by her shoulders. 

"Fine." She huffed and crossed her arms. 

A stake flew into the house and into Klaus stomach.He groaned in pain as he fell to the ground. Caroline pulled the stake out and his siblings were by his side. 

Caroline noticed the cravings on the stake, they were the same ones that were on the one Mikael had. "White oak." She whispered. 

"What did you say?" Freya asked. "Its a white oak stake." Caroline stood up. "Father is here." Finn stated. 

"Is my dad going to be okay?" Hope looked up to Caroline. "He'll be fine sweetie." Caroline gave the little girl a small smile. 

Klaus woke up a few minutes later and Finn gave him a blood bag. Marcel, Davina, Josh, Mason, Tyler, Vicki, Matt, Shelia, and Lexi were all sitting in the Kitchen talking when Bonnie walked in and sat next to her grams. 

"I'm gonna bring you all back to life." Bonnie said. They all looked at her "Bonnie that will kill you even faster." Shelia said. 

"Grams, Freya is gonna help me and I wanted to ask if Davina would to." Bonnie looked at Davina. "I'll help you." Davina smiled. "Thank you, we will start in a few minutes, we have to do this quick." Bonnie said and everyone nodded. 


Finn, Sage, Tyler, Vicki, Shelia, Mason, and Lexi were in a circle in the middle of the library. Bonnie, Freya, and Davina stood outside of the circle and had things that belonged to them when they were alive. 

They started chanting and lights flickered, windows flew open, and everything around them flew around. Soon the candles blew out and the circle opened, which indicated the spell was a success. 

They thanked the three witches and went into the living room where everyone was waiting. "Did it work?" Elena asked. 

"Yeah it worked." Bonnie smiled. She was gonna miss her friends and Kol, they were her family. Shelia noticed her granddaughters feelings about having to leave her friends. Shelia walked back into the library. 

She contacted her ancestors and the sprits, she wasn't gonna let bonnie die so young. So she did the only thing she knew she could. 

Everyone was in the living room talking about a plan to weaken thana before hope defeats her. 


Thana was on her way to Mystic Falls, she had went to see the vampires and now they were working with her. They didn't want to die. They told her where Hope was. 

Thana had contacted Mikael and now if Hopes family gets in the way he has orders to kill them if they try to stop the inevitable, as Thana put it. 

To be Continued...

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