Chapter 10

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It was late at night, Enzo and Bonnie were leaving to go out tonight.

Bonnie was in the passenger seat as Enzo drove into town. He parked outside of some diner.

She opened the door for herself and got out. Her and Enzo walked hand in hand into the diner. They sat down at a booth across from each other.

She sighed and grabbed the menu. How was she going to tell him they should just be friends? That she has unresolved feelings for her ex, who just happens to be in the same house as them.

The waiter came over and asked them wanted, they ordered their food and then sat in a silence.

Bonnie looked at Enzo and took a deep breath. "Enzo we should talk." She said.

"Okay what do you want to talk about?" He grabbed her hand from across the table.

"I think we should break up." She said quickly and quietly so only he could hear her.

"Why?" He pulled his hand away from hers as if she burned him.

"I don't want to string you along." She sighed.

"Why would you be stringing me along?" He asked. She looked into his eyes "Because I have unresolved feelings for my ex."

"Oh and does he still have feelings for you?" Enzo asked. "I think so. We talked yesterday and he told me something that I didn't know and if I'm being quiet honest I think I never really moved on from him." Bonnie said truthfully.

Enzo was quiet for a long while "I'm sorry Enzo. I never met to hurt you." Bonnie apologized. He quietly laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" She asked. "Sorry its just that you didn't hurt me and If you still have feelings for him than you should do something about it. Also If I am being honest too, I kinda have my eyes on someone else I just...I just didn't know how to end things with you." Enzo looked at her.

"Thats good...So friends?" She looked at him and he smiled "Friends."

"So who is this ex?" He asked as the food arrived at their table. "Kol." She smiled. "Kol! Kol freaking Mikaelson?" He exclaimed quietly.

She nodded "Yeah."

For the rest of the night they talked as friends would. She told him everything about her relationship with Kol and he told her about the girl he had become fond of. But that is a story for another time.


Freya was sitting in the living room watching a movie. Bonnie and Enzo had just left and she was the only one awake.

Damon walked downstairs shirtless and freya saw him and she couldn't help but check him out. "Enjoy the view?" Damon gave one of his signature smirks.

She looked away blushing "Shut up Damon!" She said as leaned against the door frame to the living room.

"Theres no need to be shy about it freya. I mean a beautiful woman like yourself is allowed to check out a handsome man like myself every once in a while."

"Damon if you don't shut up I will make your insides boil." She glared at him.

"Feisty I like it." He sat next to her on the couch.

"What are you watching?" He changed the subject.

She sighed realizing he wasn't gonna leave her alone any time soon "It's pride and prejudice. I like the book so I decided to watch the movie." She said.

"Do you like it so far?" He asked, she nodded.

So for the rest of the night he sat there and watched the movie with her. Soon sleep came to both of them and Freya snuggled into Damon as he held her.


"What are they doing?" "If he hurts her I'll bloody murder him!" "Chill Nik, they're just sleeping." "I totally ship it!" "We need a picture of this." "Kol hush you'll wake them up!" Click.

A flash woke Damon out of his sleep as it did to Freya. They opened their eyes to see everybody who lived in the house above them and Kol with a camera.

"Looks like the lovebirds are awake!" Kol smirked, Bonnie hit his shoulder and he grabbed it.

Damon and Freya looked at each other and then jumped apart. The girls dragged Freya away so they could talk with her about what happened with Damon.

They went upstairs to Rebekah's room and sat on the bed. "Okay, Tell us everything." Caroline smiled.

Freya looked at the 5 girls confused "Theres nothing to tell we watched a movie together and fell asleep." Freya played with her chipping nail polish.

"Please! Damon doesn't just watch movies with anyone unless he is gonna get some." Caroline exclaimed and both Bonnie and Elena nodded knowing how the oldest Salvatore is.

"Hey! He could change for freya if he truly likes her." Hayley said. "She does have a point." Elena agreed with Hayley.

"Okay enough about Damon. Whats going on with Nik and Caroline?" Freya said quickly changing the subject.

Caroline blushed "We're dating!"

"It's about bloody time!" Rebekah exclaimed and both Bonnie and Elena agreed.

"Okay so how did he ask you?" Elena asked.

"We took a walk after breakfast yesterday and we stopped and he asked me and I said yes, then we had mind blowing..." Caroline was cut off by Freya and Rebekah.

"We don't want to hear about our brother's sex life." Freya said disgusted and Rebekah making gaging noises.

Caroline rolled her eyes "Anyway. What about Kol and Bonnie?" Caroline asked.

"Yeah how is that going Bonnie?" Elena asked. Bonnie looked at the girls and sighed "I broke up with Enzo and I told him my whole past with Kol, I even told him that we were engaged." Bonnie said.

"Wait! You and Kol were engaged?" Freya asked shocked just as Rebekah was.

"Yeah we only told Elena and Caroline because before we could tell anyone else we had already broke up." Bonnie explained and the girls nod understanding.

"Anyway I'm gonna take some time to myself before I tell Kol."

"That's a great choice, You'll keep him on his toes longer." Rebekah said.

"What about you Hayley any guy that has your attention?" Elena asked.

Hayley looked at Bonnie and she nodded because she already knew "Enzo and I have been hanging out a lot lately." She quietly said.

"So you started hanging out before he broke up with Bonnie?" Caroline asked. "Yeah, I kinda like him I just didn't do anything because he was with Bonnie and I didn't want to ruin that relationship." Hayley said.

"I get that." Elena said. "What about you and Elijah?" Hayley asked as she looked at Elena.

"It been great, we both are going slow because we want our relationship to last this time." Elena said.

"Yeah same thing with me and Stefan." Rebekah said.

"How is that going?" Freya asked her younger sister.

"Its good and I was talking with our brothers about moving back to Mystic falls when you guys leave." Rebekah said.

"Really! What did they say?" Caroline asked.

"They said that if Hayley and Hope move with us than we can go." Rebekah explained.

They all looked towards Hayley. "Hope and I could use a new set of scenery." Hayley smiled the girls squealed and Frey smiled cause she did't do the whole squealing thing.

To Be Continued...

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