Hi! The Beginning.

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Hi everyone!! This is just explaining the rules of this omegaverse! And what I'm planning. The first chapter won't be up until I finish my current story.

If you have anything in particular that you'd like to see in this story comment it here and I will do my best to add it. 🙂

Omegaverse stories and soulmate AUs are my favorite stories to write. Lol this isn't my first one. But I'm pretty excited for it.
I have a better time writing certain things when It's a Omegaverse.

Now on to the rules.

(Note: these are my personal rules for this story. Every omegaverse is a little different.)

1. Temporary bond marks.
These marks are not like permanent bonding marks they will only last for 30 days. Only the Alpha that left the mark will be affected that particular Omega's heat and scent. Mostly used to protect young Omega's from assault.

2. Permanent bond marks.
These are actual mate marks. Once a alpha marks a Omeg permanently another Alpha can't ever be affected by their scent or heats.

3. Omega's can mark a Alpha but only after a Alpha has given them a permanent mark and gives them permission.

4. Heats in this story will happen every 30 days. Male Omega's will have slick to make the mating process easier.

5. Yes there will be male pregnancy.

6. I might make Knotting a thing. I haven't written a omegaverse with knotting before so I might try it this time.

7. Dropping.
Omega's can drop (faint) when they are out in a dangerous situation or stressful situation. It can become deadly if not helped in a good amount of time. Typically other Omega's are better at helping a Omega recover then Alpha's but Alpha's can still help as long as the stay calm.

8. Scenting.
Omega's and Alpha's can scent each other either as a bonding thing or a sign of ownership or just as a sign of friendship. Scenting can be very soothing to Omega's.

9. Scent glands.
Scent glands are located on the neck right below the ear and the wrist.

10. Nesting.
Pregnant omega's like to take their mates things that smell like them and make nest while pregnant.

11. Suppressants.
Omega's can use heat suppressants to tone down their heat to to make it Temporarily stop. (Alpha's in this story might have Ruts I haven't decided yet.) but if they do suppressants will work the same way.

Sooo that's all for now ! Lol it shouldn't take long for me to get the first chapter up!

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