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        After the light faded I slowly opened my eyes. Black dots were dancing in front of me. When my vision focused I realised that, I was still in that pavement and that metallic monster was gone and a girl was standing there. The air was thick with smoke and everything became blurry. Before I could see her face, in a blink disappeared.
      I asked "wh....who was she? An...and where is th..that dinosaur?". "There!...." Pointed Blossom. The only evidence of existence of that monster was it's severed head.
            "And that girl?"I repeated, "Don't worry she is our friend, you will meet her first we have to save your lives... Now get up and get moving " answered Dr. Steve or commander Steve whatever.
   He opened a door and told us to follow and we did. Then he took us underground. It was literally a labyrinth of canals.
            I asked "what is this place?", "seems to be some kind of labyrinth of canals" added Blossom. "Actually it's a sewer system" replied Dr. Steve. "What! from all the places you brought us into a sewer"I asked in frustration. Dr. Steve answered "Calm down kid, it is incomplete , so..."  , "So, what?". He sighed and answered "so it is not in use and never was."
     "Now we have discussed about this sewer system can we proceed" commented Dr. Steve and started running "follow me otherwise you will get lost and may die before anyone can find you". And we started running on his trail.

       After running for twenty minutes or something we reached at the end of sewer. After walking for some time we saw the light and we proceeded towards that source of light and after all that running we got out in daylight.
    But there was a surprise waiting for us and that surprise was a pack of monsters and humanoid robots who were surrounding us . Before I could react or understand anything, something stung at my neck and everything went black.

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