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      And she killed us, I mean literally killed us. When her knives were only a inch from our throats she stopped and started laughing. Before we could understand or react she tackled us in a tight hug and her hug was so tight that our ribs made a sound "krrkk". She said laughing "You both are too dumb". I thought "I don't know we are intelligent or dumb but your hug made my lungs numb." Wasn't that a rap? Yeah, I rapped, I am a rapper now. What do you mean rhyming words isn't rapping? I know it was a bad joke, now moving to the story. We(Blossom and I) looked at each and she was thinking same thing what I was thinking "what the hell is going on?"
      Then she looked at confused faces and said "Hi, I am Alt , I know it's not a proper way to do introductions but I am not used to do these introduction thing it makes me nervous and when I gets nervous I do things like this." . I replied "It's okay , but you are much stronger than you look.", "Yeah very strong" Blossom agreed. She looked at us and said smiling"Thank you, No one told me this before." "I think you haven't hugged them.." murmured Blossom. She asked "Did you said something?" Blossom replied "No, nothing". Then I asked "Are you with Dr. Steve?" Then voice came from no where "Yes she is with me." And about ten men and women materialized from thin air in front of us. I don't know how but they did.

      Dr. Anna and all the other hospital staffs were here in same kind of uniform like Dr. Steve was wearing. Dr. Anna came to us and asked " You both alright ,(looking at me) do you feel anything different in your body or any pain." I replied "Everything is alright and the difference I feel in my body is weakness". Blossom replied "I am alright, just got a little tired ."
       When we were talking some one started the bonfire and I could smell the  scent of burning wood in the air. And we all sat around the bonfire making a circle and a nurse was cooking something in a utensil which looked like same hospital food we used to eat. I don't know where they got utensils and food or they brought them with themselves. That time I was only hungry. I was sitting between both girls , don't know why and when she came in my side but she was staring at me with a smile on her face, which was giving me goosebumps. I asked "What are you looking at?" , "You" she replied. "May I know why?"I asked, she replied "Because you are like me."

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