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        Everyone gathered near Dr. Steve and after a moment he started "You all might have many questions in your brains like all of a sudden why are we here? and what place is this? and why we never came here before? and mostly who is this man? Don't worry you will get your answers very soon. First of all let me introduce you to these kids (pointing at us) some of you might know them already, they are our key of success in our mission or our most important frontline warriors.(then he looked at us) you might be thinking what's going on? Don't worry you're not the only one who is not getting anything. All them are on same boat.
        Now, let me tell you what's the real deal. As we all know that we are artificial humans or artificial human whatever suits. But you don't know the main motive of creating us. We are created to fight a war. A war with the someone so powerful that you never have never imagined. It's a group of powerful beings gathered to conquer this galaxy. They have already destroyed two third of this galaxy and now their main targets ar us and according to information we got they will arrive here in ten days. But..."
         Someone asked "But What?". Ralph cleared his throat and said "I will take over from here, you are terrible in explaining things. If you couldn't understand let me explain it again. You know we all are artificial humans and we are created to fight a war with a group of interstitial species trying to destroy this galaxy and they have already destroyed one third of it. And you all are created to fight them and stop them. Alpha and Blossom are created to fight the main members of the group and you all are designed to fight their huge army."
      He took a short break gulped some water and started again "But before you can fight, you need to train and learn how to use your powers and how to use them in combat. But it's not all the problems we have, there is a problem which we need to deal first and that problem is a spy...."
         "A spy!" A wave of surprise ran through everyone. Ralph continue "Yeah, a spy and not a normal spy, she can disguise us by changing herself into any object or person...." before he could complete Blossom asked "How do you know spy is a she?", he replied "Because of our prototype expert." I asked "How?"
      Ralph said "As you know Alt was not complete when Steve took her with him, he added a special feature in her brain as I told you" I replied "Yeah, so wha.... Ohh I got it" Ralph smiled and showed me a thumbs up. Then Blossom asked "Is she between us?" Ralph replied "And who is she?" Someone asked, Ralph Opened his mouth to say something suddenly a explosion shook everything and again everything around me got still and the Spy was in front of me.

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