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        Blossom went to take a close look and I did too. It was really Alt. Blossom asked "What happened to Alt? Is she okay?" I bent a little and touched Alt's forehead. It was hot, hot like a kettle boiling water. But there was something off about her blood and wounds. She had blood all over her face and there was blood on the soil too but there wasn't any wound visible to my eyes.
       Then I touched the blood on the ground and it was wet whereas blood on her body was dry. I said "Why this blood is wet(pointing at the blood patch on soil) and blood on her body is dry and there are no wounds to be seen.." girl with blonde hair was observing my actions and was looking at me in a very strange way. I looked at her our eyes met and she started talking with Blossom. I don't know what.
     I asked "What's her condition?",
Ralph replied "She will all right with a little hydration." I replied "I see".
      Then we carried her to the underground room where we waked up and then we put her in the same glass box in which we waked up and same liquid was poured in the box.
      I asked "What is this liquid?" Girl replied it's a liquid which contains everything a human need to survive. Same liquid was used to create all of us. I nodded "Hmmm". Blossom asked "By the way what's your name?" She replied "Suzie". Blossom said "Nice name(looking at me in a strange way)" I asked Blossom "What?" She said "Isn't her name cute.." I replied "Ofcourse it is so what?". She replied "Nothing"
          Girls you know. I asked Ralph "I still can't understand why there is no wound on her body?" He replied "Because I made her like this.." I was shocked "You made her!" He replied "Yeah, I made her to be my little sister and she was until...." I asked "Until what?" He continued "Nothing we will talk about it later or it will be better if you ask her yourselves." I replied "Okay.".

         After a long silence my curiosity began kicking me to ask my all questions about Alt what?How?Why? And the person who could answer me was still unconscious and was stored in glass box like a pickle. Then Suddenly Ralph asked something which ticked my memory from tomorrow night and now I started remembering the incident but it wasn't clear yet. And what Ralph asked is "What do you think?" I asked "About..." He continued "Your accident and this you think both incidents are related" I answered "Maybe and maybe not because I can't remember about anything happened tomorrow night" he sighed with a "Hmmm..". 
         Someone moaned and it was none other than Alt. She was gaining her consciousness slowly her eyes opened and then closed, suddenly her eyes opened completely and she shouted "You traitor..." and lunged at me.

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