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           In front of me the person was Suzie and Alt was holding her from behind to prevent her from escaping. But now it wasn't needed, she was frozen. Alt removed her hands from Suzie and Came to me. I asked "Are you alright?" She replied "Yeah". I asked "will you be alright after this ends" she replied "Think so" I nodded. I took a look at Suzie and said "So, the Spy was with us this whole time". Then someone said "Not the whole time just for few hours.." I looked at the source and it was none other than Ralph and I wasn't surprised at all. I chuckled "So you too can do these stuffs" he chuckled "Not as much you can but yes."
        Then I looked all around and asked "What should we do now?" he replied "First thing we need to do is bring all of them into our time continuum" I asked "And how can we do this time thing?". He replied "It's easy " I said "Okay, then how can we do this?".
      He started "You just have connect with Blossom" I asked " How can I do that" he scratched his beard and replied "Let me show you, though I haven't used it from a long time but I think it will still work." I nodded then he closed his eyes and straightened his body and stood for a few moment like statue and then started glowing. He wasn't glowing too much like Blossom his glow was faint and it looked like he is surrounded in a blue light . And then everyone started glowing including Suzie.
      I asked Alt "What's going on?" She replied "He's bringing everyone in this time continuum" I replied "I know that,(pointing at Suzie) but why her ?" Alt looked in that direction, she opened her mouth to say something then she gulped and said "Be ready she is a very strong fighter, I am no match to her..." I replied "I see....then we both will fight" she replied "Yeah but I don't think so it will be easy, because you have very less experience in combat" I replied "Whatever let's face what we got" and then everyone unfroze, Our enemy too.
         The moment Suzie unfroze she came straight for me and I didn't got a chance to retreat or advance but Dr. Steve saved me and took the blow on himself. Wait not on himself, he formed a shield over us. Then we advanced at her but I couldn't figure out how to use my powers or what my powers are. Alt was fighting vigorously with Suzie, I could hear the striking of knives and Alt wasn't in good shape whereas Suzie was in ease.
      Now Alt was to fall, suddenly my body started loosening and fell on the ground and Suzie was advancing at me with full speed and I was unable to move and everything turned black and I heard a scream "Alphaaa..." followed with sound of metal striking metal.

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