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       "Okay, So what did you heard?" I asked calm. "After knowing that I overheard your all conversation, you still seems to be calm." She replied. I mumbled "If you had overheard that conversation, then you needed to be calmed down.". "What?" She asked, I replied "Nothing" and smiled.
  After a short pause she insisted "I am serious, I really overheard it you know." I asked "And when will your prank end.". She asked in surprise "You already knew! It was a prank?". I chuckled and replied "Ofcourse I knew it from start." She asked in a disappointed voice "How did you knew that it was a prank?Alt told you? ..yeah she might have told you?" I replied "No she didn't told me, I was talking with Dr. Anna whole time till you came."
      Then she asked "Then how did you knew ?" I replied "It was easy as you know that we are near a stream and here sound of water is very loud and you need to sit closer to the person you need talk, like we are sitting right now and you never came near you get it?". Her expression at that time was mesmerizing. She replied "You're more smart than I thought."and then started looking at fall. Then she said "You never falls in my prank."
   I chuckled and said "You know what, you are not good in pranking.". She stood up and said "One day you will fall in my prank and that will be epic." I replied "I see..". Then she flicked her hair and spoke in a strange voice "Just wait and watch."
   Then Alt arrived and we started discussing about the Blossom's vow and some unnecessary stuff.

     Night falled down and insects started making noise and they weren't crickets or any insect we know. They were very different they seemed to be made up of metal and their eyes glowed red in dark. Sometimes their flock looked fire works in dark sky and sometimes they made me shiver.
    When we reached the fire Dr. Steve was already waiting for us. He said " Hi, kids (looking at me) how are you feeling now?" I replied "Good, just a little hungry". After a brief pause he said "Would you like to go to the forest and fetch some wood to cook food" I looked at others and then at Dr. "Alone" he laughed and replied "No,...."before he could complete a lady spoke "With me" it was the same nurse who used to take care of us. I replied "Okay,(looking at both girls) what do you say?"Both agreed.

     After a while we were somewhere in the woods surrounded by monsters. There eyes were glowing red in dark and their were a dozen of pairs of red eyes surrounding us. Continuously growling and howling.
And suddenly a creature lunged at Blossom.

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