Poor Ponyboy

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I had a free period last so i decided to leave school early no point staying the way i figured it. I walked down the front stairs and into the street littered with mustangs. "Oi, Katerina!" I looked to my right and there was Two-Bit Matthews. I gave him an evil glare he knew...shit everybody knew i hated being called katerina, everone called me Kate. "What do you want Two-bit?" he came running across the road and gave me a big bear hug. "i like your top! it matches mine!" i was wearing a grey singlet with minnie mouse on it surrounded by a red heart. "oh thanks" i said staring down at it and stretching it out. I looked up at him adn into his grey eyes that were so unique and heart warming. I had always had a sort of crush on Two-bit but i could never admit my feelings for him in fear of ruining our friendship. We just stood there for a minute just staring at eachother, i could have stood there all day there was a nice breeze the sun was shinging and the sky was crystal blue but i knew i couldn't so i spoke before he got suspicious. "So what are you doing here?" "i got bored and wanted to come find someone and then there you were." "and then there i was...." i laughed. "I'm hungry, lets go eat." i said we walked down the street shuffling the leafs with our feet. We reached the diner and walked inside. "Hi darl what would you like today?" "yeah I will have a burger with the lot with fries on the side and a chocolate thickshake thanks." "and i will have the same thanks hun." "Two-Bit! i don't have enough money to pay for both of us." "that's fine I will pay for us." " No Two-Bit i can't let you do that." "too bad, here you go darl." Two-Bit handed the women the money and took our meal. "lets sit here at the window." "ok Two-bit." 

I sat down and told him that he didn't need to pay for me "i just dont like being in debt with my friends or in general." "then think of it as an early birthday present." " Fine thankyou then" i smirked. We had just finished when  we looked out the window and saw Ponyboy being chased by a mustang full of Socs. "Come on Two-Bit we gotta help him. We rushed out the door and split up.

By the time I got there all the boys were crowded around Pony my worst thought arised and i ran up to them. "PONYBOY?!?! PONYBOY?!?!" the boy seperated and i saw Pony on the ground "is he ok?"  "yeah i'm fine Kate" "Damn it Ponyboy you know better than to walk alone!" Darry scolded him. "Hey Darry leave him be, yeah he did the wrong thing but he's sorry and he is beaten up." "stay out of it Kate." "Fine then!"

i went to walk off when i saw Dally! "DALLY?!?! OH MY GOD I THOUGHT YOU WERE STILL IN THE SLAMMER!" i screamed i ran up and hugged him. "they let me out early, good behaviour." "I can't believe it... you and good behaviour in the same sentence? i'm just glad you're out i missed you." "yeah yeah." i punched his shoulder jokingly. I went to leave and when i heard "hey, Kate want to go to the movies tonight?" "yeah sure seeya later." I walked home and got changed into some new clothes. 

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