The morning of hangovers

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Steve’s POV

I woke up the next day asleep in the kitchen with a jar of Peanut butter in my hands, I don’t remember anything from last night except the proposal and then after that everything is fuzzy. I went to get up but fell back down my head felt like my brain had a pumpkin in it and it was expanding trying to pop my eyes out and explode my skull.  I slowly got up and stumbled to the cupboard beneath the stove and got some aspirin and gulped it down. I then went outside and nearly ran back inside, outside was too bright just way to bright the sun needed to calm it’s tits and turn down the brightness. I blinked a few times to try and get a clear view of my surroundings, Two-Bit was half naked and half hanging off the edge of the pier, Dally was asleep on top of Darry, Johnny was asleep in his chair next to the smouldering bonfire that I guessed we made last night, Soda had somehow managed to get on the roof of the cabins and sleep there for the night and I don’t know where Ponyboy and Kate were but I gathered they must be in the cabins. I stumbled back to my cabin and fell into bed.

I woke up a few hours later to the sound of the shower, my vision was a little hazy so I lied on the bed for a few minutes just trying to pull myself together. What the hell happened last night? We must have drunk a hell of a lot. I stood up and heard the shower turn off a few minutes later Soda walked out, “Steve, what’s with the peanut butter man?” I had no idea what he was talking about until I looked down at my hand, I must have taken it with me and forgot to leave it at the kitchen. “Uh I don’t know man, but how was your slumber on the roof?” I asked jokingly. “Yeah it was uh interesting but what the heck happened last night?” “Man when you remember you tell me.” I laughed and jumped into the shower. I felt a better after the shower a bit more refreshed. I chucked on a black t-shirt and jeans. I walked back outside and saw Darry and Dally sitting awkwardly at the bonfire pit, I had to stir them about this, I sat down across from them. “So Darry, Dally you got something to share with everybody? You guys enjoy your sleep last night?” Dally and Darry just shot me a glare that meant if I continued it would be instant death so I just roared laughing. I looked over at the pier and Two-Bit was now only just waking up, he looked up and around you could tell he was hung over.  “Hey Two-Bit how’s the water?” I yelled laughing. He just looked at me and flipped me off, He stood up and went to walk back up the pier but fell backwards into the water I fell off the log I was sitting on and exploded into laughter, it was one of the funniest things I had seen in a while.  Two-Bit crawled out of the water literally on all fours and made his way up to is cabin. He opened the door and fell into the cabin, I had a feeling Two was still drunk.

Kate’s POV

I woke up to a loud thud and a brightness that wasn’t welcomed. I sat up quickly and clutched my head it felt like my brain was about to explode. I guessed I had a hangover, I looked at the door and saw Two-Bit lying on the ground groaning and he was half naked, I tried to remember what happened last night but I couldn’t remember a thing.  I slowly got up and helped Two get up, I think he was still drunk and he was my fiancé. It then occurred to me he was wet like he had just gone for a swim but somehow in his condition I don’t think it was by choice. I I took him to the bed and put some dry clothes on him and a towel over the pillow so he wouldn’t catch a cold from his hair. Then I helped him get under the covers, he mumbled something I think it was either thankyou or love you but I couldn’t tell. I stumbled to the bathroom and threw up then I had a shower because I thought it would make me feel better and it did a tiny bit. I no longer had to stumble where I wanted to go I could just walk normally. I put on a black pj singlet and slacks and crawled back into bed next to my fiancé I liked the fact that he was my fiancé and we were going to be married and spend the rest of our lives together. Two was still somewhat awake because he opened his arms and wrapped them around me into a bear tight cuddle.

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