Dally and me.

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I silently opened Johnny’s door the room was fairly dark but there were some dim lights on so I could see well enough. I tiptoed over to Johnny and pulled up a chair it wasn’t until I sat down that I realised how bad he was. He was face down on the bed a blanket over him covering everything from halfway down his back. Johnny’s skin looked bad, it was real red and dark, it was flaky and some parts were completely burnt and other parts looked completely normal.  I couldn’t believe the pet of the group was like this. I had an awful feeling Johnny wasn’t gonna survive but I couldn’t think that not ol’ Johnnycake. I couldn’t live without him no one in the gang could. Tears started to escape my eyes at the thought of losing Johnny, he pulled the group together, he listened to everyone and we trusted him, we all at some point or another had him crash on our couch. I want Johnny to live I need Johnny to live so he knows what it’s like not couch surfing to grow up get a job and have his own bed where he can freely sleep without worrying about his fucking parents.

 I ran my fingers through his hair and just sat there humming quietly and played with his hair. His greasy hair was now clean, it was so different. Suddenly I felt him stir and quickly pulled my hand away.  “Johnny?” I whispered.  “Hmmm Kate?” his voice was shaky and barely more than a silent whisper.  I ran my finger back through his hair he always loved me doing that well when he was younger he did.

Kate: Yeah kid, it’s me.

Johnny: What are you doing here?

Kate: came to see you, make sure you’re ok. I haven’t seen you in ages Johnnycake, I missed you. –my voice started get shaky as if I was about to cry, I took a deep breath and held back the tears I didn’t want Johnny to know I was crying.

Johnny:  I missed you to Kate, is Dallas ok?

Kate: yeah mate he’s fine.  Just a banged up arm that’s all. You know Dally he’s tough just like you.

Johnny: aw shoot Kate, I love you Kate…like a sister I mean.

Kate: I love you to Johnnycake.- he sounded exhausted- Now go to sleep.

Johnny: Kate can you sing to me like you used to?

I continued to run my hands through his hair and sang him a lullaby my father used to sing to me before he died, Johnny always loved it. I fought back the tears as I sang it over and over again, thinking about how Johnny thought of me as his sister.  When I was sure he was asleep I stopped singing kissed him on the head and walked out. I leant against the wall in the hall and let the tears flow down my cheeks.  The doctor that treated me walked up to me and asked if I was ok, I wiped my tears away with the base of my hand and said yes. The doctor then told me that Johnny would never be able to walk again the beam broke his back. “Thankyou doc” my voice sounded weak and fragile. My side was throbbing I needed more aspirin. “Your side giving you trouble? The doc asked concern was strong in his voice. “Uh yeah, just need some aspirin.” I groaned. “Come with me.” He grabbed my arm and hastily took me to the drug supply room. “What are we doing here?” I was out of breath and my side was unbearable. He shoved a medicine container in my hand.

Doc: “Here Kate take this, one every 4 -6 hours will almost completely numb the pain.”

Kate: No Doc I can’t afford these.

Doc: I know think of them as a get well soon gift – what was with people trying to give me stuff and saying to think of it as a gift?-

Kate: But Doc why?

Doc: With everything that’s happened to you and your friends I think you deserve this.

Kate: I don’t know what to say but thankyou.

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