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~Two weeks later~

My stuff was all packed and I was at the Curtis house ready to go while, Darry got the supplies and the rest of the gang scurried around making sure they had everything. “Guys com one I’m ready to go.” I pleaded. “Ok ok Kate we’re ready load your stuff in the truck.” I hurried and threw my stuff in the truck. Soda, Steve and Darry were in one truck and Pony, Two-Bit and me in Two-Bit’s car. It was a 3 hour ride to the camp site so we had the radio and Elvis was singing pretty much every second one.  Two and I took turns driving and we eventually got to camp at about 2pm. Two and I had a cabin with Darry whilst Soda, Pony and Steve shared the other Cabin. We took all our things inside and went back outside on to the porch. “Hey let’s go swimming” I said. “Great idea Kate.” Two said as he wrapped his hands around my waist hugging me from behind. “You guys go ahead I’m going to get some food for the next two weeks. I will be a while.” Darry said. “Ok see ya.” I waved at him and he left in his truck. I ran back in the cabin and Two came in behind me. “Excuse me Mr I have to get changed, so off you go.” I gestured towards the door. Two walked up and placed his hands on my hips “I’m not going anywhere.” He whispered and kissed my lips making his way down to my neck making me giggle. “Fine I will go and get dressed in the bathroom then.” I took his hands off and walked to the bathroom with my bathers. I wore my read polka dot two piece with red sunnies. I looked at myself in the mirror and could see my scar from where I was stabbed I was still a little confronted by it. I walked back out and Two-Bit was lying on the bed in his bathers and no top on, damn that boy had a good body. As creepy as it sounded I could have just stared at him the whole day but I wanted to go swimming so I put my clothes back in my bag and climbed on Two.  “Come on lazy pants, let’s go swimming!” I said eagerly. “I was waiting for you.” He leant up and kissed me and somehow got up and swung me on his back and gave me a piggyback ride all the way to the lake. The other boys were already in the water, “bout time you two showed up.” Steve yelled. Two bit was running down the pier and I knew what he was doing “TWO-BIT NO!!”  I screamed but he did it anyway he jumped in with me on his back.  We had a great time swimming splashing each other and dunking each other, until we heard a truck pull up, it was Darry with the “FOOD” Two-Bit yelled and ran out of the lake up to Darry. We all just laughed Keith could be such a five year old sometimes. We all helped Darry take the food to the kitchen. “Two-Bit you can’t eat it yet. You just have to wait until Darry cooks dinner.” I said sternly but jokingly. “Fine then.” He pouted and trudged back to our room so I followed him I had to get dressed in dry clothes anyway. As I walk in the door I see Two bit eating a candy bar, how’d he get that?

Kate: “Two did you steal that from the kitchen?” I asked with my hands on my hips.

Two-Bit:  “no I didn’t Kate- he showed me his bag and I swear half of it was full of candy.- I come prepared.”

He said laughing. I tackled him and took his candy bar off him and took a bite. I was sitting on top of him.

Two-Bit: “you know that’s not very nice” he cocked his eyebrow and rolled on top of me. “I’m going to get you back for that” he smirked and kissed me it was full of passion and love. We kept kissing and every kiss became more and more intense, he ran his hands up and down my sides grazing my scar and tracing it with his fingers. I rolled back so I was on top of him.  

Two-Bits POV

She looked beautiful and I just wanted her. I ran my hands up and down her sides until I found her scar and traced it with my fingers. It was my fault she got stabbed that night I should have gone after her that night and she wouldn’t have gone through all this. She would still be able to have kids. I kissed her more and more each kiss more powerful and strong. I loved this girl. Then we rolled over so she was on top of me and she giggled, I loved her laugh it was so cute.  Suddenly Darry walked in “oh…um didn’t mean to interrupt” Darry said awkwardly. Why did he have to walk in on us? “Oh no you didn’t, sorry Darry.” Kate blushed and looked down at the ground but Darrel just walked out of the room and said dinners ready.

Two-Bit: “Kate I love you.”

Kate: “I love you to mickey.”

Two-Bit: “Mickey? Why Mickey?”

Kate: “because you love mickey mouse and because I am your Minnie.” She smiled lifting up the corners of her mouth it was adorable.  

Two-Bit: “Mickey and Minnie, meant to be.” I said and kissed her hands.

Kate: “come on let’s go eat” she threw on a black top and denim shorts damn did that girl have a good body.

Darry’s POV

I saw Kate and Two-Bit coming down the hill and I thought back to me walking in on them. I don’t think were doing but if Two-Bit had his way they would have ended up….well I don’t want to think of it. So I just served up dinner and tried to act as normal as possible.  

Kate’s POV

Dinner was delicious and I thanked Darry he just nodded and avoided eye contact with me. He must have still been feeling awkward from before. Oh god that was embarrassing but I was glad he did. I love Two but I’m not ready to go all the way with him and I might have if Darry hadn’t walked in.  We decided we were all pretty beat so we all went to bed. I got dressed in to black shorts and purple singlet and crawled into bed next to Two-Bit. “I love you Two-Bit.” I whispered and snuggled against him putting my head against his bare chest.  He wrapped his big arms around me and squeezed me tight pulling me even closer, “I love you more than you will ever know Kate.” With that I fell asleep in Two’s arms. 

I woke up at about 3 in the morning and decided to go for a walk seeing as I couldn't get back to sleep. I walked around the lake and founda path made of dirt that made it's way through the bushes i followed it, it was like an adventure. I stumbled across another set of cabins and another lake but i saw something on the pier that led out to the lake and I froze!! FUCKING HELL!!! 


Hey guys so I am starting another outsiders fanfiction i will let you know when I have finished the first chapter.

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