Please Dally no!!

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I opened my eyes and saw most of the guys staring at me all just awestruck and shocked. “What are you guys staring at?” I grunted and sat up properly.  “What was with the punch on at the rumble?” Steve asked he was on the other side of the couch he must have broken a few ribs cus they were bandaged up. “No one stabs me and gets away with it, damn Soc.” Two-Bit was sitting next to the TV looking pretty bummed.

Two-Bit: Hey Kate can I talk to private?

Kate: Yeah sure.

I missed Two-Bit.

Two-Bit: I’m sorry Kate about everything; I just didn’t want you to get hurt.

 I pulled him into a hug and buried my face into his chest. We stood there for a moment just holding each other. I listened to his heartbeat it was so calm.

Kate: I love you Two-Bit.

Two-Bit: I love you to Kate…. Is it true what you said?

Kate: what did I say?

I pulled away and looked up at him.

Two-Bit: that you can’t have kids…

My stomach sunk hearing Two-Bit saying it made me feel awful he would never want to stay with me if he knew I couldn’t give him children one day but I wasn’t going to lie to him.

Kate: Yeah its true when the Soc stabbed me it cut me or something and now I just can’t have them. I’m sorry Two. I understand if you don’t want to go with me anymore.

Two-bit: are you kidding? I don’t care about kids, Kate I love you more than anything.  I know this may be hard for you.

Kate: it has and all I wanted was to be in your arms, I missed you so much.

Two-Bit: I missed you too and you are never leaving my arms again.

Kate: I’m glad but Two-Bit?

Two-Bit: yeah Kate?

Kate: I have to use the bathroom- I giggled.

Two-Bit: ok but come right back.

Two-bit let go and I went to the bathroom. I closed the door and lifted my top up to see my cut where I had been punched. My stitches has split and blood was everywhere my top was soaked in blood and so were my leggings. Shit!! Just then I heard someone talking in the lounge I walked out to the lounge and saw Pony but he looked disturbed and upset. “Johnny’s dead.” He simply said and then he said something after that but I had tuned out. Johnny dead? No oh god please no! Not Johnnycake he was so innocent. I leant against the wall and slid down to the floor when I heard the phone ring but I wasn’t really focusing until I heard “Dally’s being chased by the fuzz we got to hide him, he’s going to the park.” Darry said. I was the first one up and out the door I was running as fast as I could. I needed to get to Dally and protect him we all did.  I heard a whole lot of sirens and saw flashing lights as I approached the park. I was getting really dizzy but I had to keep running, I had to get to Dally. Then I saw Dally running towards us but there were a whole lot of gun shots and he went toppling down. He got back up and pulled out his heater, “Dally NO!!!” I screamed there were more shots and he fell down but didn’t get back up. “STOP!! STOP IT YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!!!!” I shouted at the fuzz. I ran over to Dally and knelt down next to his body he was slightly breathing. “Dally?” I whispered.

Dally: “Kate?”

Kate: yeah man it’s me.

Dally: listen to me, you and Two-Bit are good together, thanks for everything Kate.

And with that Dallas Winston was…dead.


I held Dally in my arms and cried looking at his face I would never see it again and the fuzz were to blame. I put him down carefully and stood up. Staring at one of the fuzz, “YOU!!- I pointed at him with one finger- THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!! YOU KILLED HIM! HE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING, HE WAS A GOOD GUY. WE LOST TWO OF OUR GUYS TODAY! TWO!!! OUR FRIENDS! BUT TO YOU THEY WERE JUST SOME GREASERS WHAT DO YOU CARE? ALL YOU CARE ABOUT ARE YOUR PRECIOUS SOCS!! WELL THEY’RE WORSE THAN US!!! THEY JUMP AS AND DON’T EVEN CARE WE NEVER DO THAT UNLESS IN SELF-DEFENSE!!! AND YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITH THIS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. - I was walking towards him and he held a gun up to my face-GO ON SHOOT ME YOU DAMN PIG!! SHOOT ME!!! –I held up my shirt to show my open stitches- I’M DYING ANYWAY IT’S BEEN LIKE THIS FOR A WHILE NOW!! SO SHOOT YOU WOULD BE DOING ME A FAVOUR!!!”

The fuzz put his gun down and backed away I stumbled back to Dallas and the gang who were surrounding him. Ponyboy was on the ground looks like he collapsed and not too long after so did I.  “Kate, I love you.” Two bit said as he picked me up. “I love you too.” I responded “come on we will get you to the hospital”.  “But Dally.” I weakly pointed towards the still lifeless body that had once been Dallas Winston, total badass, rebel, and living life to the fullest who didn’t give a damn about anything.  “He’s gone Kate and you will be to if we don’t take you to the hospital.” He sounded flat. I didn’t say anything after that I just buried my face in his chest and he carried me to the hospital as I sobbed loudly.

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