Chapter 6: The truth

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“D-Dally?” I stammered.

I fell into his chest, sobbing he wrapped his arms around me and then lifted one arm to stroke my hair. “Shhh, its ok Kate but come on we gotta get out of here.” Dally whispered.  I couldn’t move though all of me just fell numb I was sure Dallas was the only thing keeping me standing. “Dally I can’t.” my voice was shaking. He must have known I was numb because he scooped me up in his arms bridal style and carried me to his truck and placed me inside. He closed the door and got in the other side then it occurred to me, why was Dally at the park? Did he know about the murder too? Where was he taking me? But I couldn’t ask any of this because I was still in shock.

The truck halted to a stop and Dally told me to follow him he used a nice, soothing, careful voice which I had never heard from Dallas Winston before and that frightened me a little what was going on? We were at Buck’s house and I followed Dally up to his usual room. His room was small it had a single bed in the left corner and a wooden desk next to it with a wooden chair and a lamp on top and a cupboard opposite his bed there was also a window just above the desk. It was really clean which surprised me I always just assumed Dally was a slob. I just stood in the door way staring at the neatness of the room. “Come and sit down” he gestured towards the bed. I went and sat on the end of it and he sat next to me.

Dally: Kate what were you doing at the park?

I didn’t answer because I was really curious as to why Dally was there.

Kate: what were you doing at the park?

Dally: “I asked you first” a slight smile spread across his face

Kate: fine. I only just found out about the murder and I had to tell Darry but I couldn’t handle it and had to go see the scene for myself, make sure it really happened…I don’t know it sounds stupid.

Dally placed is finger under my chin and lifted my face up to meet his. He stared into my eyes with a compassionate look.

Dally: Kate it’s not stupid.  I get it.

I sunk into his chest sobbing again he one arm around me and the other stroking my hair. Then he lay back down so my head was resting against his chest and we were just lying there and I drifted off to sleep. I woke up and my throat was sore it always was after I cried. Dally was still awake and holding me tracing his finger around my back gently it felt nice.

Dally: are you ok now Kate?

Kate: I guess so I just don’t understand it.

I sat up against the wall and he sat up so he was only centimetres from my face. “You have the most beautiful hazel eyes” then Dally did the unexpected he leant in a kissed me. The kiss was strange his lips crushed mine but it felt good until I remembered I am with Two-Bit. I placed my hands on his chest and pushed him away.  “Dally I’m with Two-Bit….” I looked up into his eyes which were a mix between total bewilderment and complete despair. It made my stomach churn I hated seeing dally upset.

Dally: Since when?

Kate: last night.

Dally: oh… Kate you have to know I like you a lot.

I interrupted him before he could continue.

Kate: Dally please.

Dally: No hear me out. I need you Kate you are just so perfect.

Kate: Dally I’m sorry but I’m with Two-Bit now.

My voice was shaky and tears were welling up in my eyes. Dally placed two hands either side of my face and looked me in the eyes. “I’m sorry Kate I didn’t mean to upset you, forget about it ok?”
“I don’t want to lose you Dally…I can’t can we please just stay friends?” “yup.” Then for his sake because I could see how hurt he was I kissed him on the cheek.  And then I changed the subject.

Kate: So what were you doing at the park anyway?

Dally: I can’t say Kate.

Kate: Dally come on we have been buddies for years, you can trust me.

Dally: no you will get pissed with me.

Kate: just tell me.

Dally: Johnny and Ponyboy came to me last night after the murder I gave them a heater and cash and told them were to go. Then today I was hauled into to the station because the fuzz know me by now and I told them they were going to Texas. After I got out I went to the park t see the damage and found you there frozen.

What he said hit me like a ton of bricks. My heart dropped the Johnny had killed Bob. “Why didn’t you tell everyone?” I asked him.

Dallas: because they can’t afford having everyone know otherwise it will get out where they are. And the boys will be captured.

Kate: Dally we wouldn’t tell no one.

Dally: you might.

Kate: I wouldn’t and you know it.

I was getting angry now and my voice was rising.

Dallas: look Kate don’t get angry with me ok I told you enough and if you don’t like it then go cry to Two-Bit about it! –HE snapped


I ran out as fast as I could.

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