Unexpected night

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We all decided to go back inside the house to understand what had fully happened. We sat down in the living room which consisted of a TV old worn out 3 seater couch and two arm chairs so some of us had to stand.  We all sat there in silence for a few minutes none of us knowing where to start off so I just asked what we were all thinking. “How are you two alive and why didn’t you tell us?” I realised after I said that there was anger in my voice. I was really angry with them both for not telling me they were alive, I have been grieving for a month over those two and was finally starting to move on.  I still don’t remember the night of the rumble fully I only remember certain aspects of it. I remember running towards the park because apparently Dallas asked us to meet him there and then nothing that is the last thing I remember. 

Dallas: “Well I knew no matter what Johnny as going to end up in jail for manslaughter and I couldn’t have him in jail it wouldn’t be good for him and especially with the way he is now. So I told him that after the rumble he had to pretend to die so that I could get him out of there. I knew that I also had to fake my death in order for you guys not to come looking for me once I had disappeared with Johnnycake. So I robbed the store for the money we needed and ran off and then the fuzz came and shot me a few too many times and for a while there I thought I was a goner. However the hospital medics revived me and within a few days I was gone with Johnny and we came here thinking no one would find us but knowing Kate she somehow did.” He grinned at me and I could have slapped it right off his face.

Kate: “Fuck you Dallas Winston! FUCK YOU!” and then I stormed out and slammed the door.

 I stood on the porch for a second figuring out what to do but I heard someone say I will go get her and I didn’t want anyone near me so I took off running as fast as I could into the surrounding forest. My chest starting feeling real tight and breathing hurt but I didn’t want to stop running I didn’t want anyone to find me. I eventually found a little clearing and sat down to catch my breath and run things over in my head. Dally lied to us, I wasn’t angry with Johnny though I guess I just didn’t see it as his fault. Tears filled my eyes but I was sick of crying so I wiped them away and wouldn’t let myself cry. Once I had caught my breath I got up and started walking back to camp luckily I had somehow remembered the way I had run. They all saw me walk out of the forest they were just standing on the porch looking like they were having some sort of meeting. I still wasn’t in the mood for any of them so I walked past and ignored them when they called out for me, I even ignored Two-Bit. I walked back to my cabin and jumped in the shower I always loved hot showers they allowed me to think in peace but I didn’t want to think about any of it so I just enjoyed the peacefulness and warmth. I eventually got out and dressed into a black singlet and black shorts with my boots and jacket. I walked out of the cabin and went to walk back when I saw this old tree. The top of it completely surrounding in leaves so you couldn’t see the inside of it. I decided to climb it and when I got the top I could see for miles. The tree was like a one way mirror you could see out but no one could see in, I just sat there for a while until I heard chatter. I looked down and saw the guys walking towards camp and of course Dallas and Johnny were with them.  I was still so angry and frustrated I decided to stay up in the tree, it was nice up here I loved the view. “I think she may be in the cabin I’m going to make sure she is ok.” Two said to the group but I wasn’t in there and he soon figured that out. He ran out of the cabin looking frantic. “Guys she isn’t there!!” he shouted. “Ok Two stay here and we will go look for her.” Darry yelled back. “No way, I’m going with you she is my girlfriend.” He retorted. “Two if she comes back we need someone here.” Darry was loser now and was speaking lower. Oh yeah did I mention I could see all of camp? The boys all ran off and Two just stood out there on the porch and I saw a tear run down his face. I didn’t mean to make him cry and now I just felt bad until I thought about all he’s gone through with me lately and I felt doubly as bad.

Two-Bits POV

Where was she? I could understand why she had runaway but I’m worried about her I just want her back. She doesn’t realise how much I love her. I liked her ever since I was 15 and she was 14 but never had the courage to say anything. Now I reckon I was stupid I could have already had some good years with her but no I stuffed around with other girls trying to bury my feelings for her. Oh god! Where is she? I can’t lose her I won’t be able to function if she leaves. Just then I saw a large amount of rustling in the trees and saw her drop to the ground. She picked herself and ran over to me and gave me a big hug. “I’m sorry Two I didn’t mean to make you worried I was just so angry with him.” Her voice filled with anger when she said “him”. I hugged her tight and buried my face in to her neck and kissed it lightly. “I love you Kate.” I said softly, my voice sounded muffled because of her neck. “I love you too Mickey.” It made me smile when she said that. I started to hear the other guys coming back, I didn’t think she was ready to be around them yet. “Do you want to go camp under the stars for the night?  I asked her. She got up on her tippy toes and kissed me and pulled away “yes” a smile spread across her face. We raced back inside and packed a bag for us including my stash of food. I wrote a note to Darry telling him we would be back tomorrow and we raced out the door. Kate took us to this little clearing she found and we set up camp. “Dang it!” “What’s wrong babe?” I said She looked at me sheepishly “I forgot my sleeping bag…do you think I could sleep with you in yours tonight?” I took her in my arms and crashed my lips to hers. “Of course babe.”  I said. It got cold rather quickly so we decided to make a fire whilst Kate lay in the sleeping bag watching me. Once the fire was made I crawled in next to her and put my stash next to us. She snuggled into me and I gave her a chocolate bar. “Thanks babe.” “No problem Minnie.” She giggled. She rolled on top of me and planted one on me which sort of took me by surprise. I kissed her back and we made out for a while I ran my hands down her sides and grabbed her ass, she moaned a little. “I love you so frigging much!” I groaned. That night was the best night of my life so far. 

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